
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Auburn City Council Met August 17

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City of Auburn City Council met Aug. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Berola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present in Council Chambers: Tom Berola, Julie Barnhill, Chris Warwick, Lori Basiewicz, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Bill Karhliker, Joe Powell, Ben Royer, Tracy Sheppard and Attorney Greg Moredock.

Absent: None

Department Heads in Council Chambers: Chief Dave Campbell, Assistant Superintendent TJ Henson

Department Heads Absent: Superintendent Mike McCarthy

Present via ZOOM Teleconferencing: City Office Manager Kristy Ponsler

I. Mayor’s Comments

A. Superintendent Appointment

Mayor Berola recommended to the Council to promote Assistant Superintendent TJ Henson to Superintendent on the close of business on September 4, 2020 with the retirement of current Superintendent Mike McCarthy.

Motion by Johnson second by Hemmerle to promote Assistant Superintendent TJ Henson to Superintendent on the close of business on Friday, September 4, 2020. Salary will be discussed. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard

NAYES: None 


B. Certification form for the Local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency (CURE) Support Program – reimbursement to local government for Covid-19 related expenses

Mayor Berola informed the Council of the local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency (CURE) Support Program that is available for reimbursement to local government for Covid-19 related expenses.

Motion by Johnson second by Basiewicz to authorize the Mayor to certify that the CURE funds, that the City of Auburn will receive, will be used for authorized expenses to participate in the CURE program. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard

NAYES: None 


II. Visitors/Public Comments

III. Zoning

Alderwoman Sheppard informed the Council that the last Zoning meeting scheduled for August 12, 2020 was cancelled.

IV. City Clerk’s Report – Barnhill

A. August 17, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. – Biannual Review of Closed Session Minutes

City Clerk Barnhill shared that the Council reviewed the Closed Session Minutes prior to tonight’s Council meeting, August 17, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. and no closed session minutes would be open at this time.

B. August 3, 2020 Meeting Minutes

City Clerk Julie Barnhill presented the August 3, 2020 meeting minutes for the Council’s review and approval.

Motion by Sheppard second by Basiewicz to approve the August 3, 2020 meeting minutes. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard

NAYES: None 


V. City Treasurer’s Report – Warwick

A. Bills List August 4, 2020 to August 17, 2020

City Treasurer Chris Warwick presented the Bills List for August 4, 2020 to August 17, 2020 to the Council for their review and approval.

Motion by Sheppard second by Royer to approve the Bills List for August 4, 2020 to August 17, 2020. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



B. July 2020 Cash Report

Treasurer Chris Warwick presented the July 2020 Cash Report for the Council’s review and approval.

Motion by Royer second by Sheppard to approve the July 2020 Cash Report. (7-1-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard

NAYES: Garrett


VI. Attorney – Moredock

A. First Reading: Ordinance 1486-20 – An Ordinance Making Supplemental

Appropriations of Sums of Money

Attorney Moredock presented the First Reading of Ordinance 1486-20 – An Ordinance Making Supplemental Appropriations of Sums of Money for the Council to review.

B. Covid-19 Policy

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the proposed Covid-19 Policy for the City of Auburn for their review.

VII. Department Heads

A. Police Department – Campbell

Chief Campbell shared with the Council that some grant money is back and will be using it for traffics stops.

B. Public Works – McCarthy

Assistant Superintendent TJ Henson, whom filled in for Superintendent McCarthy in his absence, shared information with the Council on the tree bids that he received for the removal of tree at 903 W. Adams.

Motion by Garrett second by Sheppard to accept the lowest bid of $975 by Hemberger Tree Removal, to remove tree at 903 W. Adams. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



Henson also informed the Council that oil and chip has been scheduled to begin on August 24, 2020.

Henson also told the Council that the tree/limb burn pile did burn fast and they will be opening up the site again on Wednesday.

Alderman Garrett informed the Council that he received a phone call from a resident in Ward III indicating that a tree, which is on the city right away, is hanging over their house. Their insurance company indicated the tree hanging over the roof represents a liability to the home. Garrett is asking who is responsible for this tree removal or trimming. Garrett indicated that in his previous line of work that property hazards such as overhanging trees could cause homeowners to lose insurance coverage. Can the property owners have the tree trimmed? Garrett asked the council if they would be willing to reimburse the residents for such expenses. Attorney Moredock indicated that he will check into the policy on refunding residents for the removal of or trimming of trees in the City’s right away that affect homes. Alderman Karhliker reminded the Council that this is a sticky situation and don’t set a precedence here.

Alderman Royer also informed the Council that clean up at the East Park would be taking place on Saturday, August 22, 2020. Royer plans on trimming trees and cleaning up if anyone would like to participate.

C. City Office–Ponsler

City Office Manager Kristy – No Report.

VIII. Committee Reports

A. Administration – Johnson

Alderman Johnson indicated that he needs to set up an Administration Committee meeting and would like to set it up meeting for Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 6 p.m. to discuss electronic devices for the City Council and would need an executive session for personnel.

B. Public Works–Karhliker

Alderman Karhliker has placed a call into engineering and would like to see the grant MFT funds of $52K go for infrastructure or using it on the bridge replacement/repair. These grant funds must be used for infrastructure and/or improvements.

C. Public Utilities – Johnson

FY21 Budget Amendment is to be amended due to additional revenue and expenses that were not accounted for and/or received at the time of the previous budget approval. Those changes to the budget include:

Rebuild Illinois funds in the MFT department of 52,404.61. Both a revenue and expense line created for these new dollars.

IEPA Construction Funds Revenue into the Water Fund, Transfer of those funds to a new fund area (Construction) and the expenditure of funds out of the new Construction fund to cover costs associated with work being done on the facilities plan. In total, 3,096,191.17 will come into water as reimbursement, be transferred to the new Construction fund, and expenses paid out of that fund to cover work being completed for the facilities plan.

One last line item added to each fund (General, Water, Sewer, and Gas) is the revenue line item for the Local Cure Program. $50,000 revenue is included in each of those funds as well as a corresponding expenditure line in each of those funds to account for expenses incurred by the city directly related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Alderman Johnson indicated that the pre-construction meeting for meter replacement has been scheduled for August 28, 10 a.m.

D. Health & Safety – Sheppard

1) Hiring of PT Officer

Alderwoman Sheppard shared with the Council that she is recommending the hiring of Zac Pearce as a part-time police officer with the City of Auburn effective August 24 at the pay rate of $19 per hour.

Motion by Garrett second by Sheppard to hire Zac Pearce as a part-time police officer with the City of Auburn effective August 24, 2020 at the pay rate of $19 per hour. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard

NAYES: None 


2) Hiring of FT Officer

Alderwoman Sheppard and Chief Campbell shared with the Council that they are recommending the hiring of Mike Lavin, current City garage employee, as a full-time officer, effective August 18, and salary will commensurate with union contract. Mr. Lavin, will take test on Wednesday of this week and then be heading into academy.

Motion by Sheppard second by Royer to hire Mike Lavin as a full-time officer, effective August 18 and pay will commensurate with union contract. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard

NAYES: None 


E. Health&Housing–Sheppard

Alderwoman Sheppard – No Report

F. Parks – Hemmerle

Alderman Hemmerle informed the Council that he needs to set up a Parks Committee meeting and would like to piggyback off of Alderman Johnson’s Administration meeting on Tuesday, August 25. Parks will follow the Administration meeting that evening.

G. Economic Development Committee – Basiewicz

Alderwoman Basiewicz -- no report.

IX. Other

Alderman Powell did inform the Council that the Fire department signed up for the Sangamon Alert Messages. Powell is hoping that the City of Auburn will follow suit. The program is free and is hoping to be up and running next year. City Manager Ponsler indicated that we were in a contract until next year so that should work out.

X. Adjournment

Motion by Garrett second by Sheppard to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. Passed by voice vote.
