
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sherman Public Library Board of Trustees met July 19

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Sherman Public Library Board of Trustees met July 19.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The regular monthly meeting of the Sherman Public Library Board convened at 5:00 p.m.

Present were Library Director Rachel Kocis and Board members Julie Horton, Dave Grimm,

Mary Contri, Brian Manci, John Barrett, Gale Kilbury and Elizabeth Heubner.

Items for Consideration Not on the Agenda: Julie Horton expressed concern that our river

birch trees have been taken over by Japanese beetles. The Board advised Rachel to consult

some landscaping services about spraying the trees to treat for infestation.

Secretary’s Report: Mary Contri made a motion to accept the Secretary’s report from the June

21, 2017 meeting. Gale Kilbry seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

Treasurers/Financial Report: Dave Grimm made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report

and to pay the bills. Brian Manci seconded the motion, and the motion carried by a unanimous

voice vote. Liz Heubner made a motion to pay the mortgage payment from the Special

Reserves account. Julie Horton seconded the motion and a unanimous voice vote in favor was


A discussion was held about a CD held at the bank under the heading of Insurance and Torts.

The CD is up for renewal. Rachel discussed possible actions with Phil Lenzini, the Board’s

lawyer, and he suggests allowing the CD to renew and looking at possible liquidation of another

CD in January. Julie Horton made a motion to allow the CD to roll over and renew. Dave

Grimm seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

The Board also reviewed the Profit and Loss report for FY 2017.

Librarian’s Report: We had a 3,135 patron count in month of June. 2,897 items were

circulated 3,841 times at our library, up 1,684 from last year.

Resident borrowing was at 3,131 checkouts while non-resident borrowing was 635 checkouts.

Reciprocal borrowing had 68 checkouts. 3M Cloud netted 105 e-books, up 72 checkouts from

last year. 17 e-audio books were loaned, up 15 checkouts from last year. Overdrive had 180


YTD Borrowing/Lending numbers were as follows: SHARE Borrowed 3,787, WorldShare

Borrowed 34, SHARE Loaned 4,429, and WorldShare Loaned 74.

Library Events and Issues: 163 children have participated in the Summer Reading Program

this year. This 8-week program rewards kids for reading 20 minutes, 5 days a week. Each week

children came to the library and get a prize for completing their weekly goal. A grand prize

drawing will be held in August for the kids who complete all 8 weeks. The library has received

lots of positive feedback from parents in the community about this program. The Friends of

Sherman Library group has donated two $10 Barnes and Noble gift cards for children in the

months of June and July. In addition, they are donating $10 Barnes and Noble gift cards for

adults who fill out book recommendations in July and August.

Two new antique oak shelves have purchased. One shelf will be used for staff picks and one

shelf for patron recommendations as highlighted in our Strategic Plan.

The Illinois Public Library Annual Report is due September 1st. The Secretary’s Audit will be

conducted on August 23rd before the regularly scheduled board meeting. Phil Lenzini will be in

attendance at August 23rd meeting. The Sherman Fire Department has reached out to host

program at the library for Fire Safety week in October. Library involvement in Sherman Fall

Festival this September 22nd and September 23rd could include card registration and other

activities. A campaign is being conducted for Illinois Library Luminary support for Phil Lenzini.

In addition, local amateur photographers would like to display work at the Library this fall.

Rachel would like to look into collecting eye glasses for Lions Club and find a new resource for

donating printer cartridges for recycling since Staples closed in Springfield. Katie Schuermann

thanked the library for hosting her author event. Zach Morrissey created a wooden podium and

12 Winters Press donated it for meeting room use at the Library.

Library Programs and Meetings: June Children’s program attendance was 1,512, with 18

programs total. June Adult Program attendance was 144, 7 programs total. June Teen Program

attendance was 4, 1 program total. June program included Summer Reading Kick-Off with

Musician Mike Anderson on 6/2, Lego Day on 6/3, Juggling Jeff on 6/8, Cops for Kids on 6/10,

Richard Landry on 6/15, Serengeti Steve on 6/22, St. Louis Mad Science on 6/29, and Create

an Artbot on 6/28. Story-times: Monday Toddler Story-times were held on 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, and

6/26. Tuesday Pre-school Story-times included the following themes: 6/6 “Turtles”, 6/13

“Superheroes”, 6/20 “Space” 6/27 “Art”. On 6/12 there was a Sangamon County 4-H Meeting.

Quilters met on 6/1, Lost Gourd Society met on 6/8, Teachers Group met on 6/12-6/16, the

FOSL Book Clubmet on 6/15 and the 3

rd Thursday Reading Group met on 6/15. 6/16 was the

Katie Schuermann Book Signing, 6/1 was Essential Oils Program, and 6/24 was Ins and Outs of


Library Outreach: At All His Children, 6/1,6/9, 6/23, 6/30 totaled 139 kids while

Camp Sonshine 6/5, 6/12, 6/19 totaled 140 kids for a total outreach of 279.

Upcoming Programs: In July, programs will include “Frogs” Story-time on 7/25, Girl Scout

Informational Meeting on 7/26, Steve n TV at SUMC on 7/20, and Rope Warrior at SUMC on

7/27. In August we will have Really READiculous at SUMC on 8/3, Family Coloring Day on 8/1,

Rules of the Road Workshop on 8/22, Quilters on 8/3, Lost Gourd Society on 8/10, and Third

Thursday Reading Group on 8/17.

Library Training/Workshops: In June, Rachel attended the Director’s University at IL State

Library held 6/5-6/8 and the ALA Conference held 6/22-6/27. Later in July, staff members Vicki

Bryant, Dawn Rutschke, and Becky Miller will attend POLARIS training at Decatur Public Library

on July 26. In August, th online IHLS Member Library Directors Chat will be August 2. Rachel

plans to attend Medium Pubs meeting August 22 in Argenta and help with Think Outside the

Barn on 8/29 in Decatur. Assistant Director Dawn Rutschke will attend Adult Services Forum at

Vespasian Warner PLD in Clinton on 8/30 at 1:00 p.m.

New Business: Julie Horton made a motion to dontate $100 to the Illinois Library Luminary

campaign in honor of Phil Lenzini. Gale seconded the motion and the motion carried


The Board will review the new Personnel Policy job descriptions for adoption in August. John

Barrett made a motion to approve the lunch breaks and pay periods portion of the policy. Gale

Kilbury seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Continuing Business: Trustee Manci has completed his OMA training. Trustee Barrett will be

working on his. Rachel presented the Board with Chapter 2 of the Trustees Rights and


Rachel asked for volunteers to form a committee for further development of the children’s wing.

Dave Grimm and Liz Heubner will meet with Rachel before the next Board meeting to begin

forming ideas/plans.

Closed Session: Gale Kilbury made a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss personnel

matters at 6:07 p.m. Closed session adjourned and Regular Session resumed at 6:47 p.m.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Julie Horton at 6:48 p.m.
