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Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met June 5

Webp meeting 04

Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met June 5

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

President Lopez called the meeting to order.

Approval of Executive Session

Mr. Zimmers moved to adjourn to Executive Session to consider the following matters:

2.1 The Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Employees – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

2.2 Student Discipline and Other Matters Concerning Individual Students – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9,10)

Motion seconded by Mr. Handley and carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Adjournment to Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m. and reconvened at 6:33 p.m. Upon reconvening, it was noted

that seven Board members were present.

President's Report

3.1 President's Comments

Mr. Lopez and Mrs. Gill asked for a moment of silence to honor the memories of Idris Alford,

Andre Booker and Savanna Wilson, each of whom were students that passed away recently.

Mr. Lopez made the routine announcement that public comment on published agenda items

would occur during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. He instructed those interested in

addressing the Board to fill out the required Public Participation at Board Meetings Form and

submit it to Ms. Mitchell in the front row of the audience. Additionally, he reminded those

interested in addressing the Board that comments are limited to three minutes.

Mr. Lopez thanked Mr. Rick Sanders, Director of School Support, for the work he and his office

did to ensure smooth graduation ceremonies.

3.2 Board Salutes

Mr. Mares saluted the graduating seniors and congratulated those receiving a portion of the

$30 million in scholarships.

Mr. Flamini saluted this year’s graduates and the staff responsible for organizing the ceremonies.

Ms. Johnson also saluted those responsible for organizing the graduation ceremonies. She also

saluted Dubois School for their recent STEAM event and 150 year anniversary celebration.

Ms. Johnson provided some history regarding the school. She also attended the Senior Night

ceremonies at each high school. Lastly, Ms. Johnson provided information regarding the United

Way’s 211, an emergency social services access phone number.

Mr. Zimmers saluted the students and staff involved in Lanphier High School’s Chopped culinary

arts competition. Additionally, he attended Southeast High School’s Senior Recognition. He

saluted Mariah Brooks on being given the Stand Tall Spartan award and the State of Illinois

Poetry Out Loud competition winner.

3.3 Recognition of Mariah Brooks, Poetry Out Loud Winner

The Board of Education recognized Mariah Brooks, Southeast High School, for winning the Illinois

Poetry Out Loud competition. Mariah recited “The Song of the Feet” by Nikki Giovanni, “Mourning

Poem for the Queen of Sunday” by Robert Hayden, and “On Virtue” by Phillis Wheatley.

3.4 Recognition of Franklin Middle School Track Athlete

The Board of Education congratulated Franklin Middle School’s Rashad Rochelle (7th Grade) for

taking 9th place in the 200-meter dash at the IESA State Track Meet. Coaches: Lauren Bowlin

and Mary Lou Dobron.

3.5 Recognition of Grant Middle School Track Athletes

The Board of Education congratulated the following Grant Middle School athletes for success at

the IESA State Track Meet: Deja Anderson, 7th grade – 7th place 100m, 8th place 200m; James

Harris, 7th grade – 4th place 100m, 7th place 200m; and Kaleb Fowler, Artez Hanson, James

Harris, Keshon Singleton, 7th grade – 6th place 4x200m Relay. Coaches: Neal Taylor, Nathan

Peter, Stephanie Webster.

3.6 Recognition of Lincoln Magnet School Track & Field Athletes

The Board of Education congratulated the following Lincoln Magnet School athletes for success

at the IESA State Track & Field Meet: Linden Neposhlan, 7th grade – 8th place pole vault;

Blessen Pratt, 8th grade – 7th place shot put; Summer Williams, 8th grade – 4th place 400 meter;

Leah Newman, Lucy Souva (alternate), Kheriss Turner, Robionne Williams, Summer Williams,

8th grade – 1st place 4x200m Relay. Coaches: Jeff Lynn and Jerry Muncy.

3.7 Recognition of Washington Middle School Track & Field Athletes

The Board of Education congratulated the following Washington Middle School athletes for

success at the IESA State Track & Field Meet: Devin Hale, 8th grade – 1st place shot put; and

Ryan Robinson, 7th grade – 7th place discus. Coach Charles Ruble.

3.8 Recognition of Shining Star

The Superintendent and Board of Education recognized Melissa Beran-Taft, English/Language

Arts Teacher, Springfield High School. Ms. Beran-Taft was chosen to receive the Shining Star

Award for her outstanding contribution to Springfield Public Schools.

Recognition of Student Board Member

The Superintendent and Board of Education recognized Ms. LaSalvia for her service to the Board

and District during her tenure as the Student Board Member. Mr. Lopez presented Ms. LaSalvia

with a plaque commemorating her service.

Ms. LaSalvia thanked the Board Members for the opportunity.

Discussion Items

4.1 Old Business

Ms. Johnson asked if a representative for the Capital Area Career Center had been chosen. She

volunteered to fill the position.

4.2 New Business

There was no new business at this time.

4.3 Student Business

Ms. LaSalvia reported that the final Superintendent’s Roundtable meeting of the year included an

overview of the group’s work and celebration.

Presentations to The Board

5.1 District and School Improvement and Title I Plans

Board members were provided with copies of the District and School Improvement and Title I

plans. Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the

Electronic School Board.

Mrs. Shelia Boozer, Director of Teaching and Learning, and Mr. Larry McVey, Coordinator of

Title I, provided an overview of the plans.

Mr. Zimmers asked if trainings related to restorative justice are offered to the non-Title I schools.

Mrs. Boozer confirmed that they are.

5.2 2017-2018 Student & Family Handbook

Board members were provided with draft copies of the Student & Family Handbook. Mrs. Gill

provided a brief overview of changes made to the handbook.

Business Reports

6.1 Financial Report

Board members were provided with copies of the Monthly Financial Report for May 2017. Copies

have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic

School Board.

Mr. Joe Basico, Business Manager, reported that the Education Fund saw revenues of

approximately $9 million and expenditures of approximately $9.5 million during the month of May.

The Operations and Maintenance Fund saw revenues of approximately $1 million and

expenditures of approximately $1.1 million. Mr. Bascio further reported that outstanding State of

Illinois payments total approximately $8 million, to date.

Superintendent's Report

7.1 Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Gill reported that Senate Bill 1 could result in approximately an additional $1 million for the

district. However, if the State of Illinois does not have a budget in place, there will be no funding

for schools. There was then some discussion regarding the impact a potential property tax freeze

would have on funding.

Consent Action Items

8.1 Approval of Consent Action Items

Approval of consent action items as listed in the agenda.

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2 through

8.8 as described in the corresponding resolutions.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2

through 8.8 as described in the corresponding resolutions'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the

vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Those voting “abstain”: Handley on 8.2 only.

8.2 Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session and the Regular Meeting of May 15,


Resolution: Whereas, the Board of Education of Springfield School District 186 reviews the

minutes of the regular session and the executive session of the previous Board Meetings; and

Whereas, copies of these sets of minutes were distributed to the Board in the board packet

prior to this meeting; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education

approves the aforementioned set of regular session and executive session minutes and directs

the Secretary to include them in the official records of the Board of Education meetings.

8.3 Approval of Payroll and Bills Payable

Resolution: That the Board of Education approves payroll and bills payable as shown in the

attached report.

8.4 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Northwest Evaluation Association for Our

Savior's Lutheran School

The purpose of this workshop is to apply Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) growth data

in data conversations and goal setting to improve student learning. The use of MAP growth data

will be fostered through a variety of data conversation tools; identifying both strengths and areas

for growth, and looking at patterns at various levels including student, classroom, grade/ content,

school, or district. The activities in this workshop are designed to support learners in the

interpretation and application of MAP data when talking about student growth over time, and to

impact goals for school and district improvement plans. The workshop will take place at Our

Savior's Lutheran on June 26, 2017. Services will be provided by Northwest Evaluation

Association at a cost of $3,200 for the day.

Resolution:Whereas, a consultant will conduct a one-time workshop to instruct all teachers

and administrators at Our Savior’s Lutheran school about aligning with the Illinois Data Standards

and Instructional practices to implement the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP®); and

Whereas, the training obtained will align with Common Core State Standards and help all

teachers improve student achievement in core content areas; and Whereas, Northwest

Evaluation Association is qualified to provide such training and has agreed to provide such

training over one day at a cost of $3,200; and Whereas, Northwest Evaluation Associates

consultant services are completely reimbursable through the Title II grant; Now Therefore

Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the retention of consultant Northwest

Evaluation Association per the terms identified above and directs the Superintendent to execute

the necessary documents on behalf of the Board.

8.5 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Nancy Sindelar, Ph.D. for Sacred HeartGriffin

Nancy W. Sindelar, Ph.D. has spent over 30 years in education as a teacher, administrator,

university professor and consultant and has published numerous articles and three books on

educational topics. She works with schools across the country in the areas of standards-based

curriculum and assessment alignment, collection, use and interpretation of student test data,

teacher mentorship and the development of high performing teacher teams. By focusing on datadriven

instruction, Dr. Sindelar has helped schools move from state academic “watchlists’ to

“most improved status,” based on state test scores. The purpose of this workshop is to present on

Strategies for Success with Common Core Standards and Explanation of the Curriculum and

Assessment Audit document and implementation plan. The workshop will focus on activities such

as: time and direction for completion of the Curriculum and Assessment Audit document for first

quarter and drafts of the Curriculum and Assessment Audit document for second, third and fourth

quarters by faculty teams, and development of standards-based, grade-level assessments for first

quarter. The workshop will take place at Sacred Heart-Griffin on August 17, 2017. Services will be

provided by Nancy W. Sindelar, Ph.D., at a cost of $2,000 for the day.

Resolution: Whereas, Nancy W. Sindelar, Ph.D. will conduct a one time workshop to instruct

all teachers and administrators at Sacred Heart-Griffin about Strategies for Success with

Common Core Standards focusing on curriculum and assessments and helping all teachers

improve student achievement in core content areas; and WHEREAS, Nancy W. Sindelar, Ph.D. is

qualified to provide such training and has agreed to provide such training over one day at a cost

of $2,000; and Whereas, Nancy W. Sindelar, Ph.D. consultant services are completely

reimbursable through the Title II grant; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of

Education approves the retention of consultant Nancy W. Sindelar, Ph.D. per the terms identified

above and directs the Superintendent to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the


8.6 Approval of a Lease Agreement with Coleman Vending

This resolution maintains the agreement with Mr. Coleman to provide concession services at

Memorial Stadium.

Resolution: Whereas, the Springfield Public Schools desires a vendor to provide concessions

at all events at Memorial Stadium per approved Lease Agreement with Coleman Vending; and

Whereas, Coleman Vending provides such service; and Whereas, Coleman Vending will also

provide a commission of 17% of gross sales to the Springfield Public Schools “SPS Athletic

Facilities Fund”; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves a

three-year contract with Coleman Vending and directs the Superintendent to execute such


8.7 Approval of the District and School Improvement and Title I Plans

Resolution: Whereas, The Illinois State Board of Education requires all school districts and

schools to develop a school improvement plan; and Whereas, the school improvement plans

have been peer reviewed and submitted to the Board of Education; Now Therefore Be It

Resolved that the Board of Education of Springfield School District 186 approves the District

and school improvement and Title I plans as submitted.

8.8 Approval of an Agreement with Springfield Clinic, LLP

Resolution: That the Board of Education approves a one-year contract with Springfield Clinic,

LLP for sports medicine services (athletic trainers) at a cost of $63,000 to be paid from the Tort

Fund pending the contract’s final legal review.”

Roll Call Action Items

9.1 Approval of Personnel Recommendations

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as


Original - Motion

Member (Blake Handley) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL

motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as

presented'. There was some discussion regarding the hiring process. Upon a roll call vote being

taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Abstain: 1. The motion Carried. 6 - 0 -1

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Those voting “abstain”: Johnson

Mr. Lopez introduced several individuals moving into administrative positions or changing

administrative positions during the upcoming school year.

9.2 Approval of Travel Expenses for Board Member Johnson

Resolution: That the Board of Education approves travel expenses as follows for Judith Johnson

to attend the AVID conference from June 21-23, 2017: Transportation – $520 Hotel – $655 Meals

– $140 Miscellaneous (shuttle, luggage) – $85.

Original - Motion

Member (Blake Handley) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL

motion 'That the Board of Education approves travel expenses as follows for Judith Johnson to

attend the AVID conference from June 21-23, 2017: Transportation – $520 Hotel – $655 Meals –

$140 Miscellaneous (shuttle, luggage) – $85'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was:

Aye: 7 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

9.3 Approval of Travel Expenses for Board Members

Resolution: That the Board of Education approves travel expenses as follows for the

IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference from November 17-19, 2017: Judith Johnson

Registration - $570 Transportation - $80 Adam Lopez Registration - $570 Transportation - $80

Donna Moore Registration - $710 (pre-conference) Transportation - $80 Mike Zimmers

Registration - $570 Transportation - $80


Member (Blake Handley) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL

motion 'That the Board of Education approves travel expenses as follows for the

IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference from November 17-19, 2017: Judith Johnson

Registration - $570 Transportation - $80 Adam Lopez Registration - $570 Transportation - $80

Donna Moore Registration - $710 (pre-conference) Transportation - $80 Mike Zimmers

Registration - $570 Transportation - $80'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7

Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 7 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Johnson, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

9.4 Student Discipline

Resolution: That the Board approves the student discipline as discussed in Executive Session

and summarized by the Superintendent.

Original - Motion

Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Blake Handley) Seconded to approve the Original

motion 'That the Board approves the student discipline as discussed in Executive Session and

summarized by the Superintendent'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay:

0Abstain: 2. The motion Carried. 5 – 0 - 2

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Lopez, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Those voting “abstain”: Johnson, Mares


10.1 Next Regular Meeting — June 19, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Board Room

10.2 Alliance Legislative Reports

100-18 http://iasb.com/govrel/alr10018.cfm 100-19 http://iasb.com/govrel/alr10019.cfm 100-20

http://iasb.com/govrel/alr10020.cfm 100-21 http://iasb.com/govrel/alr10021.cfm

10.3 Freedom of Information Report

Public Comment

There was no public comment at this time.


There being no further business to come before the Board, President Lopez declared the meeting

adjourned until Monday, June 19, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
