
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met June 19

Webp meeting 06

Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met June 19.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Call to Order

1.1 Roll Call

President Lopez called the meeting to order.

Approval of Executive Session

Mrs. Moore moved to adjourn to Executive Session to consider the following matters:

2.1 The Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of Employees – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

2.2 Pending and Imminent Litigation – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

2.3 Student Discipline and Other Matters Concerning Individual Students – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9,10)

Motion seconded by Mr. Handley and carried by the following vote:

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Adjournment to Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m. and reconvened at 6:34 p.m. Upon reconvening, it was noted

that six Board members were present.

President's Report

3.1 President's Comments

Mr. Lopez made the routine announcement that public comment on published agenda items

would occur during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. He instructed those interested in

addressing the Board to fill out the required Public Participation at Board Meetings Form and

submit it to Ms. Mitchell in the front row of the audience. Additionally, he reminded those

interested in addressing the Board that comments are limited to three minutes.

Mr. Lopez commended Mr. Rick Sanders, Director of School Support, on his service to the District

upon his impending retirement. Mr. Lopez thanked Mr. Sanders for his service.

Additionally, Mr. Lopez announced that Mr. Handley would be moving from his sub-district after

the July 10, 2017 meeting. Mr. Handley will be resigning his seat after that meeting. Mr. Lopez

thanked Mr. Handley for his hard work. Mr. Lopez then indicated that the replacement process

would be announced in July.

3.2 Board Salutes

There were no salutes at this time.

3.3 Recognition of Lanphier High School Track and Field Athletes

The Board of Education congratulated the following Lanphier High School athletes for success at

the IHSA 2A State Track and Field Meet: Dearis Herron – 9th place long jump, 6th place triple

jump, 5th place 400m; Jairus Jackson – 4th place 200m; Jaylen Muldrow, Ashley Farmer, Jada

Redding, and Martrice Brooks – 6th place 4x100m. Coaches: Mike Garcia and Tony Daniel.

Coach Daniel introduced his athletes in attendance.

3.4 Recognition of Springfield High School Track Athlete

The Board of Education congratulated Springfield High School athlete Ozzy Erwele for taking 5th

place in the 100 meter dash at the IHSA 3A State Track Meet. Coach: Joe Bunch

3.5 Recognition of the Southeast High School Girls Track Team

The Board of Education congratulated the following Southeast High School Girls Track Team for

taking 3rd place at the IHSA 2A State Track and Field Meet. The following athletes contributed to

the team placement: Serena Bolden – 4th long jump, 3rd triple jump, 2nd 4x100m; Dontavia

Howard – 2nd 4x100m, 9th 100 high hurdles, 5th 4x400m; Kaylynn Florence – 2nd 4x100m, 5th

4x400; Raven Moore – 2nd 4x100m, 4th 400m, 3rd 200m, 5th 4x400m; Tiarah Phillips – 5th place

4x400m; Alyssa Ashford, Kloe Crum, Sydney Huffman, Contessa Lee, Kashonna Mattison, Taliah

Phillips, Breanna Triplett, Kierra Wallace, and Elena Wittenauer. Coaches: Barb Montgomery,

Shirley Bernstein, Leah Berry, Liz Canaday.

Coach Montgomery introduced her athletes in attendance.

3.6 Recognition of the Rich Wolff Memorial Athletic Fund

The Board of Education recognized the support from the Rich Wolff Memorial Athletic Fund. An

overview of its support is attached ESB.

Jan Wolff, wife of Mr. Wolff, spoke on behalf of the family. She thanked the Board for the

recognition. Additionally, Mr. Sanders reported that the fund has donated over $60,000 to the

District over the course of the last 20 years.

Discussion Items

4.1 Old Business

There was no old business at this time.

4.2 Committees

Mr. Lopez asked the other members to review the list of committees provided to them. The floor

was open for discussion of the committee assignments. There was no discussion at this time.

4.3 New Business

There was no new business at this time.

4.4 Student Business

There was no student business at this time.

Presentations to The Board

There were no presentations to the Board at this time.

Business Reports

6.1 Treasurer's Report

Board members were provided with copies of the Treasurer’s Report for May 2017. Copies have

been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the Electronic School


Mr. Joseph Bascio, Business Manager, reported that the District ended the month of May with a

cash balance of approximately $14.2 million in the bank for all funds. Earned interest for the

month totaled approximately $10,700 with interest earnings year-to-date totaling approximately


Superintendent's Report

7.1 Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Gill provided information regarding the impact the State of Illinois budget impasse may have

on the District. She reported that the impasse may lead to a budget deficit for the District. By

July 1, 2017, the District will be owed approximately $10.2 million in categorical payments by the

State of Illinois, if no payments are received prior to then. Without a State budget, effective

July 1, 2017, the District will no longer receive General State Aid, which totals approximately $3.6

million per month. She indicated that District operations would likely be impacted beginning in

December if the budget impasse continues, as reserves would be exhausted by that point in time.

Additionally, Mrs. Gill reported that although the District has increased its cash reserves and

operated with a balanced budget over the last several years in an effort to improve the bond

rating, a continued State budget impasse is likely to result in a lowered bond rating for the District.

She also provided information regarding the impact of a potential property tax freeze,

Senate Bill 1 and possible reductions in federal funding.

Mr. Zimmers encouraged community members to contact their legislators regarding the budget

impasse, Senate Bill 1 and a potential property tax freeze.

Mr. Bascio reported that contingency plans are being created. Mr. Flamini urged community

members to consider the impact of a potential property tax freeze on schools.

Next, Mrs. Gill congratulated Mr. Sanders on his impending retirement. She thanked him for his

work and dedication to the District during his tenure.

Consent Action Items

8.1 Approval of Consent Action Items

Approval of consent action items as listed in the agenda.

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2 through

8.10 as described in the corresponding resolutions.

Original - Motion

Member (Donna Moore) Moved, Member (Anthony Mares) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends approval of the consent action items 8.2

through 8.10 as described in the corresponding resolutions'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the

vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 6 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

8.2 Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session and the Regular Meeting of June 5,


Resolution: Whereas, the Board of Education of Springfield School District 186 reviews the

minutes of the regular session and the executive session of the previous Board Meetings; and

Whereas, copies of these sets of minutes were distributed to the Board in the board packet

prior to this meeting; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education

approves the aforementioned set of regular session and executive session minutes and directs

the Secretary to include them in the official records of the Board of Education meetings.

8.3 Approval of Payroll and Bills Payable

Resolution: That the Board of Education approves payroll and bills payable as shown in the

attached report.

8.4 Declaration of Surplus Property

Resolution: Be It Resolved to declare the items on the attached document as surplus

materials and to be sold or disposed.

8.5 Approval of a Resolution Regarding the Renewal of Property, Casualty and Legal

Liability Insurance

The renewal proposal of Selective Insurance is being recommended by our broker, R. W. Troxell,

for FY 2017-2018 for our insurances in the amount of $502,623, which represents approximately

a $37,000, decrease over the previous year.

Resolution: Whereas, Springfield Public School District 186 will be in need of property,

casualty, and legal liability insurance for fiscal year 2017 – 2018; and Whereas, the District

requested R.W. Troxell, its insurance broker, to pursue renewal of the current property, casualty,

and legal liability insurance for fiscal year 2018; and Whereas, the District's insurance broker

has recommended renewing the current property, casualty, and legal liability insurance program

with Selective Insurance; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education

accepts the proposals of Selective Insurance for property, casualty, and legal liability insurance.

8.6 Approval of an Agreement with Comcast for Internet Services

Comcast has agreed to provide 1GB of ethernet dedicated internet to the District at a cost of

$42,000 per year. The cost is $18,000 per year less than the previous agreement.

Resolution: Whereas, Comcast has developed and maintained an internet network; and

Whereas, the District has a need for internet connectivity; and Whereas, the parties desire to

enter into an agreement for internet services for a term of 1 year; Now Therefore Be It

Resolved that the Superintendent and Business Manager are hereby authorized and directed

to enter into an internet service agreement with Comcast whereby the District will pay Comcast

$42,000 per year for such services.

8.7 Approval of an Agreement with Technology Resource Associates

The District is replacing the current school accounting system, which no longer meets the

District's needs.

Resolution: Whereas, the District has a need for a school accounting system; and Whereas,

Technology Resource Associates has developed an acceptable school system; Now

Therefore Be It Resolved that the Superintendent and Business Manager are hereby

authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Technology Resource Associates for a

term of three years.

8.8 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with Southern Illinois University School of


Renewal of a consultant agreement for the 2017-2018 school year.

Resolution: Whereas, Mary Dobbins, M.D. is a full-time faculty member in the Department of

Psychiatry of the Southern Illinois University’s School of Medicine and is appropriately qualified to

serve as the Springfield Public School District 186 consultant and agrees to do observations,

conduct assessments, participate in meetings, and provide staff development services; and

Whereas, the District desires to appoint Mary Dobbins, M.D. to serve as the District Consultant

and to provide services; and Whereas, Mary Dobbins, M.D. has indicated her willingness and

desire to serve as the District’s Consultant on a part-time basis while employed by the University;

and Whereas, the University has agreed to grant Mary Dobbins, M.D. release time from her

faculty appointment so that Mary Dobbins, M.D. may serve as the District’s Consultant on a parttime

basis; and Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves an

agreement between Springfield Public School District 186 and Southern Illinois University School

of Medicine for the time period of August 15, 2017, through May 31, 2018, approximately 13

hours per month during the school year, for a total not to exceed 124 hours computed at a rate

not to exceed $23,705.

8.9 Approval of an Agreement with United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Land of Lincoln

Resolution: Whereas, Springfield Public Schools desire to provide opportunities to high school

students with disabilities to practice real-life work skills in a professional environment, that will

prepare them for future employment/services; and Whereas, United Cerebral Palsy Land of

Lincoln (UCP) exists to provide training and assessment for it’s students to allow them time to

develop knowledge, skills, and abilities in a professional environment that will prepare them for

future employment/services; and Whereas, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act and the

Constitution of the State of Illinois permits the State of Illinois and the District governmental

agencies to cooperate together in the performance of their responsibilities by agreements; Now

Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education accepts and agrees to the

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and UCP on the administration of the

agreement for the 2017 – 2018 school year, effective July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.

8.10 Approval of the Student and Family Handbook for the 2017-2018 School Year

That the Board of Education approves the reviewed and revised Student and Family Handbook

for the 2017-2018 school year.

Resolution: Whereas, it is required to review the Student and Family Handbook annually; and

Whereas, a committee consisting of parents, administrators, teachers and secondary students

reviewed and revised the Student and Family Handbook for the 2016-2017 school year; Now

Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approves the newly reviewed and

revised Springfield Public Schools Student and Family Handbook for the 2017-2018 school year.

Roll Call Action Items

9.1 Approval of Personnel Recommendations

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as


Original - Motion

Member (Blake Handley) Moved, Member (Donna Moore) Seconded to approve the ORIGINAL

motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the Personnel recommendations as

presented'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried.

6 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Mr. Lopez introduced Bryant Sanders, who has transferred from an Administrative Intern position

at Feitshans Elementary School to an Administrative Intern position at Harvard Park Elementary

School for the upcoming school year. Mr. Lopez congratulated Mr. Sanders on his new position.

Mr. Sanders thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve the District in this capacity. He

introduced his family members in attendance.

9.2 Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Notice to Remedy

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: Whereas,

the Board of Education has received reports from Administration regarding the conduct of Aaron

Graves, a teacher of this School District; and Whereas, the Board finds and determines that

such reports state causes, charges, reasons, and conduct of Aaron Graves, which, if not

removed, are causes, charges, and reasons warranting discharge and dismissal of Aaron Graves

as a teacher in this School District; and Now Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of

Education of Springfield Public School District No. 186, Sangamon County, Illinois, as follows:

Section 1: That the President and Secretary of this Board of Education are hereby authorized

and directed to sign and serve, or cause to be served, on behalf of this Board of Education, on

Aaron Graves, pursuant to Section 5/24-12(d) of the Illinois School Code, 105 ILCS 5/24-12(d), a

Notice To Remedy substantially in the form of Exhibit 1, attached to and made a part of this

Resolution, which Notice enumerates causes, charges, reasons, and defects that this Board

determines, if not remedied, may result in the discharge and dismissal of Aaron Graves as a

teacher in the School District. Section 2: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its


Mr. Graves addressed the Board regarding this agenda item.

Original - Motion

Member (Michael Zimmers) Moved, Member (Anthony Mares) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas, the Board of Education has received reports from Administration regarding the

conduct of Aaron Graves, a teacher of this School District; and Whereas, the Board finds and

determines that such reports state causes, charges, reasons, and conduct of Aaron Graves,

which, if not removed, are causes, charges, and reasons warranting discharge and dismissal of

Aaron Graves as a teacher in this School District; and Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the

Board of Education of Springfield Public School District No. 186, Sangamon County, Illinois, as

follows: Section 1: That the President and Secretary of this Board of Education are hereby

authorized and directed to sign and serve, or cause to be served, on behalf of this Board of

Education, on Aaron Graves, pursuant to Section 5/24-12(d) of the Illinois School Code, 105 ILCS

5/24-12(d), a Notice To Remedy substantially in the form of Exhibit 1, attached to and made a

part of this Resolution, which Notice enumerates causes, charges, reasons, and defects that this

Board determines, if not remedied, may result in the discharge and dismissal of Aaron Graves as

a teacher in the School District. Section 2: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon

its adoption'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0Abstain: 1. The motion

Carried. 5 - 0 - 1

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.

Those voting “abstain”: Handley

9.3 Approval of a Resolution Regarding Designation of Depositories

The Board of Education is required to annually authorize the designation of financial institutions

as depositories of school funds.

Resolution: The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS,

Joseph Bascio, Treasurer of Springfield School District No. 186, has requested this Board to

designate an approved depository or depositories in which the funds and money which shall

come into his hands as Treasurer shall be deposited; and WHEREAS, after due consideration,

this Board finds said request to be reasonable and in conformity with practices of other political

subdivisions and bodies politic within this State; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the

aforesaid Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit all public money and funds now in, or coming

into his hands as Treasurer, in his name as Treasurer, in the following financial institutions, but

the amount to be deposited in any financial institution shall not exceed seventy-five [75%] percent

of the capital and surplus of any such financial institution: Bank of America, Chicago, Illinois Bank

of Springfield, Springfield, Illinois Chase Bank, Illinois Carrollton Bank, Springfield, Illinois

Commerce Bank, St. Louis, Missouri Fifth Third Securities Inc. First Bank, FSB, Springfield,

Illinois Hickory Point Bank & Trust, FSB, Springfield, Illinois Illini Bank, Springfield, Illinois Illinois

Educators Credit Union, Springfield, Illinois Illinois National Bank, Springfield, Illinois Illinois

School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus, Illinois Marine Bank, Springfield, Illinois PMA Financial

Network Inc., Aurora, Illinois PNC Bank, Illinois Prairie State Bank and Trust, Springfield, Illinois

Regions Financial Corporation, Springfield, Illinois Security Bank, Springfield, Illinois The Illinois

Funds, Springfield, Illinois Town and Country Bank, Springfield, Illinois United Community Bank,

Springfield, Illinois US Bank, Illinois Warren-Boynton State Bank, Springfield, Illinois Williamsville

State Bank, Springfield, Illinois Be It Further Resolved that the aforesaid Treasurer and the

Surety and Sureties of his official bond are hereby relieved and discharged from any liability

responsibility growing out of the closing of any of the above-designated official depositories, or

the failure of any of said depositories to pay on demand any such funds or money so deposited;

and Be It Further Resolved that each said depository herein designated as an official

school depository for such money and funds shall furnish this Board with a copy of all bank

statements which it is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts or the Comptroller of

the Currency while acting as such depository.

Original - Motion

Member (Blake Handley) Moved, Member (Anthony Mares) Seconded to approve the

Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas, Joseph Bascio, Treasurer of Springfield School District No. 186, has requested this

Board to designate an approved depository or depositories in which the funds and money which

shall come into his hands as Treasurer shall be deposited; and Whereas, after due

consideration, this Board finds said request to be reasonable and in conformity with practices of

other political subdivisions and bodies politic within this State; Now Therefore Be It

Resolved that the aforesaid Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit all public money and funds

now in, or coming into his hands as Treasurer, in his name as Treasurer, in the following financial

institutions, but the amount to be deposited in any financial institution shall not exceed seventyfive

[75%] percent of the capital and surplus of any such financial institution: Bank of America,

Chicago, Illinois; Bank of Springfield, Springfield, Illinois; Chase Bank, Illinois; Carrollton Bank,

Springfield, Illinois; Commerce Bank, St. Louis, Missouri; Fifth Third Securities Inc. First Bank,

FSB, Springfield, Illinois; Hickory Point Bank & Trust, FSB, Springfield, Illinois; Illini Bank,

Springfield, Illinois; Illinois Educators Credit Union, Springfield, Illinois; Illinois National Bank,

Springfield, Illinois; Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus, Illinois; Marine Bank,

Springfield, Illinois; PMA Financial Network Inc., Aurora, Illinois; PNC Bank, Illinois; Prairie State

Bank and Trust, Springfield, Illinois; Regions Financial Corporation, Springfield, Illinois; Security

Bank, Springfield, Illinois; The Illinois Funds, Springfield, Illinois; Town and Country Bank,

Springfield, Illinois; United Community Bank, Springfield, Illinois; US Bank, Illinois; WarrenBoynton

State Bank, Springfield, Illinois; Williamsville State Bank, Springfield, Illinois. Be It

Further Resolved that the aforesaid Treasurer and the Surety and Sureties of his official

bond are hereby relieved and discharged from any liability responsibility growing out of the

closing of any of the above-designated official depositories, or the failure of any of said

depositories to pay on demand any such funds or money so deposited; and Be It Further

Resolved that each said depository herein designated as an official school depository for such

money and funds shall furnish this Board with a copy of all bank statements which it is required to

furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts or the Comptroller of the Currency while acting as such

depository'. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. The motion Carried.

6 - 0

Those voting “aye”: Flamini, Handley, Lopez, Mares, Moore, Zimmers

Those voting “no”: None.


10.1 Next Regular Meeting — Tuesday, July 10, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Board Room

10.2 Alliance Legislative Reports – 100-22, 100-23, 100-24

Board members were provided with an electronic link to the Alliance Legislative Reports. The

reports are available for public viewing at http://iasb.com/govrel/alrmenu.cfm

10.3 Freedom of Information Report

Board members were provided with electronic copies of the Freedom of Information Act report.

Copies have been filed with the Official Minutes and are available for public viewing on the

Electronic School Board.

Public Comment

There was no public comment at this time.


There being no further business to come before the Board, President Lopez declared the meeting

adjourned until Monday, July 10, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.




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