Sangamon County Building and Grounds Committee met August 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Pam Deppe, Brad Miller, Jason Ratts, Vera Small, Jeff Thomas
Members Absent:
Others Present: Patty Meyer, Denise E. McCrady (Secretary)
Chair Ratts called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Ratts requested a motion to approve the June 26, 2017 minutes. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Small and seconded Deppe. Motion carried (5-0).
Patty Meyer, Buildings and Grounds, addressed the Committee requesting approval to enter into a contract with SEICO to replace and install a DVR Monitoring System in the Courthouse and jail facilities at a cost of $98,316. This system will have more recording time and will be able to convert from analog to digital. A second was submitted by Security Automated Systems with a cost of $105,000. A motion to approve the request and forward to the full County Board was made by Thomas and seconded by Miller. Motion carried (5- 0).
There was no old business or public comment.
Ratts requested a motion to approve the requisitions. A motion to approve the requisitions was made by Small and seconded by Deppe. Motion carried (5-0).
A motion to adjourn was made by Miller and seconded by Small. Motion carried (5-0). Meeting adjourned.