
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dems accused of tossing party into potty in attempt to reach Trump voters


Michelle Obama once gave her fellow Democrats advice on how to deal with Republicans: “When they go low, we go high," she said.

Apparently, no one listened, according to Noah Rothman, an associate editor at Commentary magazine. 

Rothman wrote an op-ed titled "Shock Jock Democrats," in which he calls out some Democrats for their use of profane language. He talked about the issue with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, hosts of the "Chicago’s Morning Answer" radio show.

Noah Rothman, an associate editor at Commentary magazine | https://www.linkedin.com/in/noah-rothman-7b722a4

Proft is a principal of Local Government Information Services, which owns this publication.

Rothman said Democratic National Chairman Tom Perez told a crowd that President Donald Trump “doesn’t give a s**t” about people having health care."

He pointed to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who used the F-word while taking aim at a Republican congressman who said that “nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care.”

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) also dropped the F-bomb in an article for New York Magazine, Rothman said.

“I think it’s incredibly condescending,” he said, arguing that Democrats believe they are appealing to Trump voters, most of which were whites without a college degree, according to Pew Research.

“They are speaking to appeal to a particular demographic by saying, ‘I’m just like you,'" Rothman said. "'I curse and swear, and I’m crass and crude, and this is the kind of thing that you want, so why don’t you just vote for me, you idiots.'"

Hillary Clinton won Illinois thanks to voters in the Chicagoland area, but Trump took the majority of its counties.

Wayne County had the biggest turnout for Trump with more than 84 percent of the vote, and almost the same amount voted for him in Edwards County. Clay, Pope, and Effingham counties also overwhelmingly backed the Republican, according to Politico. 

Those counties are more than 93 percent white, and between 10 percent and 20 percent of their population has at least a bachelor’s degree, according to Census Reporter. 

Rothman argued that Democrats are embracing a caricature of whom they think Trump voters are in order to win back their votes and also increase the level of passion in their Democratic base.

“I think they believe that this is how Donald trump got elected," he said. "That he was not just profane but that profanity was kind of earthy and genuine, and they’re just throwing whatever they can against the wall in order to see what sticks. If there is a plan involved her,e and this is how they believe they are going to reach the voters they lost, it suggests that they really don’t think very highly of their voters."