Athens Community Unified School District 213 Board met October 23.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Athens School District, Athens, Illinois was called to order by President Penrod on October 23, 2017 at 6:45 p.m.
Members Present: Epperson, Gordon, Ingram, Mayfield, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum
Members Absent: None
Administrators Present: Laird, Szoke, Binegar, Reed, Rhoades
Visitors Present: C. Dion
Executive Session
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to enter into executive session for the semi-annual review of executive session minutes and the discussion of matters pertaining to personnel at 6:45 p.m.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to re-enter regular session at 7:07 p.m.
Roll Call: Yeas: 7 Nays: 0
Reception of Visitors, Petitions, Communciations
There were no comments from visitors, petitions or communications during the regular meeting.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to approve the consent agenda including the September 25, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes and Financial Reports.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Approval of Monthly Bills
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to approve the bills payable for October in the amount of $115,568.91.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Report of the Superintendent
Informational Items
Mrs. Robin Yockey, of Mose, Yockey, Brown & Kull, LLC, presented the FY17 Annual Audit.
Action Items/Possible Action Items
Personnel Recommendations
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to approve the extra-duty assignment for Mrs. Susie Hager, as JV Scholastic Bowl coach, at Athens High School, effective for the 2017-18 school year.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Appoint Delegate for IASB Conference/IASB Resolutions
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to appoint Mrs. Valerie Woodrum as the Board’s Delegate for the 2017 IASB Conference.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Approve Destruction of Verbatim Records of Executive Sessions
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to approve the destruction of any taped Executive Session Minutes prior to April 2016.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Approve Requests for Early Graduation
Motion by Mrs. Mayfield, seconded by Mr. Ingram to approve the early graduation requests for Kaci Bringoff, Haleigh Eddings, Colton Lawrence, Alexis Moslander, and Brooke Wilson, at the conclusion of the 1st semester of the 2017-18 school year, pending completion of all required credits.
Roll Call: Yeas: Mayfield, Ingram, Penrod, Shiffer, Woodrum, Epperson, Gordon Nays: 0
Informational Items (Continued)
Standardized Test Results
The Administration presented STAR, PARCC and SAT scores.
Stahl Foundation
Mr. Laird informed the Board that he has been asked to serve as a Trustee, for the Stahl Foundation, to benefit city parks.
Building Remodel Update
Mr. Laird notified the Board that Mr. Kevin Heid, of Stifel, will be in attendance at the November meeting to discuss the ballot question for the referendum and that the Board will need to decide by the December meeting if the question will go on the ballot for the Spring election.
Volunteer Organizations
Mr. Laird reviewed the relationship between the District and volunteer organizations in regards to their individual fund accounts.
Enrollment Report
The enrollment report was presented for the Board’s review.
Suspension Report
The suspension report was presented for the Board’s review.
Principal’s Reports
Mr. Reed, Mr. Rhoades, Mrs. Binegar and Mr. Szoke reported on recent and upcoming activities at their schools.
There were no announcements.
Mr. Penrod adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m.