
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met May 15

Board room formal(760)

Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met May 15.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

Vice-President Zimmers called the meeting to order.

Approval of Executive Session

Ms. Johnson moved to adjourn to Executive Session to consider the following matters:

2.1 The Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Employees – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

2.2 Student Discipline and Other Matters Concerning Individual Students – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9,10)

Motion seconded by Mr. Mares and carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Johnson, Mares, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Adjournment to Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m. Upon reconvening, it was noted

that four Board members were present.

President's Report

3.1 Vice President's Comments

Mr. Zimmers made the routine announcement that public comment on published agenda items

would occur during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. He instructed those interested in

addressing the Board to fill out the required Public Participation at Board Meetings Form and

submit it to Ms. Mitchell in the front row of the audience. Additionally, he reminded those

interested in addressing the Board that comments are limited to three minutes.

Mr. Zimmers reported that he attended the Council for Exceptional Children’s (CEC) annual

banquet recently. He encouraged the public to attend this event sometime in the future.

3.2 Board Salutes

Mr. Mares reported also attending the CEC banquet. Additionally, he attended the District’s

Annual Retirement Dinner, Horace Mann Educator of the Year lunch and the Career and

Technical Education banquet. He thanked the District’s retiring employees for their years of

service and commended the students and businesses involved in the Career and Technical

Education program. Mr. Mares also reported visiting Jane Addams Elementary School. Lastly,

Mr. Mares indicated that he was honored to attend a graduation ceremony at

Lanphier High School earlier in the day for student James Paul Grant.

Ms. Johnson indicated that she attended the retirement dinner. She saluted the employees on

their service, including Mr. Sanders. She also attended the Horace Mann Educator of the Year

banquet and saluted Administrator of the Year Claudia Johnson and Educator of the Year

ReChad Bradley. She reported that the graduation ceremony for Lanphier High School student

James Paul Grant was very moving. Lastly, Ms. Johnson reported attending the most recent

Community Engagement Session of the Facilities Master Planning Process, which she found to

be informative.

Mr. Zimmers also attended the events Mr. Mares and Ms. Johnson previously mentioned.

Additionally, he saluted Southeast High School, Harvard Park Elementary School and MathenyWithrow

Elementary School, which he recently visited.

3.3 Recognition of genH Dessert Competition Winner, Beyounce Trotter

Rick Sanders, Director of School Support introduced Larissa Hanson, Executive Director of

genHkids, which held a cooking contest among area high school students. Ms. Hanson reported

that students from across Sangamon County were invited to participate by submitting a recipe for

a “healthy” homemade dessert. Three finalists, all from District 186, prepared their dish at the

genH fundraising event. Attendees voted for the winning creation, and the grand prize winner was

Beyounce Trotter, a sophomore at Southeast High School. Each finalist earned $500 for his or

her school, and Beyounce won the opportunity to work with a chef and prepare and sell her

dessert at a local pop up market this summer. Ms. Hanson presented Beyounce with a certificate

to work with a chef this summer and a chef’s apron and hat. The Board of Education and

Superintendent Gill congratulated Beyounce on her award. At Mr. Zimmer’s request, Beyounce

introduced her family in attendance.

3.4 Recognition of Shining Stars

The Superintendent and Board of Education recognized the following employees chosen to

receive the Shining Star Award for their outstanding contribution to Springfield Public Schools:

Nicole Gantt, Grade 4 Teacher, Harvard Park School; Mary Anne Casper, Secretary, Sandburg

School and Phil Edwards, Bus Driver, Grant Middle School.

Discussion Items

4.1 Old Business

There was no old business at this time.

4.2 New Business

Ms. Johnson asked for vigilance in actions with respect to equality for all members of our


Presentations to the Board

There were no presentations to the Board at this time.

Business Reports

6.1 Treasurer's Report

Board members were provided with electronic copies of the Treasurer’s Report for April 2017.

Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the

Electronic School Board.

Mr. Joseph Bascio, Business Manager, reported that the District ended the month of April with a

cash balance of approximately $11.4 million in the bank for all funds. Earned interest for the

month was $10,284, with year-to-date interest earned totaling approximately $201,500.

Investments total approximately $3.9 million and the outstanding balance on the line of credit

totaled approximately $1.2 million.

Ms. Johnson asked for an update on state payments. Mr. Bascio reported that one round of

categorical payments has been received.

Superintendent's Report

7.1 Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Gill provided the following updates and Shout Outs:

• She thanked Ms. Johnson for her remarks regarding equality made earlier in the meeting.

• Shout out to Chad Ruskey, a Springfield High School alumnus, for his donation of 30

MacBook Airs to Springfield High School

• Shout out to the eight Springfield Public School students recognized by the Co-operative

Education Program as Students of the Year. She reported that the District had over 125

co-operative education program placements during the school year.

• Shout out to the Horace Mann Educator of the Year, RaChad Bradley, and Administrator

of the Year, Claudia Johnson.

• She wished good luck to the student athletes finishing up their spring seasons.

• She provided a reminder that the last day of school is Friday, May 26, with graduation

scheduled for Saturday, June 3, at the Prairie Capital Convention Center. Lawrence

Education Center will hold its graduation on Friday, June 2, at Springfield High School’s

Schnirring Auditorium.

• She provided an update on the locations of the summer breakfast and lunch program.

Consent Action Items

8.1 Approval of Consent Action Items

Approval of consent action items as listed in the agenda.

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2 through

8.11 as described in the corresponding resolutions.

Original - Motion

Member (Judith Johnson) Moved, Member (Charles Flamini) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2

through 8.11 as described in the corresponding resolutions'.

Mr. Zimmers asked if the agreement with Equal Opportunity Schools includes a plan to expand

into lower grades. Mrs. Gill indicated that there is a plan to expand to the middle schools and

work to support that has already begun.

Ms. Johnson asked for an update on the scheduled upgrades to Lanphier High School’s locker

room. Mr. Darrell Schaver, Director of Operations and Maintenance reported that the floor in the

locker room will be replaced, the floor will be treated and the concrete sealed.

Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 4 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Johnson, Mares, Zimmers.

Those voting “no”: None.

8.2 Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session and the Regular Meeting of May 1,


Resolution: Whereas, the Board of Education of Springfield School District 186 reviews the

minutes of the regular session and the executive session of the previous Board Meetings; and

Whereas, copies of these sets of minutes were distributed to the Board in the board packet

prior to this meeting; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education

approves the aforementioned set of regular session and executive session minutes and directs

the Secretary to include them in the official records of the Board of Education meetings.

8.3 Approval of Payroll and Bills Payable

Resolution: That the Board of Education approves payroll and bills payable as shown in the

attached report.

8.4 Tabulation of Bids and Recommendation for Purchase and Payment Bid #17-06 —

Kitchen Appliances – Southeast High School

Resolution: Be It Resolved to accept the low acceptable bid for the following bids and to

approve payment of same upon completion: Bid #17-06 — Kitchen Appliances – Southeast High


8.5 Tabulation of Bids and Recommendation for Purchase and Payment Bid #17-07 —

Kitchen Appliances – Springfield High School

Resolution: Be It Resolved to accept the low acceptable bid for the following bids and to

approve payment of same upon completion: Bid #17-07 — Kitchen Appliances – Springfield High


8.6 Tabulation of Bids and Recommendation for Purchase and Payment Bid #17-09 —

Asbestos Abatement – Lawrence & Lanphier

Resolution: Be It Resolved to accept the low acceptable bid for the following bids and to

approve payment of same upon completion: Bid #17-09 — Asbestos Abatement – Lawrence and


8.7 Approval of an Agreement for Local and Long Distance Telephone Service

One-year contract for Local and Long Distance phone service associated with the District phone

system. There is no rate increase for the upcoming year.

Resolution: Whereas, the District continues to have a need for local and long distance

telephone service; and Whereas, Call One has agreed to provide the service from July 1, 2017,

through June 30, 2018; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education

approves a contract with Call One for local and long distance telephone services effective July 1,

2017, through June 30, 2018, and authorizes the Superintendent to take such actions as may be

necessary and proper to implement this resolution.

8.8 Approval of an Agreement for a Summer Food Service Program with Immanuel

Lutheran Church

Springfield School District staff at Wanless School will prepare lunch meals. An employee from

Immanuel Lutheran Church will pick up the meals at Wanless. Springfield School District Food

Service Department will receive all federal reimbursements for the meals prepared for Immanuel

Lutheran Church.

Resolution: Whereas, Immanuel Lutheran Church would like Springfield Public School District

186 to provide lunch for its summer program; and WHEREAS, the District possesses the skills

and experience to provide such services and is willing to do so; NOW THEREFORE BE IT

Resolved that the Board of Education authorizes the District to enter into an agreement for the

purpose of providing meals to Immanuel Lutheran Church.

8.9 Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Springfield (Lincoln


Resolution: That the Board of Education approves the attached agreement regarding Lincoln

Library Student eCards pending final legal review.

8.10 Approval of a Consultant from College Board

The College Board consultant will provide Pre-AP Vertical Team training for high school staff in

the following subject areas: Math, Science, Social Studies and English. The Pre-AP Vertical

training will include skills that are relevant to AP success, how to articulate these skills across all

grade levels, and provide resources for each AP course for self-directed study. Participants will

be provided the information to understand the syllabus and process for becoming an AP teacher.

Resolution: Whereas, Springfield School District 186 desires consultant services to provide

pre-advanced placement vertical team training; and Whereas, the College Board is qualified to

provide such training and has agreed to provide such training on May 31, 2017, at a total cost of

$18,000; and Whereas, the College Board's consultant services are completely reimbursable

by Title I and Title II; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education

approves the retention of the College Board consultant per the terms identified above and directs

the Superintendent to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the Board.

8.11 Approval of an Agreement with Equal Opportunity Schools

Resolution: Whereas, Springfield Public School District 186 is committed to continuously

improving the quality of educational opportunity and achievement for students; and WHEREAS,

Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS) is qualified and experienced in helping schools identify and

upgrade students who can succeed in Advanced Placement courses but are not yet enrolled; and

Whereas, Springfield Public Schools and EOS commit to closing participation gaps in

Advanced Placement courses, raise Advanced Placement performance, and develop structures

for sustainability; and Whereas, this agreement also includes opportunities to partner with other

like districts and schools to collaborate and learn best practices; Now Therefore Be It

Resolved that the Board of Education approves the agreement with Equal Opportunity Schools

for the 2017-2018 school year for a total cost of $73,200.

Mrs. Gill asked for a moment of silence for the mother of Cheree Morrison, Director of Secondary

Education. A moment of silence was observed.

Roll Call Action Items

9.1 Approval of Personnel Recommendations

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as


Original - Motion

Member (Judith Johnson) Moved, Member (Anthony Mares) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel

recommendations as presented'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.

The motion Carried. 4 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Johnson, Mares, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Mrs. Gill introduced newly appointed administrators for the upcoming school year. She introduced

Cheryl Doss, Guidance Dean at Jefferson Middle School. She congratulated Mrs. Doss’ husband,

Dr. Artie Doss, on his recently earned Ph.D. degree. Next, Mrs. Gill introduced Wendy Conaway,

Principal of Owen Marsh Elementary School. She then introduced Lyn Williams, Principal of

Southeast High School and Theresa Greco, Assistant Principal at Franklin Middle School.

9.2 Approval of an IMRF Authorized Agent

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends the appointment of Michelle Widebeck as

Authorized Agent of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund effective May 16, 2017, with the

powers and duties delegated to Authorized Agent pursuant to Sec. 7-135 of Illinois Pension Code

and that Michelle Widebeck be authorized to file Petition for Nominations of an Executive Trustee

of IMRF and to cast a Ballot for Election of an Executive Trustee of IMRF.

Original - Motion

Member (Anthony Mares) Moved, Member (Judith Johnson) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends the appointment of Michelle Widebeck as

Authorized Agent of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund effective May 16, 2017, with the

powers and duties delegated to Authorized Agent pursuant to Sec. 7-135 of Illinois Pension Code

and that Michelle Widebeck be authorized to file Petition for Nominations of an Executive Trustee

of IMRF and to cast a Ballot for Election of an Executive Trustee of IMRF'. Upon a roll call vote

being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 4 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Johnson, Mares, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

9.3 Approval of a Resolution Regarding the Prevailing Wage Rate

The State of Illinois requires that we adopt an annual resolution regarding the payment of wages

to laborers, mechanics and other workers in the locality of Sangamon County employed in

performing construction activities.

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS,

the State of Illinois requires all public bodies to establish the prevailing rate of wages for public

works undertaken by such public bodies; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Department of Labor

determines the prevailing wages for Sangamon County; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Department

of Labor shall monitor and publish changes in the prevailing rate of wages from time to time;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Springfield School District No. 186 does hereby

adopt as its prevailing rate of wages for construction work at district facilities the rates as are from

time to time determined by the Illinois Department of Labor.

Original - Motion

Member (Judith Johnson) Moved, Member (Anthony Mares) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas, the State of Illinois requires all public bodies to establish the prevailing rate of wages

for public works undertaken by such public bodies; and Whereas, the Illinois Department of

Labor determines the prevailing wages for Sangamon County; and Whereas, the Illinois

Department of Labor shall monitor and publish changes in the prevailing rate of wages from time

to time; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Springfield School District No. 186 does

hereby adopt as its prevailing rate of wages for construction work at district facilities the rates as

are from time to time determined by the Illinois Department of Labor'. Upon a roll call vote being

taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 4 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Johnson, Mares, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None


10.1 Next Regular Meeting —June 5, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Board Room

10.2 Alliance Legislative Reports – 100-16 and 100-17

100-16 – http://iasb.com/govrel/alr10016.cfm

100-17 – http://iasb.com/govrel/alr10017.cfm

10.3 Freedom of Information Report

Public Comment

There was no public comment at this time.


There being no further business to come before the Board, President Zimmers declared the

meeting adjourned until Monday, June 5, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m
