Village of Dawson Board of Trustees met June 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Dawson Village Board was called to order by Mayor Dee Smith at 7p.m. and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Trustees present were Jeremy Bounds, Jake Byerline, Josh Nibbe, Robin Ashton-Hale, Theresa J. Davis-Anderson, Nancy Prytherch. Also present were Mayor Dee Smith, Clerk Jo D. Prytherch, Treasurer Shelly Farley, Attorney Steve Scott, Engineer Kevin Kuhn and Public Works Supervisor Jack Prytherch.
Minutes: Nancy Prytherch made a motion to approve the minutes, with a second by Jake Byerline MC.
Bills: Nancy Prytherch made a motion to approve the monthly bills, with a second by Josh Nibbe MC.
Treasurer’s report: Shelly reviewed the balance sheet and bank balances, profit and los , general fund and water for the monthly reports.
Public Forum: Nothing to report.
New Business:
1. Animal Control Contract was approved for $498.68 motion was made by Jake Byerline second by Nancy Prytherch MC.
2. Employee’ s Salaries: was moved to closed executive meeting.
3. Department Officers were announced: Drainage Jeremy Bounds, Financial Shelly Farley, ESDA Nancy Prytherch, ESDA Coordinator Jeremy Prytherch, Health & Safety Robin Ashton-Hale, Parks Josh Nibbe, Streets & Alleys Jake Byerline Water Theresa J. Davis- Anderson.
4. Building Permit for Keith Shaffer was approved to have Mayor Dee Smith review the plans for the addition of a sun room, Robin Ashton-Hale made the motion to approve with a second by Jeremy Bounds.
Engineers Report: Kevin Kuhn reported an estimate of $1.5 million for New Water plant plus $70 thousand for design , with 5% engineer fee. Discussed was the possibility of receiving Grants, EPA & Dept. Forgiveness loans along with needing to due a survey to be eligible for the grants & loans. Also the discussion of comparison of updating the old water plant versus building a new water plant, as of moment old water plant estimate of fixing is 1/2 million to fix. Motion to approve $10,000 survey and comparison was made by Jake Byerline and Robin Ashton-Hale MC.
Old Business: Water Truck purchase that was approved for $40,583 in the may meeting actually cost $40,789 The additional cost was due to additional items needed on the new truck as extra safety features. The additional cost of $176 was motioned to approve by Nancy Prytherch, and Robin Ashton-Hale MC. Robin Ashton-Hale motioned to approve the purchase of signs for the park, along with sending newsletters for acknowledgement of the signs, Nancy Prytherch second the motion.
Trustee’s Report: Theresa Davis-Anderson suggested putting crossing lines at the stop sign on Ledlie & Ross, also discussed was starting a sidewalk program for future sidewalk repairs.
Attorney’s Report:
1. Tentative Budget for 2018 budget was approved
2. Prevailing Wage Ordinance was motion to be approved by Jake Byerline and second by Nancy Prytherch MC.
3. Engagement Agreement for Scott & Scott, P.C. to represent Village of Dawson as our attorney contract was approved with a motion made by Robin Ashton-Hale second by Josh Nibbe MC.
Mayor’s Report: Discussed making a donation to help with the fireworks display for this July 3,2017. Suggestion of $2,000 was made and approved by Robin Ashton-Hale and second by Nancy Prytherch MC. Discussed was also to pay for half of the Mayor’s cell phone bill for the amount of $50 per month was approved by Nancy Prytherch and second by Robin Ashton-Hale MC.
Meeting went into Executive meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Adjournment 9:00 p.m.