Holly Wilde-Tillman, County Clerk | Hancock County Website
Holly Wilde-Tillman, County Clerk | Hancock County Website
Hancock County Board met March 18
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A. Call to Order
B. Invocation – Michelle Merritt
C. Pledge of Allegiance – Clerk
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of February minutes, executive session minutes
A. Welcome Visitors –
B. Public comments and correspondence to the Board
A. County Highway, Road, and Bridge
B. Finance, Fees, and Salaries
C. Building, Grounds, Insurance
D. Health and Miscellaneous – End of Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda
A. Three Mandatory Safety Classes Per Year to be Chosen by the Office Holders for Their Employees
B. Continuation of Membership to the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network
C. 5311 Grant – Authorization to submit Applicant's Certificate of Intent for Section 5311 Grant Agreement, Board Resolution Authorizing Execution of Section 5311 Grant Agreement, Enabling Ordinance for Section 5311 Grant Agreement, Authorization to submit Labor Protection (Section 5333(b) Warranty Acceptance) for Section 5311 Grant Agreement, Authorization to submit Title VI Questionnaire for Section 5311 Grant Agreement, Authorization to submit Lobbying Certification for Section 5311 Grant Agreement, Authorization to submit FTA Certifications and Assurances for Section 5311 Grant Agreement
D. Authorization to submit Downstate Operating Assistance Program (DOAP) Application for Hancock County Public Transportation
E. Noxious Weed Ordinance
F. Ordinance for Custody of Release of Titles for County Vehicles
G. All Worker’s Comp Claims Must Go Through the County Clerk’s Office Before Going Through Insurance
End Consent Agenda
A. ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric Conversion
B. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from W.L. Miller Company of Hamilton, IL in the amount of $618,280.00 to furnish Bituminous Materials to Hancock County in 2025. There were no alternate bids to furnish those materials.
C. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from W.L. Miller Company of Hamilton, IL in the amount of $1,041,300.00 to furnish Bituminous Materials (Group 1, Spread on Road) to the Townships of Hancock County in 2025. An alternate bid in the amount of $1,141,866.00 was received from A.C. Pavement Striping Company of Elgin, IL.
D. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from W.L. Miller Company of Hamilton, IL in the amount of $702,380.00 to furnish Bituminous Materials (Group 2, F.O.B. Townships) to the Townships of Hancock County in 2025. There were no alternate bids to furnish those materials.
E. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from Metal Culverts, Inc of Jefferson City, MO in the amount of $32,980.40 to furnish Culvert Materials to Hancock County in 2025. There were no alternate bids to furnish those materials.
F. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from Metal Culverts, Inc of Jefferson City, MO in the amount of $100,121.60 to furnish Culvert Materials (Group 1, Up to 48” Diameter Pipes) to the Townships of Hancock County in 2025. There were no alternate bids to furnish those materials.
G. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from Metal Culverts, Inc of Jefferson City, MO in the amount of $8,850.00 to furnish Culvert Materials (Group 2, Over 48” Diameter Pipes) to the Townships of Hancock County in 2025. There were no alternate bids to furnish those materials.
H. Acceptance of the low bid proposal from Metal Culverts, Inc of Jefferson City, MO in the amount of $213.20 to furnish Culvert Materials (Group 3, Flared End Sections) to the Townships of Hancock County in 2025. There were no alternate bids to furnish those materials.
A. Discussion on Resolution for Bank Account Signatures
VII. Executive session regarding personnel, property acquisition
A. Ryan Weeks - Noxious Weed Superintendent
B. Mike Moore – Trustee for Blandinsville-Hire Fire Protection – 3-year term
A. The proposed board meeting is scheduled for April 15, 2025
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hancock County Courthouse
500 Main Street
County Board Room
Third Floor
Carthage, IL 62321