City of Petersburg Council met November 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
I. Call To Order
Mayor Rick Snyder called the City Council to order at 7:03 p.m.
II. Preliminary Matters
A. Members present were Mayor Rick Snyder, Alderman Nathan Grosboll, Andrew Gain, Bruce Gorman, Rick Sonnemaker, and Keith Wilson. Also present were Treasurer Dave Frick, Clerk Ken Ortman and City Attorney Chris Sherer. Aldermen Kevin Molohon was absent.
B. Mayor Snyder led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
C. A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Gorman to approve the agenda as Presented. Votes: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes, Wilson, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
III. City Clerk
A. The Clerk presented the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Grosboll to approve payment of the bills as listed on the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. Votes: Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
B. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Sonnemaker to approve the minutes of November 7, 2017 Regular Meeting, November 7, 2017 Executive Session, and October 24, 2017 Police Committee Meeting. Votes: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
C. Resolution 2017-06. A resolution to open or stay closed Executive Session Minutes. A motion made by Alderman Wilson seconded by Alderman Gorman to approve Resolution 2017-06. Votes: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
IV. Departmental Reports
A. Police None
B. Streets
1. Superintendent Dave Troxell gave the Street Department Report.
2. Discussion on sending A Street Department Employee home for half a day.
3. Discussion on the ditch along the State Highway at Hurie Park needing to be cleaned out.
C. Water
1. Water Collector Georgia Ed gave the Water Collector’s Report. A motion made by Alderman Gain seconded by Alderman Gorman to accept the Water Collectors Report and adjustments as Presented. Votes: Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
2. Water Superintendent Dave Troxell gave the Water/Sewer Department Report. A motion made by Alderman Gain seconded by Alderman Gorman to accept the Water Superintendent’s Report. Votes: Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
3. Discussion on the Water Tower Bid. Bids were opened on November 9, 2017 with the City Engineers Present. Low Bid was Tecorp from Joliet, IL for a low bid of $85,000.00. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Sonnemaker to accept the low bid of $85,000.00 from Tecorp of Joliet, IL for repair of the South Water Tower. Votes: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes, Wilson, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
D. Zoning
V. Officers’ Reports
A. Mayor’s Report
1. Motor Fuel Tax Resolution 2017-07. A resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to accept Resolution 2017-07. Votes: Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
2. Discussion on Ordinance 2000-5. The Mayor discussed the issue we are having with geese landing in the clean water pond and defecating in the water. This causes the water being dumped into the river to have higher standards than permissible by the IEPA. He wants to change the ordinance to allow for a Degradation Permit through IDNR to hunt the geese in the City to control the nuisance. A motion made by Alderman Grosboll seconded by Alderman Gain to proceed with a change to ordinance 2000-05 on hunting in the City. Votes: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
3. Discussion on the alley on 8th street between Sangamon and Taylor. The Mayor wants to stop the use of ally’s for garbage pickup.
4. Golf Cart Ordinance. Discussion on moving forward with the Golf Cart Ordinance.
B. Treasurer’s Report
1. The Treasurer presented the Treasures Report. A motion made by Alderman Grosboll seconded by Alderman Sonnemaker to accept the Treasures Report. Votes: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
2. Discussion was held on the 20017/2018 Tax Levy. Dave informed the Council of the estimated EVA and what Mike Feriozzi has suggested the City levy.
3. Discussion of the annual Municipal League Dues.
VI. Standing Committees’ Report
VII. Special Committees’ Report
VIII. Hearing Of Citizens
X. Old Business
1. Discussion on the Masters Home. The Council talked about getting an inventory of items inside the house. They discussed the bank accounts of the Masters Home. Alderman Gorman wants to set up a meeting with the Masters Board on December 5, 2017 6 p.m. to discuss the issues.
X. New Business
1. Employee Christmas Bonus and Christmas Party. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Wilson to approve a $125.00 Christmas Bonus for all Full Time Employees, a $60 Christmas bonus for all Part Time Employees and to provide $125.00 for a Christmas Luncheon. Votes: Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried.
2. The Mayor discussed an issue with a new house at 7th and Rutledge. The owner had taken out the side walk out and altered the landscape. The City will work with the owner about signing a contract to do work for the City using his heavy equipment.
XII. Adjournment
A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Gain to adjourn the meeting. Votes: Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 8:13 pm