Henry Senachwine Community Unit School District 5 Board met May 30.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I A special meeting of the Board of Education of the Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 was held in the Henry-Senachwine High School Media Center, 1023 College Ave., Henry, Illinois on Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
II There were present in person: Lori DeWeerth, James Downey, Angie Earles, Jeremy Kiesewetter, Melissa Thompson, and Randy Witko, comprising a quorum of the Board.
There were absent: Mary Jo Klein
III Motion by Jeremy Kiesewetter, seconded by James Downey, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 approve the agenda with an addition or deletion or correction of the following items:
Roll Call: Yea; Downey, Yea; Earles, Yea; Kiesewetter, Yea; Thompson, Yea; Witko, Yea; DeWeerth.
Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried.
IV Recognition of guests: None
V 5.01 Motion by James Downey, seconded by Angie Earles, that the Board of Education of Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 approve the HS High School Addition and Security Modifications for HSHS and HSGS/JH as follows:
Vissering Construction Company for a base bid amount of $573,700. The Board authorizes Superintendent Dr. Michael Miller, on the District’s behalf, to sign and approve a contract that is in alignment with the accepted project bid.
Roll Call: Yea; Earles, Yea; Kiesewetter, Yea; Thompson, Yea; Witko, Yea; DeWeerth, Yea; Downey.
Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried.
XII Motion by James Downey, Seconded by Jeremy Kiesewetter, that the Board of XEducation of CUSD 5 adjourn its meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Voice Vote.
Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried.