Sangamon County Collective Bargaining Committee met July 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Present: Todd Smith - Chairman, Tom Fraase - Vice Chairman, Clyde Bunch & Tom Madonia
Not Present: None
Others: Raylene Grischow, Justin Reichert & Bruce Stratton
Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. Chairman Smith asked if there was any public comment. There was none. Madonia made a motion to approve the June 12th minutes and Fraase seconded. Motion carried (4-0).
Chairman Smith asked for the committee to go into executive session. Fraase made a motion & Bunch seconded. A roll call vote was called. All answered "I". Motion carried (4-0). The committee went into executive session at 5:01 pm.
Madonia made a motion to come out of executive session at 5:15 p. Fraase seconded. A roll call vote was called. All answered "I". Motion carried (4-0).
Chairman Smith stated that we do have action to be taken. Madonia made a motion to ratify the Civilians Contract. Bunch seconded. Motion carried (4-0). Smith asked for a motion to approve the MOU. Madonia made a motion & Fraase seconded. Motion carried (4-0). The contract and MOU will be forwarded to the County Board tomorrow evening for ratification.
There was no old or new business.
Madonia made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bunch. Motion carried (4-0) and the meetin adjourned at 5:18 pm.