
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met May 1.

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Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met May 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education convened in Regular Session on May 1 A.D., 2017, at p.m., there being present thereat:

Present: Adam Lopez, President

Julie Hammers, Board Secretary

Charles Flamini

Blake Handle

George Haven

Judith Johnson

Donna Moore

J. Michael Zimmers

Jennifer Gill, Superintendent

Call To Order:

1.1 Roll Call President Lopez called the meeting to order.

Approval Of Executive Session:

Ms. Johnson moved to adjourn to Executive Session to consider the following matters:

2.1 The Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Employees – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) 2.2 Pending and Imminent Litigation – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) 

2.3 Student Discipline and Other Matters Concerning Individual Students – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9,10)

Motion seconded by Mrs. Moore and carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Haven, Johnson, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

Adjournment to Executive Session:

The meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m. Upon reconvening, it was noted that seven Board members were present.

Mr. Lopez thanked Mr. Haven for his service during his time on the Board and presented him with a token of appreciation from the Board. Mr. Haven thanked the other members for the opportunity to serve the community and District.

Report Of The Canvass Of Votes:

3.1 Declaring the Results of the Election on April 4, 2017

Ms. Hammers reported the results of the Consolidated Election held on April 4, 2017 as prepared by the County Election Office.

In sub-district 1, for a full four-year term, Anthony Mares received 908 votes. Write-in candidate, Sarah Mueth, received 455 votes. Mr. Mares was declared the winner.

In sub-district 4, for a full four-year term, J. Michael Zimmers received 1,384 votes and was unopposed. Mr. Zimmers was declared the winner.

In sub-district 5, for a full four-year term, Donna Moore received 1,152 votes and was unopposed. Mrs. Moore was declared the winner.

In sub-district 6, for a full four-year term, Judith Ann Johnson received 526 votes. Tom Schafer received 173 votes. Ms. Johnson was declared the winner.

Adjourn Sine Die:

4.1 Adjourn Sine Die

Mr. Zimmers moved to adjourn sine die. Mr. Handley seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Haven, Johnson, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

The meeting adjourned sine die at 6:34 p.m.

Seating Of The Board Of Education:

5.1 Seating of the Board of Education

At this time, Mr. Haven left his seat at the Board table and Mr. Mares came forward to take his seat and receive his nameplate.

Oath Of Office:

6.1 Oath of Office

Mrs. Gill asked that the Board members stand to take their Oath of Office. She then administered the Oath of Office to the Board Members as follows:

“I, (name of member or successful candidate), do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education of Springfield Public School District #186, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability.

I further swear that:

I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the school district’s assets;

I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow board members and others who seek a hearing before the board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees;

I shall recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public board meeting and;

I shall abide by majority decisions of the board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels.”

Call To Order:

7.1 Roll Call

Mrs. Gill, serving as president pro tem, called the meeting to order and welcomed new Board Member Anthony Mares. The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. Roll call was taken and seven Board members were present.

Roll Call Action Items:

8.1 Nominations for President of the Board of Education

The Superintendent will accept nominations for president.

Resolution: That the Board of Education nominate and elect a Board President for a one-year term. New president assumes duties of presiding officer.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Charles Flamini) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board of Education nominate and elect a Board President for a one- year term. New president assumes duties of presiding officer'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: (7) Nay: (0). The motion Carried. (7) - (0)

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

Mr. Lopez was declared the President. With this declaration, Mrs. Gill turned the meeting over to Mr. Lopez to continue with nominations for the other officers.

8.2 Nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education

The President will accept nominations for vice-president. Resolution: That the Board of Education nominate and elect a Vice-President for a one-year term.

Original - Motion

Member (Charles Flamini) Moved, Member (Blake Handley) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board of Education nominate and elect a Vice-President for a one- year term. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: (7) Nay: (0). The motion Carried. (7) - (0)

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

Mr. Zimmers was declared the Vice-President.

8.3 Nominations for Secretary

The President will accept nominations for Secretary. Resolution: That the Board of Education nominate and elect a Board Secretary.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the Original Motion 'That the Board of Education nominate and elect a Board Secretary for a one- year term. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: (7) Nay: (0). The motion Carried. (7) - (0)

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

Ms. Hammers was declared the Board Secretary.

8.4 Nominations for Assistant Secretary

The President will accept nominations for Assistant Secretary. Resolution: That the Board of Education nominate and elect an Assistant Board Secretary.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board of Education nominate and elect an Assistant Board Secretary for a one-year term. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: (7) Nay: (0). The motion Carried. (7) - (0)

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

Mrs. Nicole Irlam was declared the Assistant Secretary.

8.5 Appointment of Treasurer

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Be It Resolved that Mr. Joseph Bascio be appointed Treasurer to the Board of Education.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Be It Resolved that Mr. Joseph Bascio be appointed Treasurer to the Board of Education'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: (7) Nay: (0). The motion Carried. (7) - (0)

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

8.6 Adoption of Board Policies and Code of Conduct

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Be It Resolved that the Board re-adopt Board Policies as currently in effect, that the Board observe Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised, except as otherwise provided by Board Policies or statute, that Roll Calls be made on a rotating basis and that the Board shall adhere to the attached Code of Conduct.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Be It Resolved that the Board re-adopt Board Policies as currently in effect, that the Board observe Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised, except as otherwise provided by Board Policies or statute, that Roll Calls be made on a rotating basis and that the Board shall adhere to the attached Code of

Conduct'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: (7) Nay: (0). The motion Carried. (7) - (0)

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

President’s Report:

3.1 President’s Comments

Mr. Lopez made the routine announcement that public comment on published agenda items would occur during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. He instructed those interested in addressing the Board to fill out the required Public Participation at Board Meetings Form and submit it to Ms. Mitchell in the front row of the audience. Additionally, he reminded those interested in addressing the Board that comments are limited to three minutes.

9.2 Board Salutes

Mr. Mares reported that he has visited several school buildings and has been very impressed with the enthusiasm he has witnessed during these visits as well as the condition of the buildings. He encouraged the community to attend the remainder of the community engagement sessions on facilities. Next, Mr. Mares indicated that he is grateful to have the opportunity to serve on the Board. Lastly, Mr. Mares introduced his family members that were in attendance.

Ms. Johnson saluted the students and staff involved in the All City Music Festival. She enjoyed the event. Additionally, Ms. Johnson attended the recent Women’s Power Lunch Against Cancer.

Mr. Zimmers also reported attended the All City Music Festival. He encouraged the community to attend in the future. Additionally, Mr. Zimmers attended a BIST training recently. He saluted Marti Huitt who presented the training.

Mrs. Moore saluted her family for their support. Several members of here family were in attendance and she introduced each of them. Additionally, she saluted the community members that have been attending the community engagement sessions on facilities.

Mr. Lopez saluted those involved in the All City Music Festival and Kindergarten Preview Night events.

Discussion Items:

10.1 Old Business

Ms. Johnson asked that information regarding the teaching of cursive writing be communicated to the community as she has been approached by members of the community due to proposed legislation at the state-level, which may mandate the instruction of cursive writing.

10.2 New Business

There was no new business at this time.

10.3 Student Business

There was no student business at this time. However, Mr. Lopez introduced the 2017-2018 Student Board Member, Rekha Goswami of Springfield High School. Miss Goswami thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. She indicated that she looks forward to representing students during the next school year. She then provided some information regarding a community service project that she has undertaken which will send needed medical equipment to India.

Presentations To The Board:

11.1 Reading Curriculum Recommendations

Board members were provided with electronic copies of a presentation of reading curriculum recommendations. Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic School Board.

Mrs. Gill introduced Mrs. Debbie Thomas, Coordinator of Reading, Language Arts and Social Studies, Ms. Katherine Herman, second grade teacher at Black Hawk Elementary School, and Ms. Jenna Uptmore, third grade teacher at Enos Elementary School. Mrs. Gill indicated that the curriculum council has approved the presented recommendations. Additionally, the last time changes were made to the reading curriculum was over ten years ago. She reported that funds for this update were budgeted into the FY17 budget.

Mrs. Thomas, Ms. Herman and Ms. Uptmore then presented the recommendations to the Board. Mr. Zimmers thanked the women for their work on the recommendations. Mrs. Moore asked for some additional information regarding funding for the expenditure. Mrs. Gill and Mr. Joseph Bascio, Business Manager, indicated that Title I funds will cover some of the purchase; the remainder of funding will come from the District’s budget.

11.2 Lincoln Library eCard Initiative

Board members were presented with electronic copies of a presentation on the Lincoln Library eCard Initiative. Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic School Board. Mrs. Susan Pennington, librarian at Southeast High School and Mrs. Thomas gave an overview of the initiative. They reported that the public library of Springfield, Lincoln Library, is partnering with the school district to provide free electronic access to all students, including to those that live outside the library’s district. Students will be enrolled in the program automatically. The program will provide students with access to the fully range of titles and resources available through the library. Parents can opt their children out of the program if they so desire. Mrs. Thomas reported that one benefit of the electronic card is that there are no overdue fees.

Business Reports:

12.1 Financial Report

Board members were provided with electronic copies of the Monthly Financial Report for April 2017. Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic School Board.

Mr. Bascio reported Education Fund revenues of approximately $6.6 million for the month, with expenditures of approximately $9.2 million. The Operations and Maintenance Fund saw revenues of approximately $326,000 and expenditures of approximately $1 million.

Public Hearing:

13.1 Public Hearing on the FY17 Amended Budget

Mr. Zimmers motioned to adjourn to the Public Hearing regarding the Amended Budget. With a second by Mr. Handley, the motion carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

Board members were provided with an electronic copy of the Amended Budget. Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic School Board. Mr. Bascio provided a brief overview of the amended budget document.

Mr. Lopez then opened the floor to discussion by members and public comment. There was some discussion amongst Board members and Mr. Bascio regarding the Transportation budget. With no additional discussion or public comment, Mr. Zimmers motioned to return to the regular meeting. After a second by Mr. Mares, the motion carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:19 p.m.

Superintendent's Report:

14.1 Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Gill provided the following information and Shout-Outs:

• Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12, 2017.

• Owen Marsh Elementary School will host a 50th Anniversary event on May 5 at 11:00 a.m. The public is welcomed to attend.

• The Springfield K-9 Unit for visiting the Early Learning Center recently.

• The 2017 Spring Fun Run for 4Th and 5th grade students will take place on May 2, 2017 at Lincoln Park.

• Congratulations to the Franklin Middle School Scholastic Bowl team on their recent Regional Championship award.

• Congratulations to the Springfield High School Girls Track Team for recently winning the Track City Tournament.

• F.A.C.E. Camp will take place on May 2, 2017. Families are welcomed to attend.

• The Council for Exceptional Children will host its annual awards dinner on May 2, 2017.

• The Horace Mann Educator of the Year luncheon will take place on May 10, 2017.

• The District Retirement Dinner will take place on Monday, May 8, 2017.

• Shout out to Darrell Schaver, Director of Operations and Maintenance, who will participate in the SPARC Over the Edge Rappel for a Cause fundraising event on Saturday, May 13, 2017.

Mr. Zimmers gave a Shout Out to the Southeast High School student, Ana Gragg, who was selected to receive the State Journal Register’s The Voice Top Teen award.

Consent Action Items:

15.1 Approval of Consent Action Items

Approval of consent action items as listed in the agenda. Resolution: The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 15.2 through 15.10 as described in the corresponding resolutions.

Mrs. Moore asked that in the future the District’s opening day kickoff be scheduled to allow staff from Southern View and Graham to attend. There was additional discussion regarding the start date of elementary summer school and a summer workshop.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 15.2

through 15.10 as described in the corresponding resolutions'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Flamini, Handley Those voting “no”: None.

15.2 Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session and the Regular Meeting of April 17, 2017

Resolution: Whereas, the Board of Education of Springfield School District 186 reviews the minutes of the regular session and the executive session of the previous Board Meetings; and Whereas, copies of these sets of minutes were distributed to the Board in the board packet prior to this meeting; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the aforementioned set of regular session and executive session minutes and directs the Secretary to include them in the official records of the Board of Education meetings. 15.3 Approval of Payroll and Bills Payable Resolution: That the Board of Education approves payroll and bills payable as shown in the attached report.

15.4 Tabulation of Bids and Recommendation for Purchase and Payment Bid #17-08 — Copy Paper – Warehouse Stock

Resolution: Be It Resolved to accept the low acceptable bid for the following bids and to approve payment of same upon completion: Bid #17-08 — Copy Paper – Warehouse stock

15.5 Declaration of Surplus Items

Resolution: Be It Resolved to declare the items on the attached document as surplus materials and to be sold or disposed.

15.6 Approval of the Balanced Calendars for the 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 School Years

Southern View School has operated as a Balanced Calendar school since July 1997 and Elizabeth Graham School has operated as a balanced calendar school since July 2000. State law requires express permission be given by the Board of Education for Southern View and Elizabeth Graham schools to operate as balanced calendar schools. This resolution fulfills the Board’s legal obligation to provide operating permission for Southern View and Elizabeth Graham. The attached calendars reflect as closely as possible those teacher institutes, teacher inservices, and school improvement workshops shown on the regular school calendar as approved by the Board of Education. Resolution: Whereas, the parents, staff and administrators of Southern View and Elizabeth Graham schools have studied, adopted, and implemented the concept of balanced calendar schools; and Whereas, the staff, administrators and parent organizations of Southern View and Elizabeth Graham schools have developed a proposed calendar for the 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years; and Whereas, Southern View and Elizabeth Graham schools have requested permission to continue operation as balanced calendar schools beginning in the summer of 2017 for the 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Southern View and Elizabeth Graham schools are granted permission to operate as balanced calendar schools and to follow the proposed calendar for the 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years.

15.7 Approval of an Agreement with Go Solutions Group

Resolution: Whereas, Go Solutions Group Inc. is a professional entity that provides Local Education Agencies (LEA) assistance in documenting, monitoring and billing of all services as they relate to Medicaid; and Whereas, District 186 desire to obtains such services for Medicaid reporting; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of Springfield

School District 186 accepts and approves the service agreement relative to the administration of Medicaid reimbursement with Go Solutions Group Inc. for the period of July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.

15.8 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Marty Huitt

Marti Huitt has been a consultant for the Behavioral Intervention Support Programming for the past 19 years. She has taught students with behavioral disorders both in a residential setting and for Missouri public schools. She works with students of all ages. Behavioral Support Interventions is an evidence-based model and works in partnership with PBIS. It is a framework of relationship and accountability to help students who struggle make life long changes. The components of the support training are tier two and three interventions. When appropriately implemented whole class learning time should increase. Resolution: Whereas, Springfield Public Schools is constantly looking for ways to improve the knowledge of all staff; and Whereas, Marti Huitt, a consultant for the behavioral support model is prepared to present ongoing staff development workshop to district staff; and Whereas, Marti Huitt's consultant services will be completely reimbursed through SIG funds; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the retention of consultant Marti Huitt for 2 days of consultation on June 5-6, 2017, at a total cost of $5,000.

15.9 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Jason Smith

Jason Smith is Dundee-Crown’s Dean of Students. Mr. Smith started at Dundee-Crown in August 2015. He is charged with shaping our collective climate of the school. Additionally, Mr. Smith is an active transformational leader in the arena Restorative Practices. Formerly, Mr. Smith was the Behavioral Interventionist at Irving Middle School in Maywood, Illinois. Before that he taught Elementary education in Elgin, Illinois for ten years. The benefits experienced by most schools when implementing this model are reduced office referrals, reduced suspensions, and more positive student and adult school climate. The goal of this PD is to inspire fellow educators to use Restorative Practices in their schools and classrooms as a means to develop and enhance a positive climate and culture. Having implemented the use of restorative practice in multiple school settings, the consultant will outlining areas that are obstacles, and how these challenges can be met. Additionally, time will be spent with individual teams to help them develop a plan to implement the use of restorative practice in their current educational setting. Resolution: Whereas, Springfield Public Schools is constantly looking for ways to improve the knowledge of all staff; and Whereas, Jason Smith, a consultant for Restorative Practices is prepared to present ongoing staff development workshop to district staff; and Whereas, Jason Smith's consultant services will be completely reimbursed through SIG funds; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the retention of consultant Jason Smith for 2 days of consultation on June 5-6, 2017, at a total cost of $3,000.

15.10 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Brian Peterson

Brian Peterson is currently a Dean of Students at Dundee-Crown High School and uses proactive approaches, rooted in restorative practices, to meet the challenges of a high school learning environment. Prior to his time at Dundee-Crown High School, Mr. Peterson was the Assistant Principal at Irving Middle School in Maywood, Illinois. As part of the administrative team at Irving Middle School, he led a successful implementation of Restorative Practices, which resulted the creation of a positive school culture that had a significant impact on both learning and achievement. The benefits experienced by most schools when implementing this model are reduced office referrals, reduced suspensions, and more positive student and adult school climate. The goal of this PD is to inspire fellow educators to use Restorative Practices in their schools and classrooms as a means to develop and enhance a positive climate and culture. Having implemented the use of restorative practice in multiple school settings, the consultant will outlining areas that are obstacles, and how these challenges can be met. Additionally, time will be spent with individual teams to help them develop a plan to implement the use of restorative practice in their current educational setting.

Resolution: Whereas, Springfield Public Schools is constantly looking for ways to improve the knowledge of all staff; and Whereas, Brian Peterson, a consultant for Restorative Practices is prepared to present ongoing staff development workshop to district staff; and Whereas, Brian Peterson's consultant services will be completely reimbursed through SIG funds; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the retention of consultant Brian Peterson for 2 days of consultation on June 5-6, 2017, at a total cost of $3,000.

Roll Call Action Items:

16.1 Approval of Personnel Recommendations

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as presented.

Original - Motion

Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Michael Zimmers) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as presented'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None. Those voting “present”: Handley on item F(3).

16.2 Approval of a Resolution for the Adoption of the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2017

The original FY 2017 budget was adopted in September 2016. Additional information is known regarding the District’s revenues and expenditures. This allows us to adopt a budget that is reflective of what our actual revenue and expenditures are projected to be as of June 30, 2017. Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Whereas, the Board of Education of Springfield Public Schools, School District No. 186, County of Sangamon, State of Illinois, has accepted an Amended Budget for the fiscal year 2017, and the Secretary of this Board has made the same conveniently available for public inspection for at least thirty (30) days prior to final action thereon; and Whereas, a public hearing was held as to such Amended Budget on the 1st day of May 2017, notice of said hearing having been given at least thirty (30) days prior thereto as required by law, and all other legal requirements having been complied with; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of said District that the Amended Budget for FY 2017 is hereby adopted for said fiscal year.

Original - Motion

Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Charles Flamini) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Whereas, the Board of Education of Springfield Public Schools, School District No. 186, County of Sangamon, State of Illinois, has accepted an Amended Budget for the fiscal year 2017, and the Secretary of this Board has made the same conveniently available for public inspection for at least thirty (30) days prior to final action thereon; and Whereas, a public hearing was held as to such Amended Budget on the 1st day of May 2017, notice of said hearing having been given at least thirty (30) days prior thereto as required by law, and all other legal requirements having been complied with; Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of said District that the Amended Budget for FY 2017 is hereby adopted for said fiscal year'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

16.3 Approval of a Resolution Regarding Adoption of Curriculum – Reading

The Curriculum Council acts as an advisor to the Board to recommend curriculum for adoption. During the 2016-2017 school year, elementary reading curriculum was reviewed and recommended for adoption. The Curriculum Council consists of a board member, administrators, teachers, and community members.

Resolution: Whereas, the Springfield Schools Curriculum Council has heard the presentations from the Curriculum Coordinator and their representatives and recommended the adoption of the following curriculum, Elementary Reading Units of Study Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the reading curriculum adoption recommended from the Curriculum Council to be implemented in the 2017-2018 school year and to be purchased with budgeted district textbook funds.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Blake Handley) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'Whereas, The Springfield Schools Curriculum Council has heard the presentations from the Curriculum Coordinator and their representatives and recommended the adoption of the following curriculum, Elementary Reading Units of Study Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the reading curriculum adoption recommended from the Curriculum Council to be implemented in the 2017-2018 school year and to be purchased with budgeted district textbook funds'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.

16.4 Student Discipline

Resolution: That the Board approves the student discipline as discussed in Executive Session and summarized by the Superintendent.

Original - Motion

Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Michael Zimmers) Seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board approves the student discipline as discussed in Executive Session and summarized by the Superintendent'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers Those voting “no”: None.


17.1 Next Regular Meeting — Monday, May 15, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Board Room

17.2 Alliance Legislative Report – 100-15

17.3 Freedom of Information Report

17.4 Upcoming Events

• May 2, 6:00 pm – Face Camp (Family and Community Engagement) at Lanphier High School

• May 10, 6:00 pm – Community Engagement Session – Prioritization at Southeast High School

Public Comment:

There was no public comment at this time.


There being no further business to come before the Board, President Zimmers declared the meeting adjourned until Monday, May 15, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
