Auburn Public Library Board met May 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Jeff Davis, President
Diana Coffman, Vice-President
Dave Hallerberg, Treasurer
Lisa Whisler, Secretary
Shirley Deheve
Monica Garrett
Amy Steele
Lisa Talley
Staff Present:
Calla Patton, Library Director
Quinn Stitt, Librarian
Louise Dudley, Aide
Board Members Absent:
Amy Kaufmann
Jason Garrett, city liaison
Ashley Foster
Carrie Pillischafske
I. Consent Agenda:
II. Public Comment / Citizens to be heard:
III. New Business
1. Budget and Attorney responses: Monica Garrett made a motion to hire Attorney Phil Lenzini to put together a document regarding the budget in response to the city’s activities. Diana Coffman seconded the motion. The motion carried.
2. Library District: Diana Coffman made a motion to hire Attorney Lenzini and have him attend the next available meeting. Amy Steele seconded the motion. The motion carried.
IV. Closed Session:
V. Announcements:
The next meeting is 5/16/2017.
VII: Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.