
Sangamon Sun

Friday, April 26, 2024

Village of Shermon Board met July 11.

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Village of Shermon Board met July 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Village Board in Attendance

☑ Trevor J. Clatfelter, President ☑ Pam Gray, Trustee ☑ Bret Hahn, Trustee ☑ Brian Long, Trustee ☑ Kim Rockford, Trustee ☑ Kevin Schultz, Trustee ☑ Jay Timm, Trustee

Officials in Attendance

Mike Moos, Deputy Village Administrator & EMA Director; Angela Fyans-Jimenez, Legal Counsel; Jeremy Stuenkel, Treasurer; Craig Bangert, Chief of Police; Chris Fulscher, Deputy Chief of Police; Officer Jesse Schmillen; Officer Ryan Howard; Sean Newton, Public Works Director and Bruce Beal, Sewer Coordinator Public Works.

Public in Attendance

Byron Painter, Colleen Olsen, Sandy Walden, Rick Shereda, Michelle Phillips, Ken Campbell, Karalyn Pierce, Mark Pierce and Kevin Fry.


1. Roll Call – Mr. Moos conducted a roll call of village board members with all members present except Trustee Schultz. President Clatfelter indicated Trustee Schultz will be late and there is still a quorum.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Officers Schmillen and Howard led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Set Agenda - President Clatfelter asked the Board for non-action items to be added to the agenda. Nothing was brought to the Chairs attention, President Clatfelter indicated he would entertain a motion to set the agenda. Motion by Trustee Long to Set the Agenda, seconded by Trustee Hahn. Voice Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.

Clerk’s Report

1. June 6, 2017 meeting minutes were presented for approval. Motion to Approve the June 6, 2017 Minutes was made by Trustee Timm, seconded by Trustee Gray. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (5/0). Motion Passed.

2. Presentation of Bills for Approval – President Clatfelter asked if there were any questions regarding the bills. Treasurer Stuenkel indicated there was nothing unusual in our payments other than bills for the park and walkway. Nothing further was brought to the President’s attention. President Clatfelter indicated he would entertain a motion to pay the bills. Trustee Rockford made a Motion to Approve Payment of Bills, seconded by Trustee Gray. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (5/0). Motion Passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Stuenkel indicated this month’s report is for April and next month will be for May. Treasurer Stuenkel provided a summary report of accounts and balances. Seeing no further discussion, the President asked for a Motion to Approve the Treasurers Report. Motion was made by Trustee Long to Approve the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Trustee Rockford. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (5/0). Motion Passed.

Engineering Report

Engineer Kuhn reported on:

1. Pay Request – Ottobaum (new park) this is part of phase I of the construction of the park.

The last thing scheduled related to phase I are the traffic signs and they should be going up and then we will receive request for payment for that portion. Hopefully right behind that we will be able to complete phase II.

2. Accept VanHuss Bid (concrete under new benches at park). President Clatfelter indicated we had received three bids for this job. VanHuss did the path before and is familiar with the job. VanHuss was the low bid for the project. Quote is for $19,700 for 27 pads. That comes to $730 per pad. The park bench program has been a very popular program and could expect it to expand further. Trustee Gray has done a wonderful job of managing this project. With no further questions on this bid the President indicted he would entertain a motion. Trustee Gray made a Motion to Accept the Bid from VanHuss for 27 Park Bench Concrete Pads, seconded Trustee Hahn. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (5-0). Motion Passed.

3. Discussion – crosswalks at Sherman Blvd (Bus. 55) and Meredith/Old Tipton School Road.

President Clatfelter was contacted by an individual with a concern about the cross walks for their and at Andrew Road. He has talked to Engineer Kuhn about re-addressing what we can do for those areas. Pedestrian bridge is way too costly. Just an item to get out to the Board and have for future discussion if you have any ideas.

4. Discussion – cracks, dips and various needed infrastructure road repair issues. In the past, we have used contractors to seal the cracks and we need to go out and get a new assessment of what needs to be done. The problems are all over and what type of fixes are needed. The engineer will research.

5. Occupancy Permit - Engineer Kuhn discussed the building permit process in regard to the Occupancy Permit. When the project is done the builder is supposed to call so there is a final inspection. Sometimes builders do not call and then the owners move in. So, what do we do? We need to get ahold of the builder’s attention via a fine, no further permits?

Trustee Timm suggested a $500 deposit that they get back after final inspection. Engineer Kuhn suggested we think about it and put it on the agenda for the next meeting.

Legal Report

Angela Fyans-Jimenez, Legal Counsel indicated the Steve Berg trial is continuing and there has been a settlement. The problem willow tree has been taken down and stump removed. He has paid half the fine with the other half to be paid later in the month. Trustee Long asked if there are other trees. Mr. Beal indicated there are numerous trees by the other outlets. Legal stated we need to watch those and keep him on notice that he needs to maintain his property.

Village Administrator / Economic Development Coordinator Report

1. Zoning Report - nothing to report due to transition in administration. 2. Building Permit Report – nothing to report due to transition in administration.

Attendance Note: Trustee Schultz is now present at 6:29. All 6 trustees now present.

President’s Report

1. Hire Full-Time Officer – Transition Part-Time Officer Jesse Schmillen from part-time to full time status. President Clatfelter provided the background of Jesse and indicated that there is a position open and the Chief recommended him for the promotion. President Clatfelter wanted to add his support of Jesse being made full-time completing the police department team. It takes the Board to make this action happen so President Clatfelter indicated he would entertain such a motion. Motion to Approve the Hiring of Officer Jesse Schmillen to Full-Time Status made by Trustee Timm, seconded by Trustee Long. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it. President Clatfelter wished to add his support with a vote (7/0). Motion Passed.

2. Hire Village Administrator/Economic Development Coordinator. President Clatfelter indicated that he accepted Mr. John Swinford letter of resignation. He would like to nominate Mr. Michael Stratton to be considered for the position at a salary of $60,000 annual. Motion by Trustee Gray to Hire Mr. Michael Stratton as the new Village Administrator, seconded by Trustee Rockford. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). Again, with a full favorable vote President Clatfelter indicated a Yes Vote (7/0). Motion Passed.

3. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem and Alternate Mayor Pro Tem. President Clatfelter read the letter of appointment for Mayor and Alternate Pro Tem. President Clatfelter asked for the advice and consent of such appointments. Motion by Trustee Gray to Appoint Trustee Long as Mayor Pro Tem and Trustee Schultz as the Alternate Mayor Pro Tem, seconded by Trustee Hahn. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). Again, with the favorable vote President Clatfelter adds his affirmative vote (7/0). Motion Passed.

4. Appointment of Acting Village Clerk (duties, powers and functions). These duties were previously held by the Village Administrator. Acting Clerk status has been working well and wishes to name Deputy Village Administrator Mike Moos as the Acting Village Clerk. No further discussion so President Clatfelter state he would entertain a motion. Motion to Appoint Mike Moos as Acting Village Clerk made by Trustee Timm, seconded by Trustee Rockford. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). President Clatfelter indicated he would like to weigh in on this with an Aye Vote (7/0). Motion Passed. 5. Café Liquor License: Establish new classification permit and adopt ordinance. President

Clatfelter indicated the ordinance was emailed to board members earlier. There were some grammatical errors that needed to be corrected. The big item changed was the requirement for the café area being fenced in. President Clatfelter further explained this ordinance is to permit businesses to allow patrons to drink wine or beer in front of the establishment. This ordinance is only applicable to restaurants. Bars are not able to implement. It would look inviting to see bistro style tables with umbrellas and people enjoying the outside and a drink. This is modeled after what the City of Springfield has in their ordinance and would require a $100 permit fee with a $15 inspection fee. This could be eliminated, lowered cut in half, changed in any fashion the Board wishes; it is just a place-holder in this document. Trustee Hahn asked if the fees are a one time or annual cost. President Clatfelter indicated annual. We can strike it, if so wished. Trustee Timm felt $100 is too much, but we do need to cover administrative expenses. Trustee Hahn suggested $50 with no inspection fee. The motion to approve the ordinance will reflect a $50 fee. #7 Section 4-2-5b Outdoor Café Permit, Annual Fee for an Outdoor Café Permit will be $50 and strike the $15 fee. If we needed to change or amend we can do so at a later time. Having no further discussion, the President indicated he would entertain a motion. Motion by Trustee Hahn to Adopt an Ordinance as amended to provide for an Outdoor Café Permit, seconded by Trustee Gray. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.

6. Approve Draft Budget. President Clatfelter indicated at this time, we are introducing the draft budget. We need to have a posting of a hearing. Next week’s meeting (18th) will be moved to the 25th. We will have a hearing at 5:30 and then at the regular meeting, pass the budget.

7. Set Budget Public Hearing for July 25, 2017. The hearing will at 5:30pm at Village Hall on July 25th.

8. Transfer of Tanker to Sherman Fire Protection District. We need to transfer the tanker back as they have a place for it to go and it is not wanted anymore by the Village. Need a motion to do so. Motion by Trustee Schultz to Transfer the Tanker back to the Sherman Fire Protection District, seconded by Trustee Long. Roll Call Vote with the Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed.

Committee / Department Reports

Village Wide Clean-Up Day Update: Trustee Timm reported that the Clean-Up Day was very successful. Thank you to all that helped at the event. This year we used a different waste hauler. The cost this year was half of what was paid last year. BLH collected over 5,700 pounds of e-waste that did not go into the landfill.

Sherman Police Department Report

Chief Bangert indicated nothing new to report.

Emergency Management Agency Report

Director Mike Moos indicated nothing new to report.

Department Of Public Works Report

Director Newton indicated nothing new to report.

New Business

No new business to discuss.

Old Business

No old business to discuss.

Civic Organization

1. Representatives from Waterford Home Owners Association. Rick Sheer, VP of Waterford HOA. Introduced themselves, handed out contact cards in case we needed to touch base with them. Feel free to contact us if we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. 2. Rail Homeowners Association/Dog Issue. The police department has been dealing with this issue which is at its 7th offense. Mr. Kevin Fry had indicated to the Mayor that he wished to discuss the problem with the Board. Mr. Fry was invited to make his presentation. He lives in the Rail subdivision area. The situation has developed over time and the police department is to be commended to their attention to the matter. His concern is over his neighbor’s dog a Pitbull. There have been numerous instances of problems including biting his dog and chasing a cable employee to his vehicle. There is no HOA rules on dogs. He is now going to move because of the dog. The fines have been paid by the owner and that does not seem to bother him (dog’s owner). Mr. Fry is selling his house. I am committed to the safety of our neighborhood through getting rid of this Pitbull. Our dog ordinance is not effective to a person that has a lot of money. I’m here to tell you this dog needs to be labled vicious. President Clatfelter indicated he has talked to Mr. Fry on numerous occasions and asked him to explain the situation to the Board. The Village ran up against this and we are on the 7th violation and the cost seems to not affect them. Over $2,800 in fines have been collected already. Legal indicated that she could pursue this in the courts. The last thing we want to see them (Fry Family) to have to move away from Sherman. President Clatfelter will be meeting with the wife of the owner and will try to mediate the situation. He has also asked counsel to move ahead with the Vicious declaration. He also indicated that the Village Board should revisit the dog fine process as it is not effective. President Clatfelter suggested Mr. Fry and his neighbors to reach out to the States Attorney’s office too.

Public Comment

1. Michelle Phillips, of 515 Pheasant Run. I’m here to present a petition containing 65 names for a three way stop sign at Pheasant Run and Ramblewood. President Clatfelter indicated he will have the Village Engineer research. President Clatfelter asked what are you witnessing? Speeders mainly. With the new road, this is like a runway.

2. Ken Campbell, Old Tipton Estates stated he attends many meetings and if not, he reads the minutes diligently. He read from minutes (October 2016) that discussed the bike trail and there has not been word one, of an update on this project since. There should be every three months an update. He did commend Mr. Moos for putting out there (in the minutes) what is discussed, even though he doesn’t have the space or opportunity to include everything. Mr. Campbell further stated that the minutes would reflect such information is provided. He would like to see in August, a report on the status of the bike trail. Please try to keep people informed. Also wish we had the sidewalk money, that one time was appropriated, so we don’t have to ride or walk on Old Tipton School Road.

3. Sandy Walden, I wanted to know if Mr. Stratton will be responsible for FOIA requests and ordinance violations because I have filed ordinance violation and FOIA that have not been responded to. We have a property next to us that doesn’t take care of their property and the dogs are pooping all over the place and it is not being cleaned out. As far as roads needing work, Lynndale needs work on Royal.

Executive Session

No Executive Session was held. President Clatfelter indicated he wanted legal to research our ordinances in regard to campers. There is a camper on First Street that has its front wheels on the public sidewalk. We need to address and other camper issues in the Village. We might send out a letter with an amnesty period to permit owners to find a place to store them. Trustee Timm indicated we need to include boats too.


Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Long. Voice Vote with Ayes having it (6/0). Motion Passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.




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