City of Auburn City Council met May 1.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Mayor Stamer called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Present: Barb Stamer, Chris Warwick, Tom Appelt, Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus and Seth Williams
Absent: Vic Devos, Jr.
Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Bill Karhliker, and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney: Raylene Grischow,
Mayors Comments
A. Mayor Stamer presented the Temporary Liquor License and Noise Permit for the Auburn Carnival for review and approval. After talking with Clerk Warwick, Attorney Grischow and Alderman Berola, it was pointed out that as long as the correct paperwork was Submitted and signed off that is was approved. Mayor Stamer double checked with City Manager Kristy Ponsler and she indicated that all the appropriate paperwork had been turned in and signed off on.
B. Mayor Stamer presented for the review and approval of video gaming license for Prairieland FS. Mayor Stamerasked if this needed to be voted on, Alderman Matt Gillock indicated that as long as the correct paperwork was submitted and signed off then no voting was necessary. Mayor Stamer double checked with City Manager Kristy Ponsler and she indicated that all the appropriate paperwork had been turned in and signed off on.
C. Mayor Stamer announced the new library board members for the Auburn Library. These members are Lisa Whisler, Ashley Foster, Carrie Pillischafske, These newly announced members will be appointed at a later date as their terms do not begin until July 1, 2017.
II. Visitors/Public Comments
A. Auburn Library Board Representatives - Budget
Library Director Calla Patton and Library Board Member Dave Hallerberg addressed the Council of the concerns to cut $50,000 from the upcoming 2017-2018 budget. Director Patton distributed copies of the FY2017-2018 Proposed Auburn Public Library Budget to members of the Council. She also distributed a copy of City of Auburn Special Council Minutes dated December 22, 1997 and a copy of page 6 of the 75 ILCS 5/3-4 Libraries - Levy and collection of taxes; disposition of proceeds to the Council, Upon distribution Director Patton and Board Member Hallerberg proceeded to discuss the Council cutting the library budget by $50,000. Mayor Stamer referred to Alderman Berola to respond to their questions as Berola is the chair of the Administration Committee, Berola informed Patton and Hallerberg that the Auburn Public Library is an entity under the City of Auburn. He indicated that the library is just like the police department or streets department and that all non-used funds for the year need to be returned to the general fund. Attorney Grischow also participated in the conversation, Alderman Berola asked if there was a legal review of the ability to allocate only certain monies to the Library, Attorney Grischow reported that she had reviewed the situation with other partners in her firm and they felt the City was welt within its power to allocate whatever money they wanted to the Library. Berola indicated that our attorney and auditor will be checking in the excess of funds that the library has available and if they should be returning them to the City's general fund. Dianna Coffman, library board member, spoke up and indicated that those are their funds and they have fundraised for them, Berola indicated that the auditor will be working with them on figuring out which funds were levied, donated and/or fundraised. After a lengthy discussion, the library and the council agreed to work together to figure this out. It was also mentioned that the library would like to start working on becoming their own library district.
III. City Clerk's Report - Warwick
A. Warwick presented the meeting minutes from April 17, 2017 for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the meeting minutes and destroy recorded copy, second by Gillock, Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus and Seth Williams, NAY: None, PRESENT: Nome. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1)
IV. Treasurer's Report - Appelt
A. Appelt presented the Bills list from April 18 to May 1, 2017 for the councils review and approval. A motion was made by Gillock to approve the Bills List, second by Williams, Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus and Seth Williams, NAY: none. PRESENT: none, ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr, (7-0-0-1)
V. Attorney - Grischow
A. No Report
VI. Department Heads
A. Centko
1) Centko presented the sealed bids that were opened at a public meeting at 6:30 p.m, prior to the Council meeting. Bids were received for the 1986 1 ton camo Chevrolet pickup truck, diesel motor in the amount of $725; the 2008 Chevrolet Impala police car in the amount of $175; and the Generator, diesel engine, 5KW, 60HZ 120 phase, 120/240v1 phase, 120/208w 3 phase in the amount of $200 by Jim McClelland. A motion was made by Berola to accept the $725 bid for the 1 ton camo Chevrolet pick truck, diesel motor; 2008 Chevrolet Impala police car bid of $175; and the bid of $200 for the Generator, diesel engine, 5KW, 60HZ 120 phase, 120/240v1 phase submitted by Jim McClelland, diesel motor; seconded by Williams,
AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, Seth Williams. NAY: None, PRESENT: None, ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1)
B. Karhliker
1) Karh liker informed the council that the Barton House has been leveled, Some dirt may be needed but the neighbors are very happy.
2) Karh liker informed the council that the old City Garage has been leveled and is gone. Materials for the new building should start being delivered May 15.
3) Karh liker announced the MFT Bid meeting is scheduled for May 15 at 10 a.m.
4) Alderman Johnson asked Superintendent Karhliker to provide an update on the projects involving the apron, ditch and sewer tile. Karh liker indicated that they are all in process.
C, Ponsler
1) Ponsler presented the Budget Adjustments for 2016-2017 Budget for the Councils review and approval, A motion was made by Johnson to approve the Budget Line Item Adjustments for the 2016-2017 Budget; second by Gillock, AYE; Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1)
2) Ponsler presented the Canny Accounting Services Engagement Letter for the Councils review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the engagement letter for Canny Accounting Services not to exceed $6000; second by Barnhi. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, Seth Williams, NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Wic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1)
VII. Committee Reports
A. Administration - Berola
1) Alderman Berola presented the April 26, 2017 Administration Meetings recommendation for approval. A motion was made by Berola to approve a NonUnion Pay Increase of 2% to all fulltime non-union employees; second by Gillock, AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, NAY: Seth Williams. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (6-1-0-1)
Berola presented the City of Auburn 2017-2018 Budget for the councils review and approval. Alderman Johnson stated that he didn't like the idea of removing the funds without first discussing it with the library. Attorney Grischow stated the Library had been invited to the meeting and had chosen not to attend. Alderman Johnson then asked if the passage of the budget could wait until the legal issues with the fibrary could be worked out, Alderman Berola them asked Attorney Grischow if there was a need to wait to pass the budget for which she replied "no." A motion was made by Berola to approve the City of Auburn 2017-2018 Budget; second by Madaus. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, NAY: Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. PRESENT: None, ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (5-2-0-1)
B. Public Works - Johnson
1) No Report
C. Public Utilities - Hemmere
1) No Report
D. Health & Safety - Gillock
1) No Report
E. Health & Housing - Berola
1) Lots of rain, keep mowing.
F. Parks - Hemmerle
1) Hemmerle informed the Council that a bid was received for the replacement of the softball fence. Even though the money is in the budget, after considering, the parks committee agreed that it was not in the best interest of the City to replace the softball fence this year. 2) Hemmerle presented
2) bids (Flentje and Ellis Plumbing) for the plumbing at the East Park restroom facilities to be replaced. A Motion was made by Hemmerle to approve Ellis Plumbing to replace the plumbing at the East Park restroom in the amount of $1382.50; second by Williams. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1)
3) Hemmerle then announced the dates and movies for Movies in the Parks. Dates and Movies are: June 10 - Finding Dory; July 15 - Sing; and August 12 Lego Movie.
VII, Presentation of Plaques to Council Members
A. Mayor Stamer addressed the council and the filled chambers with a letter that she had written. It read:
Citizens of Auburn, YOU will be amazed at what this YOUNG Council will do !
- They will be a great representation of what happens when people work together.
- I am PROUD of what we've been able to accomplish in the last four years AND
- I am especially grateful for the smooth transition that is taking place here tonight,
I have reached my Goal and t have many "Thank You's"!
To my Wonderful family for their support,
patience, and understanding.
Especially to my husband Rich, he is THE BEST
To the city office staff, Kristy, Becky, Tamifor everything they've done for me,
They've been SO supportive and have definitely made the City Office more visitor friendly
Then there is Superintendent BILL Karhliker, just can't say enough about the humor he brings to the City Office. He will certainly be missed when he retires, Thanks, Bill !
My Sincere Thank You to Chief Bruce Centko!
He has graciously answered my questions and taught me everything | DIDN'T know about the City.
From the beginning of my term he has been "My Rock", Thank you, Chief !
To Our Guidance Counselors
Clerk Warwick, Treasurer Appelt, Attorney Grishow, and Reporter Winningham
A Sincere Thank you !
And To
Alderman Matt Gillock and Alderman Ed Madaus who sit beside me and
"keep me on track" when I forget something! Thank You
I commend the Citizens on West Adams for the years they've survived the house at 1027 !!
To the New Council,
Vic DeVos, the Grandfather of ALL Grandfathers,
is on a well-deserved vacation.
If you have questions about Auburn," Ask Grampa Vic"
and listen to him !
He won't steer you wrong.
We are "On a Roll" and I am confident that this NEW Council will continue to
"Move Auburn Forward",
A. Mayor Stamer presented plaques to outgoing council members, Outgoing council members are: Alderman Matt Gillock (14 years); Alderman Ed Madaus (2 years); City Treasurer Tom Appelt (8 years); Alderman Tom Berola (10 years); and City Clerk Chris Warwick (4 years).
B. Alderman Berola presented a plaque to outgoing Mayor Stamer,
IX. Adjournment
A. A motion to adjourn was made by Johnson at 7:53 p.m.; second by Madaus, Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, Seth Williams. NAY: None, PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr., (7-0-0-1)