
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lincoln Library Board of Trustees met August 23.


Lincoln Library Board of Trustees met August 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board Present: Helen Cox, Vice President; Arden Lang, President; Mary Mucciante; Marty Ryan, Secretary; Stuart Shiffman.

Board Absent: Cristina Cray; Davida Fanniel; Larry Harvell; Dr. Donald Ross.

Staff Present: Jeff Blazis, Fiscal Officer; William O’Hearn, Director.

Public Present: Mary Frances.

President Lang, called the meeting to order at 4:49 p.m.

Minutes: Ms. Cox made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 2017 meeting of the Board. Ms. Ryan seconded the motion and the motion carried with President Lang abstaining.

Public Forum: To accommodate the schedule of Mary Frances, a library customer, the Board agreed to move up the Public Forum. Ms. Frances addressed the Board regarding some concerns she has about safety in the library. As she had been in contact with Director O’Hearn and President Lang prior to the Board meeting, Director O’Hearn shared that a lighting issue on second floor has been resolved by installation of a switch plate that cannot be turned off, broken lighting ballasts have been referred to an electrician for repair and Security staff is increasing building sweeps and continuing with monitoring security cameras. At the suggestion of Ms. Frances, Director O’Hearn will look into staff training that could be offered by the Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault or Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

(Mary Frances departed the meeting at 5:07 p.m.)

Financial Reports: The August 2017 financial reports were reviewed.

Director’s Report:

Summer Reading Program – Participation in the summer reading program for children and teens was down from past years, partially due to less school outreach. Changes for next year include additional promotion, more traditional programming and new incentives.

The adult summer reading program reflects an increase in participation and programming.

Staff Institute – The library will be closed to customer on September 15, 2017, for the annual Staff Institute. The day of continuing education will offer presentations on mental health, workplace safety, and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. As in the past, the Friends of Lincoln Library will underwrite the cost of the day.

LLCC Partnership – The possibility of a customer reciprocal borrowing agreement with the library at Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC) is being discussed.

Ecards – Providing eCards for students of School District 186 is progressing. Informational sessions are being held for teachers, parents and students. Students will use their school ID to access Lincoln Library resources.

Hotspots – Eleven mobile internet hotspots have been purchased. Nine will be offered for customer checkout and the remaining two will be used for library outreach programs. The cost to provide unlimited mobile broadband service is $120 annually, per device. The company charges $15 for repair or replacement of a broken device. If a borrower loses or does not return a device, internet service will be shut off and an $80 fee charged to their account.

Friends of Lincoln Library: – The Friends of Lincoln Library held a one-day summer book sale in June that raised $8,500. Plans are underway to expand the January book sale.

(Mr. Shiffman departed the meeting at 5:31 p.m.)

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

Strategic Plan Tag Line – President Lang, Ms. Cox, Ms. Muccianti and Mr. Ryan agreed that library staff should move forward with the Strategic Plan and the use of the tag line “Empower, Connect, Inspire.”

Executive Session: None.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:33 p.m.
