
Sangamon Sun

Monday, February 24, 2025

Springfield PSD board addresses student discipline mattes

Webp hs 06

The Springfield Public School District #186 Board of Education me Jan. 3 to address student discipline mattes.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The Springfield Public School District No. 186 board of education includes seven members elected to serve either two- or four-year terms. The board is responsible for establishing educational policies and guidelines for the district. Members meet on the first and third Monday of each month at the administrative offices, 1900 W. Monroe St.


The Board of Education convened in Regular Session on January 3 A.D., 2016, at 5:30 p.m., there being present thereat:

Present: Adam Lopez, President

Julie Hammers, Board Secretary

Lisa Funderburg Blake Handley Donna Moore Mike Zimmers

Jennifer Gill, Superintendent Dominique LaSalvia, Student Member


1.1 Roll Call President Lopez called the meeting to order.

APPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Funderburg moved to adjourn to Executive Session to consider the following matters:

2.1 The Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Employees

2.2 Contract Negotiations

2.3 Security Procedures 2

.4 Student Disciplinary Matters and Other Matters Concerning Individual Students

Motion seconded by Mr. Handley and carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Funderburg, Handley, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

Adjournment to Executive Session The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m. Upon reconvening, it was noted that five Board members were present.


3.1 President’s Comments Mr. Lopez made the routine announcement that public comment on published agenda items would occur during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. He instructed those interested in addressing the Board to fill out the required Public Participation at Board Meetings Form and submit it to Ms. Mitchell in the front row of the audience. Additionally, he reminded those interested in addressing the Board that comments are limited to three minutes.

Mr. Lopez then thanked Jason Nevel, State Journal-Register Education Reporter, for the positive news coverage he provided to the District over the winter break. Next, Mr. Lopez reported that he saw former Student Board Member, Diamond Jackson, recently. He indicated that she was home from college for winter break. Lastly, Mr. Lopez announced that Mrs. Funderburg submitted her resignation from the Board effective January 19, 2017. He indicated that she will withdraw from the election and thanked her for her service. He announced that he and Mr. Zimmers will lead the efforts to find a new member to replace Mrs. Funderburg. Mrs. Funderburg announced that she is taking a new job, which will require her to relocate outside of Springfield.

3.2 Board Salutes There were no Board salutes at this time.


4.1 Old Business There was no old business at this time.

4.2 New Business Policy Committee Meeting Mr. Lopez requested that a Policy Committee meeting be scheduled.

Finals Schedule Mrs. Funderburg requested that a day of school be built into the school calendar immediately preceding winter break during which high school finals are not scheduled in order to ensure that finals will not be required after winter break if an emergency day is required.

4.3 Student Business Miss LaSalvia provided information regarding the December 21, 2016, Student Roundtable meeting. She reported that members set an agenda for Unity Day. Additionally, she indicated that this year’s event will be based on community service. A service organization, Project Mack, started by a Southeast High School graduate to honor her friend, a Springfield High School graduate that passed away after graduation, will be featured. Students will hear from a speaker, watch a short video, then break into small groups for discussions about community service. After the small group discussions, students will return to a large group to create cards, which will be handed out throughout the community as a gesture of kindness. She reported that the Springfield Public Schools Foundation will once again sponsor the event, which will take place on Saturday, January 21, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. in the Prairie Capital Convention Center.


5.1 Equal Opportunity Schools Mrs. Gill overviewed the District’s partnership with Equal Opportunity Schools. She then introduced Adam Kay, Director of Data Science, and Kia Franklin, Director of Partnership Success.

Dr. Kay and Ms. Franklin detailed the organizations mission to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed in challenging high school classes. Ms. Franklin shared a list of school districts that the organization works with across the country. She praised the District for their commitment to serve all students equally and to help them find their potential.

Ms. Franklin and Dr. Kay then shared a video and data specific to the District obtained through student, parent, and staff surveys surrounding Advanced Placement (AP) course participation, post secondary education expectations, AP course identification practices. They provided information regarding student and parent outreach efforts and student supports for success.

Mr. Zimmers asked about long-range plans for outreach to younger students. Mrs. Cheree Morrison, Director of Secondary Education, reported that there has been outreach to middle school students and their parents. Mrs. Shelia Boozer, Director of Teaching and Learning, discussed the importance of outreach to younger students, including those in elementary school.

Mrs. Gill then provided additional information regarding coursework, professional development, and resources to support the work being conducted around AP coursework.

Mr. Zimmers then asked about a timeframe for outcome data. Ms. Franklin reported that typical past results have proven improvement after the first year. Mrs. Moore inquired as to the number of students that take an AP class that also take the AP exam. Dr. Kay indicated that this varies greatly from school district to school district. Mrs. Moore then asked about the number of students that take an AP course and then go on to college. Dr. Kay indicated that the first cohort of students will enter college this year so data regarding this is being gathered. Mrs. Funderburg asked how many of students from the District that take AP classes go on to take the AP exam. Mrs. Gill directed Board members to information included in their packets. She provided specific data for the three high schools, information regarding the costs associated with taking the exams and reasons that students have reported for not taking the exam after taking the course. There was then additional discussion regarding the diagnostic report with the College Board and future plans for improving AP course data.


6.1 Financial Report Board members were provided with electronic copies of the Monthly Financial Report for December 2016. Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic School Board.

Mr. Joseph Bascio, Business Manager, reported Education Fund revenues for the month of approximately $4.5 million and expenditures of approximately $12. 5 million. Additionally, Mr. Bascio reported Operations and Maintenance Fund revenues for the month of approximately $163,000 and expenditures of approximately $1.2 million. Outstanding State payments total approximately $8.7 million.


7.1 Superintendent's Report Mrs. Gill provided the following shout-outs and reminders:

• High school final exams will resume on January 4, 2017.

• Darren Williams, Washington Middle School Security Guard, staff and volunteers that made the 10th Annual 50 Smiles Christmas Program successful.

• Illinois Department of Corrections employees, Hope Church, Westside Christian Church, First United Methodist Church that provided support to families over the winter break.

• Horace Mann for providing a long sleeved t-shirt to every student at Feitshans Elementary School prior to winter break.

• All of the recent District graduates that have returned to town after their first successful semester of college.


8.1 Approval of Consent Action Items Approval of consent action items as listed in the agenda. Resolution: The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2 through 8.4 as described in the corresponding resolutions.

ORIGINAL - Motion Member (Blake Handley) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL motion 'The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2 through 8.4 as described in the corresponding resolutions'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Funderburg, Handley, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

8.2 Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session and the Regular Meeting of December 1, 2016 Resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Springfield School District 186 reviews the minutes of the regular session and the executive session of the previous Board Meetings; and WHEREAS, copies of these sets of minutes were distributed to the Board in the board packet prior to this meeting; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the aforementioned set of regular session and executive session minutes and directs the Secretary to include them in the official records of the Board of Education meetings.

8.3 Approval of Payroll and Bills Payable Resolution: That the Board of Education approves payroll and bills payable as shown in the attached report.

8.4 Approval of Consultant Agreement with Dexter Floyd, George Buss, and Jeff Pope for AVID Training Symposium – Cultural Relevance for Students and Educators February 6 – 7, 2016 and February 9, 2016 Culturally Relevant Teaching: Powerful Conversations with Educators professional development is designed to assist educators in developing and integrating culturally relevant teaching practices that create supportive, safe, and respectful academic environments for all students. Powerful Conversations on Cultural Relevance Empowering Students – This experience is designed to bring all AVID students in grades 5-12 and their teachers together in grade appropriate configurations to explore strategies and lessons that help empower students through examination, validation, and celebration of their own and others’ cultures. Jeff Pope has been in education for 16 years in teaching, training and leadership roles. He is an adjunct professor at St. Mary's University and teaches Human Relations and American Indian education for incoming teachers. He has also been an AVID district director for 7 years. In his current role in the Burnsville District, he is an AVID district director and PBIS coordinator. George Buss has taught high school and middle school with extremely diverse populations of students. He has served as President of the Freeport Education Association and on the Board of the Illinois Education Association. As VP of Equity for the FEA, his work with the original Equity Steering Committee in Freeport lead to a landmark MOU which not only closed the achievement gap for students – but actually reversed the gap for students working on an accelerated, rigorous class schedule. George has worked with many districts in the Upper Midwest States on Professional Learning for staff on College and Career Readiness and creating opportunities for all students. The cost of these services is $7,000 for Dexter Floyd, $3,500 for both George Buss and Jeff Pope, for an estimated total of $14,000. Resolution:

WHEREAS, Springfield School District 186 desires services for onsite coaching and technical assistance on Cultural Relevance for students and educators; and WHEREAS, Dexter Floyd, George Buss, and Jeff Pope are qualified to provide such services and have agreed to provide three days of technical assistance and onsite training consulting services at a total cost of $14,000; and WHEREAS, the services are being funded through the AT&T Grant and Title II budget;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the consulting agreements with Dexter Floyd, George Buss, and Jeff Pope per the terms identified above and directs the Superintendent to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the Board.


9.1 Approval of Personnel Recommendations Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as presented.

ORIGINAL - Motion Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Blake Handley) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as presented'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Funderburg, Handley, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

9.2 Student Discipline Resolution: That the Board approves the student discipline as discussed in Executive Session and summarized by the Superintendent.

ORIGINAL - Motion Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Blake Handley) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL motion 'That the Board approves the student discipline as discussed in Executive Session and summarized by the Superintendent'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Funderburg, Handley, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.1 Next Regular Meeting — Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Board Room

10.2 Freedom of Information Report

PUBLIC COMMENT Mrs. Tammie Bolden addressed the Board regarding how the District utilizes taxes.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Lopez declared the meeting adjourned until Tuesday, January 17, 2017. The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.