Village of Williamsville Village Board met August 28.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The Town Hall/board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Tom Yokley. Present: Clerk: Karen Winger.
Trustees: Patrick Gettleman, John Brennan, Heather Hofferkamp, Skylar Tierney, Dave Carter, Matt Bunger.
Guests: See attached.
Trustee Brennan moved to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of August 14, 2017, seconded by Trustee
Hofferkamp. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Carter moved to approve the Executive Minutes for the meeting held on August 14, 2017, seconded by Trustee
Hofferkamp. All ayes, motion carried.
Communications: President Yokley read a thank you note from Tim & Nancy Galligan, 229 East Jones Street. They thanked the village for treating and trimming their ash tree.
Guests Comments/Concerns: Natalie Albers attended the board meeting to give the board an update regarding events the library/museum has held and events that are scheduled. (See handout.)
Committee Reports:
Finance (Skylar Tierney): Trustee Tierney made a motion to pay bills as presented. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Tierney made a motion to accept Resolution # 2017-3, a resolution authorizing repayment of loan from sewer fund to TIF fund associated with establishment of Williamsville TIF1. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Tierney stated he held a Finance Committee meeting to discuss sales tax and also municipal fuel tax. He stated the Village is constantly looking at how to cut costs. He said that the Village is experiencing increased expense from the State of Illinois and other entities, such as CWLP. He also stated the Village cannot continue to absorb the additional expenses. The Finance Committee made a recommendation to increase the municipal portion of state sales tax.
Trustee Tierney made a motion to increase sales tax to 7.25%, seconded by Trustee Carter. All ayes, except Trustee Gettleman. Trustee Gettleman voted no.
Trustee Tierney also stated the Finance Committee made a recommendation to raise municipal fuel tax from.025 cents per gallon to.03 cents per gallon.
Trustee Tierney made a motion to raise municipal fuel tax to.03 cents per gallon, seconded by Trustee Hofferkamp. All ayes, motion carried.
Ordinances for municipal fuel tax and sales tax will be introduced at the next board meeting.
Trustee Brennan discussed the reason for the recommendation for the increases. He stated the State of Illinois will be charging the village additional administrative fees. He stated the proposed increases need to be in effect on Jan. 1st.
President Yokley discussed the increases also. He stated the state raised the state income tax but did not raise the local portion. This is why the increase is necessary now. He stated the state will be taking an additional 10%. He stated he salutes the board for their actions on the proposed increases.
Trustee Tierney stated the board needs to review the employee health insurance. He stated a proposal has been made and the board needs to review the HR policies and the employee handbook. A few employees have asked to opt-out of the employee health insurance due to not needing it due to having other sources of insurance. Trustee Tierney stated the board needs to review to see if this is feasible. He stated the board will be reviewing this at a later date.
Trustee Tierney discussed the hand out from Habitat for Humanity. He stated it was a great organization and the Trustees could do as they wish.
Public Safety (John Brennan): President Yokley introduced Alec Tucker as our new police officer. Alec was sworn in. His first day will be September 1st
Water & Sewer, (Matt Bunger): Trustee Bunger stated CWLP will be hosting an informational meeting to discuss the new laws regarding lead testing.
Trustee Bunger stated there is a sewer line at the lift station that is in need of repair. He stated the Village will need to address those repairs next year or as soon as possible.
Trustee Bunger stated a water main is exposed in Sherman on St. John’s Drive. It will cost approximately $5,600 to lower this water main.
Trustee Bunger made a motion to approve spending $5,600 to make the necessary repairs to the water main. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Bunger discussed the Andrew-Williamsville Water Extension Project. Trustee Bunger has been working on this project for over a year with Kevin Kuhn, Art, and James.
Trustee Bunger stated the project started when Andrew approached Williamsville asking for water for their residents. They have researched different grants that may be possible to help cover the expense. Art has went door to door to talk with the residents of Andrew, collected samples of their wells, and also asked residents to complete an economic survey. The economic survey response was very weak. There has been several meetings held to discuss this project. Due to the low return of economic surveys, a grant is not possible. They have researched possible loans for this project. They have reached the point to where the board needs to decide whether they shall continue on with the project or not. The next step is to complete a preliminary engineering report. This report will be an expense for the village. Trustee Bunger and Kevin Kuhn asked the boards opinion. The loan they researched would have a maximum 2% interest for 20 years. This would equal to $2/additional fee for every water customer. This rate is good until October 2018. Kevin Kuhn will have an approximate price for a preliminary engineering report.
Art (from Andrew) discussed the project. He stated out of 51 water samples taken, 39 did not pass due to coliform or other issues. He states water service is available nine-tenths of a mile from his house. He states the village and Andrew have been working on this project on and off for the past 15 years. He states that he believes nearly 80% of the residents would be willing to purchase water. Fancy Creek Water gives up permission for the project. The water service will not reach Bud’s corner. Sherman will be included in this project. The agreement with Sherman and Williamsville regarding water expires in 2035.
Economic Development (Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp has scheduled an Economic Development committee meeting on August 31st. The committee will discuss the renting of the depot/boxcars and the request for a video gaming business.
Parks & Recreation (Dave Carter): Trustee Carter stated the tennis court fence is up and looks good. He thanked and complimented Public Works on the project.
Trustee Carter stated JFL is willing to defray some of the parking lot expense. He talked about how many people visit our town due to sports, which means an increase in sales for businesses.
Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Storm Sewers (Patrick Gettleman): Trustee Gettleman stated the bids are in for the street repair.
Trustee Gettleman made a motion to approve the bid from Truman Flat for Main Street, Linden Lane and Lester Street (library) in the amount of $154,624.00. Trustee Carter seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Additional Business: Trustee Bunger made a motion to approve completing the water and sewer line beside the library to the end of Lester Street. Trustee Gettleman seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Brennan made a motion to pass Ordinance #2017-09, an ordinance of the Village of Williamsville, Illinois adopting Chapter 120 bidding and contract procedures to the Code of the Village of Williamsville. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 7:14p.m.