
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Group wants to shoot down gun bill

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A conservative group known as Yes I'm Right is blasting pending Illinois legislation it says gives the state too much power to revoke citizens' Second Amendment rights.

Illinois Senate Bill 1291, currently under review in the General Assembly, would create the Lethal Violence Order of Protection Act, which would allow the confiscation of an Illinois resident's firearms if a family member or law enforcement officer files a petition saying that the firearm owner “poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having … [a firearm] in his or her custody or control.”

On its website, Yes I'm Right describes the bill as "liberal insanity at its finest."

“[It looks like] it’s finally happening,” the group says. “The liberals are making their move and if you’re a staunch gun supporter like we are here at Yes I’m Right, you’re not going to like this one bit.”

The group highlighted one part of the bill that says that under such an order, a respondent must cede any firearm, firearm owner’s identification card and concealed carry license in his possession.

“Well it means that if a law enforcement officer files a petition to the courts that they believe you to be a threat to yourself or anyone around you, you can have your guns taken away,” the Yes I’m Right website says. “This means no background checks or anything. If a liberal thinks you shouldn’t have guns, they would be able to just take them.”

The NRA’s affiliated NRA-ILA (Institute for Legal Action) also called on members to oppose the legislation, arguing that an order could too easily be based on unsubstantiated claims weighted unfairly in favor of a petitioner — without examining or even hearing another individual’s point of view.