Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Feb. 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1) Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance
2) Roll Call
3) Adoption of Agenda
4) Approval of January 16, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5) Recognition of Visitors
Seth Flach with MG Engineers
6) Open Forum
Visitors may address the Board. Comments may be limited in time.
All visitors are asked to please remain quiet during a meeting, unless you are acknowledged by a trustee or the Mayor. Thank you.
7) Treasurer’s Report
8) Economic Development Report
9) Engineering Report
10) Old Business
Video gaming terminal ordinance
Discussion of solar options
11) New Business
Electronics collection
Tire collection
Shred event
Illiofest meet Prom Court application for raffle license
SVBP Music Bingo application for raffle license
Potential regionalization of sewer plants
Treasurer’s salary
12) Dilapidated Property
13) Comments from Trustees and Mayor
14) Adjournment
*The Board may address other matters as needed and/or recess into executive session to consider litigation and/or personnel matters