Village of Illiopolis Village Board met March 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A roll call was taken, all members were present except J. DeVore.
The Agenda was adopted as presented.
R. Reed made a motion to approve the March 7th meeting minutes with D. Koonce seconding. Motion carried 4-0-1 with B. Honea abstaining.
Chris Nickell with Highlander Renewables and Eric Carlson with Equinor gave a presentation on a proposed solar project at the Illiopolis Industrial Rail Site. Tony Caccomo with Affordable Homes and Kevin James with Verde Solutions also gave a proposal for a solar project along with commercial development at the same site.
Open Forum
Treasurer’s Report
C. Mitchell presented the treasurer’s report. She also went over the profit and loss and balance sheets.
B. Honea made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report with D. Koonce seconding. Motion carried 5-0-0.
Economic Development Report
Engineering Report
P. Weber mentioned some of the issues that the engineers found while inspecting the Waddell property. The Board will get a report when it is completed.
Old Business
New Business
P. Weber mentioned that he had done some research regarding whether there was some gas tanks on the property and had not found anything as of yet. D. Koonce made a motion to do an environmental study on the Waddell property with B. Honea seconding. A roll call vote was taken. All Ayes, motion carried 5-0-0.
Mayor Rogers mentioned that we had discussed doing an engineering study but it need to be voted on to make it official.
D. Koonce made a motion to do an engeneering study on the Waddell property with B. Honea seconding. A roll call vote was taken, motion carried 5-0-0.
Dilapidated Property
A real estate company has come in and cleaned up the property on 4th street. They plan to refurbish and then sell it.
R. Reed mentioned that there are still piles of Railroad ties and he hopes we can get it cleaned up before warm weather so that we don’t attract animals. Mayor Rogers said that he will contact the Railroad. J. Swick mentioned there were complaints about a yellow 4 wheeler running around town, Mayor Rogers said that he has contacted the Police to get it taken care of.
M. Pevler mentioned that the house west of the dance hall had a trailer sticking out into the road.
Mayor Rogers mentioned that at the last board meeting it was discussed that there was an issue with the township water bill along with the resident next door. He contacted EJ water, and as he thought the meter numbers were written down for the wrong addresses as the two meters are next to each other, and the issue has been resolved.
B. Honea made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm with M. Pevler seconding.