Auburn Public Library Board met April 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Diana Coffman, President
Jeff Davis, Vice President
Dave Hallerberg, Treasurer
Lisa Whisler, Secretary
Shirley Deheve
Ashley Foster
Carrie Pillischafske
Amy Steele
Kristin Lear, LIbrarian
Calla Patton Library Director
Craig Hall from Talkington township
Phil Lenzini, Attorney
I. Review of previous meeting minutes for acceptance.
Shirley Deheve made a motion to accept the minutes for March 2018. Shirley Deheve motion with Amy Steele giving a second. The motion unanimously passed.
II. Consent Agenda
1. Library Statistics March 2018
2. Fiscal Year Per Capita Grant received: $3074.40
Ashley Foster made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. Carrie Pilishafscke seconded the motion which unanimously passed.
III. Treasurer’s Report
Dave Hallerberg presented the Library District’s financials for March 2018. He presented with a correct copy of accounts.
Shirley Deheve made a motion to accept and approve the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018. Jeff Davis seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
IV. Director’s Report
1. Facility
Picture of roof and damage presented with the note that bids are pending for repair work. Dave Hallerberg will help with elecrical needs in the buidling. The HS art class will help in 2020 with design and painting of the mural. Calla will take pictures and paint wall in the meantime.
2. Programs:
There is an AARP FLYER. The book sale sign up sheet is going around. There is a trivia flyer.
3. Staff:
On 4/19 there is Polaris training in Decatur. On 4/18 Calla will meet with Chatham library to swap schedules.
4. Other:
The internet is fixed. A young patron will mow for the library.
Lisa Whisler made a motion for patron, Cole Edie, to mow the grounds for ten dollars per service. Ashley Foster seconded and the motion passed.
V. Committee Report:
None at this time.
VI. Public
There are no public comments to be heard at this time.
VII. Old Business
1. Annexation
Attorney Lenzini explained post election that the voting precincts of Auburn 3 and 4 in town, passed. The proposition lost overall due to Loami and Talkington. A motion was sent to judge to confirm the voting results and adopt an annexation ordinance to accept Auburn 3 and 4. This will put the areas on the tax roll and distinguish the boundary lines. Also mentioned was that unserved territories pay $170.00 on taxes to the library but when they voted were unaware of this. Potentially District could consider annexing res to Auburn township 1 and 2. (Township boundaries are locked.) Calla will call assessor office in Springfield to clarify that the library property is exempt under the tax code. The city has not deeded the building over but the Court has ordered the property to the District.
Carrie Pillischafske made a motion to accept Direct Deposit for employees.
Ashley Foster seconded. Aye: Whisler, Foster, Pillischafske, Deheve, Davis and Steele. Nay: none. Abstain: Hallerberg, Coffman.
Harassment Policy updated with a correct copy for viewing. LIsa Whisler made a motion to accept the drafted policy noting the Attorney Lenzini was consulted on the policy Ashley Foster seconded the motion. Motion carried with board member Shirley
Deheve abstaining.
VIII. New Business
District bylaws will be tabled for May.
Ancestry renewal and alternative option tabled till May.
Enter agreement for Polaris will be paid.
A motion was made by Amy Steele to pay said agreement and seconded by Carrie Pillischafske. Unanimously passed.
IX. Closed Session
None at this time.
X. Announcements
1. Next meeting May 15, 2018 at 7 pm.
XI. Adjournment
Amy Steele made a motion to adjourn the District Board Meeting at 9:17 p.m.
Carrie Pillischafske seconded the motion which passed.