Pawnee Community Unit School District No. 11 Board of Education will meet January 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1.Call to Order and Roll Call
2.Request Closed Session to discuss the employment, compensation, resignation of specific employees of the District, collective bargaining matters between the District and its employees or their representative, student discipline and to discuss pending or probable litigation as provided by 5ILCS 120/2(C) 1, 2, 9, and 11.
Pledge Of Allegiance-please stand if able
4.Good News
5.PTO and Student Council updates
6.Approval of Minutes
6.1 Approve regular board meeting minutes of December 20, 2017
7. Approval of Financial Reports and Expenditures
7.1 Consideration and approval of financial reports and expenditures
8. Recognition of Visitors
8. Administrative Reports
10. New Business
10.1 Consideration and approval of leave of absence for 2018-19
10.2 Consideration and approval of personnel resignation
10.3 Consideration and approval of extra-curricular reassignment
10.4 Consideration and approval of interfund repayment of $305,000 from Health Life Safety to Working Cash
11. Adjournment