
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ball-Chatham School District Board holds 2017 budget hearing

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At a meeting this week, the Ball-Chatham School District Board held a fiscal 2017 budget hearing.

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education consists of seven board members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of four years each. The board elects a president, vice president and secretary to serve for one-year terms.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the board.


Sep 26, 2016 (Mon)

REGULAR MEETING BALL-CHATHAM COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #5 - Closed Session - 5:15 p.m.; Budget Hearing - 6:30 p.m.; Regular Session to follow Hearing


1.1 Roll Call


2.1 Adjournment from Regular Session to Closed Session

2.2 Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)]

2.3 Contract Negotiations [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)]

2.4 Litigation [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)]

2.5 Closed Session Minutes [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)]

2.6 Adjournment from Closed Session to Regular Session


3.1 Approval of Agenda

To approve the agenda for the meeting of September 26, 2016.

3.2 Action Items from Closed Session

To approve the action items coming out of closed session.
The board will have reviewed the closed session minutes of special closed meetings of August 16 and September 14, 2016 and regular meeting of August 22, 2016, and will vote in open session to approve or amend as presented in closed session.


4.1 Budget Hearing on FY17 Budget This item has files attached

Motion to close the Budget Hearing

The Board President shall announce the opening of the budget hearing process.

 There have been no modifications from last month's presentation (see attachment).

 CFO Charlotte Montgomery, will be present to answer any questions from the board or from the audience.   After all questions have been addressed, the President should call for a motion to close the budget hearing.

4.2 Approval of FY17 Budget This item has files attached

To approve the Resolution and FY17 Budget as presented and submit to ISBE.


5.1 Citizens: Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Agenda Topic



6.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

All items listed under the consent agenda are adopted by one motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item be removed and voted upon separately.

Consent agenda items are matters which the Board and the Superintendent agree are routine and in nature and should be voted on in one motion to conserve time.

The Board President will ask all board members if they want to “pull out” any consent agenda item, if so the item will be become a regular action item and moved to "New Business."

6.2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, August 22, 2016 This item has files attached

To approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held August 22, 2016.

6.3 School District Accounts Payable This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the total payables including checks and ach’s for $2,172,841.47.

6.4 School Activity Account Reports This item has files attached

To approve the school's activity account reports as presented.

6.5 Treasurer/Financial Report This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the Treasurer/Financial Reports as presented.

6.6 FOIA Requests This item has files attached

6.7 Approve the Application for Recognition of Schools for 16-17 This item has files attached

Approve the Application for Recognition of Schools for 16-17
Action (Consent)
Recommended Action
To approve the Application for Recognition of Schools for 16/17 and submit to ROE by September 30, 2016 for submission to ISBE.

Annually the Application for Recognition of Schools is submitted to the ROE for submission to ISBE.  All schools at Ball-Chatham are in compliance.

6.8 Equipment Donation: Acceptance of Gift of Rifton Sololift, Medium Solovest and battery/ power supply

Equipment Donation: Acceptance of Gift of Rifton Sololift, Medium Solovest and battery/ power supply
Action (Consent)
Recommended Action
The administration is recommending the acceptance of equipment donation: Rifton Sololift, medium Solovest, and battery/ power supply.

Mary Riegle, mother of Nathan Riegle,  has graciously offered a Rifton Sololift, medium Solovest, and battery/ power supply to the school district. The Rifton Sololift is a mobile transfer device for students with disabilities that allows staff to transfer heavier, non-weight bearing students with no manual lifting.  Mary Riegle’s only request is that the district provide her a letter accepting the donation of this equipment to use the donation for tax purposes.  

6.9 Resolution to Dispose of Surplus and Non Salvageable Equipment This item has files attached

To Approve Resolution to dispose of surplus or non-salvageable equipment as recommended by the Administration and presented.

There are several pieces of technology equipment and related materials that have been deemed surplus or non-salvageable. The Administration would like to dispose of said equipment either through waste disposition, public sale, or private sale. The Board of Education needs to pass the attached Resolution.


7.1 Adoption of Personnel Consent Agenda Items

That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the personnel consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

All items listed under the consent/personnel agenda are adopted by one motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that an item be removed and voted upon separately.


Personnel consent agenda items are matters which the Board and the Superintendent agree are routine and in nature and should be voted on in one motion to conserve time.


The Board President will ask all board members if they want to “pull out” any consent agenda item, if so the item will be become a regular action item and moved to "New Business."

7.2 Resignation of GHS Student Council Advisor This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Courtney Wiedeman, GHS Student Council Advisor (only), and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Mrs. Wiedeman for her service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Courtney Wiedeman has resigned as GHS Student Council Sponsor.

7.3 Resignation of GHS Secretary This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Rhonda Gill, GHS Secretary, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Gill for her service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Rhonda Gill has resigned as GHS Secretary effective 10/7/2016.

7.4 Resignation of GMS Assistant Volleyball Coach This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of McKenna Matrisch, GMS Assistant Volleyball Coach (only), and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Matrisch for her service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

McKenna Matrisch has resigned as GMS Assistant Volleyball Coach effective 8/31/2016.

7.5 Resignation of GMS Library Aide This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Elena Dockter, GMS Library Aide and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Elena Dockter has resigned as GMS library aide effective September 2, 2016.

7.6 Resignation of GIS Cashier This item has files attached

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Theresa Dupuis, GIS Cashier, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Dupuis for her service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Theresa Dupuis has resigned as GIS Cashier effective 9/16/2016.  Ms. Dupuis is moving out of the area.

7.7 Resignation of GIS Playground Supervisor This item has files attached

To accept the resignation of Jacqueline Colonius as GIS playground supervisor to voluntary transfer to the full-time cashier position at GIS effective 9/16/2016.

Jacqueline Colonius has resigned as GIS playground supervisor to voluntary transfer to the full-time cashier position at GIS effective 9/16/2016.

7.8 Resignation of GIS Playground Supervisor 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Rebecca Hamer, GIS Playground Supervisor, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Hammer for her service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Rebecca Hamer has resigned as GIS playground supervisor effective 9/20/2016.

7.9 Resignation of BE Custodian 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Ed Noel, BE Custodian, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Mr. Noel for his service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of his resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Ed Noel, BE Custodian, has resigned effective 9/16/16.

7.10 Resignation of BE Part-time Cook 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Angel Kraemer, BES part-time cook, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Kraemer for her service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of her resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Angel Kraemer has resigned as part-time (3 hrs/day) cook position at BE.

7.11 Resignation of GES Playground Supervisor 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Devon Simmons, GES Playground Supervisor, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Mr. Simmons for his service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of his resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting

Devon Simmons has resigned as GES playground supervisor effective 10/5/2016. Devin will be joining the U.S. Army.   Thank you for your service to our country Devon!

7.12 Resignation of CES 2nd Shift Custodian 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to accept the resignation/retirement letter of Phillip Payne, CES 2nd shift Custodian, and that the Board expresses its appreciation to Mr. Payne for his service to the Ball-Chatham School District, and that a copy of his resignation/ retirement letter/form be attached to and be made part of the official minutes of this meeting.

Phillip Payne, CE 2nd Shift Custodian, has resigned effective 8/19/2016.

7.13 Employment of Full-Time Kindergarten Teacher at BES

It is the recommendation of the BES Administration to employ Roxanne Gardner as a full-time Kindergarten self-contained classroom teacher, and that the base salary shall be $48,312.33 (MS - Step 18) (prorated for 166 days) for the 2016/17 school year.

Due to the resignation of  Kristine Wujek, the district needs to hire a full- time Kindergarten teacher.  The recommended candidate is Mrs. Roxanne Gardner.  Mrs. Gardner holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Illinois State University and a Master’s Degree in Child, Family and Community Service from the University of Illinois at Springfield.  Roxanne has 20 years of teaching experience including 12 years as a Kindergarten teacher at Ball Elementary.  Roxanne’s first day of full time employment with the district is September 2, 2016.  

7.14 Employment of Paraprofessional at GMS

It is the recommendation of GMS administration to employ Maria Jmerson as a Paraprofessional for the rest of first semester and the salary shall be $12.00 per hour.

The district needs to employ a Glenwood Middle School Paraprofessional to help meet the needs of students. Maria Jmerson is the recommended candidate.  Ms. Jmerson has been a dedicated educator and has worked with students with a variety of backgrounds. She is certified as a paraprofessional/teacher assistant.  

7.15 Employment of Full-time Cashier at GIS

It is recommendation of the Administration to employ (voluntary transfer) Jacqueline Colonius as full-time cashier (7.5 hrs) for Glenwood Intermediate School and the salary shall be $10.50 for the 2016/17 school year.

Due to the resignation of Therese Dupuis, the district needs to hire a a cashier at GIS.  This position was revised to a 7.5 hour position this summer (2016.)   The recommended candidate is Ms. Jacqueline Colonius.  Ms. Colonius is a graduate of Pleasant Plains High School and has worked as a playground supervisor in our district since the start of the 2015-2016 school year.  She also has subbed as the GIS cashier on several occasions. Ms. Colonius has been an integral part of the GIS cafeteria/playground team.

7.16 Employment of Custodian – 2nd shift at CES

It is the recommendation of the Administration to employ Anthony Jennings as the CE full-time, 2nd shift, custodian, and the salary shall be $10.50 per hour plus benefits for the 2016/17 school year.


Due to the resignation of Phillip Payne, a second shift custodian position was vacant at CES. Mr. Anthony Jennings is the recommended candidate for hire. His previous work experiences as a custodian-maintenance and grounds worker for the Village of Thayer, Illinois will assist him in the transition to the position.

7.17 Employment of Custodian - 2nd Shift at GMS

It is the recommendation of GMS administration to employ Kevin Frazier as a full-time 2nd shift custodian and the salary shall be $10.50 for the 2016/17 school year.

The district needs to employ a Glenwood Middle School night custodian due to the resignation of Eric Carlson. Kevin Frazier is the recommended candidate.  Mr. Frazier has previous experience as a maintenance worker in various local restaurants and corporations.  We are excited that he will be joining the GMS team!

7.18 Employment of Full-Time Library Aide at GMS

It is the recommendation of GMS administration to employ Rosemary Stone as GMS full-time library aide and the salary shall be $12.00 per hour for the 2016/17 school year.

The district needs to employ a Glenwood Middle School library aid due to the reduction of the GMS librarian position. Rosemary Stone is the recommended candidate.  Ms. Stone has been a dedicated volunteer at the Glenwood High School library as well as serving as a substitute. She holds a Bachelor degree in Secondary Education the University of Illinois.   The staff of Glenwood Middle school is very pleased to have a well rounded individual help us in the library.


7.19 Employment of Part-time (3 hr/day) Cook at CES

It is recommendation of the Administration to voluntary transfer Rebekah Reese from CE playground supervisor position to part time (3 hrs/day) cook at Chatham Elementary beginning September 6, 2016.  The hourly rate of pay will be $10.50 per hour for the 2016/17 school year.

Due to the resignation of Shu Su in the cafeteria, the district needs to hire a 3 hour kitchen employee for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year. The recommendation is for Rebekah Reese to have a voluntary transfer from CE playground supervisor to this position for the remainder of the school year.  



7.20 Employment of Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) at CES

It is a recommendation of the Administration to employ Jamie Holt as a playground supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) at Chatham Elementary and the salary shall be $10.00 per hour for the 2016/17 school year.

With the resignation of Korey Johnson, the district need to employ a part-time 3.5 hrs/day playground supervisor at Chatham Elementary.  The recommended candidate is Jamie Holt.

7.21 Employment of Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) at CES

It is recommendation of the Administration to employ Mrs. Amanda Moriconi as a 3.5 hrs/day playground supervisor at Chatham Elementary and the salary shall be $10.00 per hour for the 2016/17 school year.

Due to the transfer of Mrs. Rebekah Reese to the kitchen the district needs to hire a 3.5 hour playground supervisor for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year.  The recommended candidate is Mrs. Amanda Moriconi.

7.22 Employment of Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) at CES

It is recommendation of the Administration to employ Sue Maxon as a 3.5 hr playground supervisor at Chatham Elementary and the salary shall be $10.00 per hour for the 16/17 school year.

Due to student needs, Chatham Elementary needs to hire an additional 3.5 hour playground supervisor, and the recommended candidate is Mrs. Sue Maxon.  Mrs. Maxon has been subbing at Chatham Elementary as a playground supervisor since the position has been approved.


7.23 Employment of Part-Time Cook (3/hrs/day) at BE

It is a recommendation of the Administration to employ Andrea Owens as a part-time cook (3 hrs/day) at Ball Elementary and the salary shall be $10.50 per hour for the 16/17 school year.

Due to the resignation of Angel Kraemer the district needs to hire a 3.0 hour cook for the 2016-2017 school year.  The recommended candidate is Ms. Andrea Owens.

7.24 Employment of Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) at BE


It is a recommendation of the Administration to employ Tina Pratt as a part-time playground supervisor at Ball Elementary and the salary shall be $10.00 per hour for the 2016/17 school year.

Due to the supervision needs on our playground, the board has approved the addition of a 3.5 hour playground supervisor to our staff for the 2016-2017 school year.  The recommended candidate is Ms. Tina Pratt.

7.25 Employment of Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) at GES


The Glenwood Elementary School administrative team is recommending that Mrs. Brooke Maynard be hired as a Playground Supervisor (3.5 hr/day) at Glenwood Elementary School and the salary shall be $10.00 per hour for the 2016-2017 school year.

Due to the recent resignation of Devon Simmons, Glenwood Elementary School needs to hire a playground supervisor. Brooke Maynard is the recommended candidate for this position and has previously worked as the Director of Community Corrections with the Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health Center. Recently, Brooke has volunteered at Little Flower School supervising lunch and recesses. Brooke is very enthusiastic and will serve as a great addition to our playground staff.


7.26 Approval of Mentor for 16/17 SY

It is the recommendation of the BE Administration to employ Joanne Carter as mentor at a base salary of $592 for the 2016/17 school year.

Joanne Carter will mentor Roxanne Gardner, newly hired Kindergarten teacher, at Ball Elementary School.

7.27 Employment of Freshman Class Sponsor at GHS

It is recommendation of the GHS Administration to employ Sarah Dame as Freshman Class Sponsor and the base salary shall be $887 (Step 1, Year1) for the 2016/17 school year.

7.28 Employment of Student Council Advisor at GHS

It is recommendation of the GHS Administration to employ Ashley Welch as Student Council Advisor at a base salary of $2366 (Step 1, Year 1) for the 2016/17 school year.

Glenwood High School needs to replace the Student Council Advisor position created by the resignation of Mrs. Courtney Wiedeman. The recommended candidate is Mrs. Ashley Welch. Mrs. Welch has been a science teacher at GHS for the past eight years.  Mrs. Welch has served as a class sponsor previously.  She is also involved with our Student Assistance Program.


7.29 Leaves of Absence

To approve the leaves of absence as presented.

The following are upcoming leaves of absence approved under FMLA, the BCEA/BCESPA Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or BCSD Policy and Procedure:


Adam McCord– FMLA – Initial Request

Using 5 accumulated vacation days.

August 31, 2016 through September 7, 2016


Erin Lowry– FMLA – Initial Request

Using 15 accumulated sick days.

September 12, 2016 through approximately October 3, 2016


Scott Eddy– FMLA – Initial Request

Using 38 accumulated sick days.

July 19, 2016 through approximately October 10, 2016


Kristin Barker– FMLA – Initial Request

Using all remaining accumulated sick and personal days.

July 29, 2016 through approximately October 21, 2016




Under FMLA, employees are entitled to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for qualifying events.


7.30 Non-union ESP Staff Compensation Rates 

To approve non-union ESP staff compensation rates as presented.

The District office Administration recommends modification to non-union ESP staff compensation rates effective with the start of the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The administrative proposal is to increase hourly wages by 2%.  


8.1 Approval of District Title I Plan 

It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the District Title I Plan as presented.

As a condition of the NCLB/ ESSA Title I grant, districts are required to submit a District Title I Plan.  The plan must be approved by the local Board of Education. 

8.2 2016-17 Insurance Renewal 

To approve the 2016/17 insurance rates as presented below.

The District Insurance Committee met with our brokers, Stan Travelstead and Jeremy Travelstead from American Central Insurance Services to review insurance renewal rates. It is the recommendation to stay with Blue Cross Blue Shield for our health insurance provider, and MetLife for our dental provider. Premium rates are attached.  The life insurance and vision benefits remain the same.


The bargained board provided benefit amount for the BCEA membership is $625 per month for medical only benefits for 2016-17. The BCESPA contract has not yet been settled, therefore, benefits are undetermined at this time.  

8.3 Accept bid for Custodial Supply Contract 

It is the recommended that Ball Chatham School District #5, enter into a contract with Masco Packaging and Industrial Supply for the period of September 27, 2016 through June 30, 2019, as the vendor for purchasing their custodial supplies. The contract includes a one-year extension based on written district approval. The cost of the contract is $2,660.51 for one of each item on the bid listing attached.

BCSD# 5 has not been under contract with a custodial supply vendor since July 31, 2016. The proposal was publicly bid in an attempt to bring the district under a legal and binding contract.  The cost of the contract is $2,660.51 for one of each item on the bid listing compared to $3,499.96 which was provided by the second vendor.

8.4 Assessment Scores 

Presentation, Information

Glenwood High School Assistant Principal Ryan Green will present ACT/AP data and scores for the class of 2016.


8.5 Enrollment Report 


Superintendent Dr. Douglas Wood will present the Ten Year Enrollment Growth Chart for information.

8.6 First Reading: Policy 4:60 - Purchases and Contracts 


Policy 4-60 Purchases and Contracts has been submitted for First Reading.  This policy will be adopted at the October 24, 2016 regular board meeting.

8.7 2017 School Board Election Information 


Below are the important dates and township information concerning the Board Election for April 4, 2017.  There will be four open seats for the Ball-Chatham School Board.  


Membership on the Board of Education is restricted to a maximum of 3 members from any congressional township. On the basis of existing board membership, members may be elected in the following numbers from each congressional township:


Not more than 1 may be elected from Township T14N Range 5W (Ball)

Not more than 3 may be elected from Township T14N Range 4W (Cotton Hill)

Not more than 3 may be elected from Township T14N Range 6W (Chatham)

Not more than 3 may be elected from Township T15N Range 6W (Curran)

Not more than 2 may be elected from Township T15N Range 5W (Woodside)

Not more than 3 may be elected from Township T13N Range 5W (Divernon)


Important Dates for Consolidated Election – April 4, 2017


First Day to circulate petitions for school board candidates:                          September 20, 2016


Filing period for school board candidates:                                                   December 12-19, 2016


Last day to file petitions for referenda (local):                                             January 3, 2017


Last day for local governing board to adopt resolution or ordinance

for a binding/advisory public question:                                                        January 17, 2017


Last day for election officials to certify public questions to the

Sangamon County Election Office:                                                               January 26, 2017


9.1 Future Board Meeting Dates



The upcoming board meeting/activity dates are:


  • October 3, 2016 - Special Board Meeting -  Facilities and Grounds
  • October 4, 2016 - Abe Lincoln Division Dinner Meeting - Warrensburg-Latham High School, 6:30 p.m.
  • October 24, 2016 - Regular Board Meeting
  • November 7, 2016 - SIP Board Meeting
  • November 21, 2016 - Regular Board Meeting

9.2 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic


10.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting

Move to Adjourn Regular Board Meeting.