
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Village of Greenview Village Board met Oct. 7

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Greenview Water Tower | Greenview School District #200 | Facebook

Greenview Water Tower | Greenview School District #200 | Facebook

Village of Greenview Village Board met Oct. 7

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Greenview Village Board met for a regularly scheduled board meeting on Monday, October 7, 2024. President Kevin Curry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all present participated in the pledge of allegiance. The roll call indicated that Trustees Jamie Booth, Patrick Feagans, Liz Soldwedel and Pamela Rouse were present. Other village personnel present were John Holt, William Reynolds, and Village Clerk Rachel Henderson.

Public Participation – None

William Reynolds gave the maintenance report. A motion was made by Trustee Soldwedel and seconded by Trustee Booth to approve the report as presented. All present in favor voted aye. Report filed into record. 

Police report will be postponed until the next scheduled meeting. 

The minutes from September 16, 2024, board meeting was reviewed by each board member. A motion was made by Trustee Feagans and seconded by Trustee Booth to approve the minutes. Minutes approved and filed into record. 

Income/Expense/Bill Report 

Each board member reviewed the bills. A motion was made by Trustee Soldwedel and seconded by Trustee Rouse to approve the payment of all bills. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed.

Executive Session - None

Old Business - None

New Business- 

A. A motion was made by Trustee Soldwedel and seconded by Trustee Feagans to approve the proposed Halloween Trick or Treat hours of 5:00pm – 8:00pm for homes with porch lights on. All present in favor voted aye, motion passed. 

B. A motion was made by Trustee Feagans and seconded by Trustee Soldwedel to approve the 2025 car club donation in the amount of $1500.00. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye, motion passed. 

C. A motion was made by Trustee Soldwedel and seconded by Trustee Booth to accept credit card payments through Government Portal for all income transactions in office and through the village’s webpage. All present in favor voted aye, motion passed. 

D. A motion was made by Trustee Feagans and seconded by Trustee Booth to approve the bid from Grosch Irrigation in the amount of $9,750.00 for the cleaning of well #3. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye, motion passed. 

E. A motion was made by Trustee Soldwedel and seconded by Trustee Rouse to approve the IML RMA annual 2025 membership dues in the amount of $29,728.23. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye, motion carried. 

F. A motion was made by Trustee Soldwedel and seconded by Trustee Rouse to dissolve the intergovernmental agreement with the City of Athens for police coverage effective October 31, 2024, with no penalty. Motion was roll called, all present in favor voted aye, motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Trustee Feagans:  None. 

Trustee Soldwedel:  None. 

Trustee Booth: Upcoming drain flushing to be completed. 

Trustee Smith:  Absent. 

Trustee Rouse:  None. 

Treasurer:  None. 

Clerk:  None. 

President: Trunk or Treat to be held on October 26th from 5:00pm – 6:00pm at the Greenview Park. Food and music to be available from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.

At the conclusion of all business, the announcement of the next meeting was made. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm. 
