Pawnee Community Unit School District No. 11 Board of Education met November 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
President Ward called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members present: Adcock, Howard, Kern, Shelton, Ward, Wort Members absent: Starr Administrators Present: Alexander, Kratochvil, Mendenhall, and Recording Secretary, Hamilton
2. Request Closed Session to discuss the employment, compensation, resignation of specific employees of the District, collective bargaining matters between the District and its employees or their representative, student discipline and to discuss pending or probable litigation as provided by 5ILCS 120/2(C) 1, 2, 9, and 11.
Motion: Go into executive session for the stated purpose.
Motion: Howard
Second: Adcock
Ayes: Adcock, Howard, Kern, Shelton, Ward, Wort Starr arrived at 6:02 p.m.
President Ward declared the meeting open at 7:03 p.m.
Pledge Of Allegiance-please stand if able
3. Public Hearing concerning the intent of the Board of Education to sell $850,000 School Fire Prevention and Safety Bonds
Call the Bond issuance Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m.
Motion: Adcock
Second: Starr
Ayes: 7-0
1. Information regarding the intent of the Board of Education to sell $850,000 Schoolfire Prevention and Safety Bonds Roof, Grade School windows, Doors repaired/replaced, Fire Panel upgrade.
2. Public Comment None.
Action 3. Adjournment Hearing at 7:07 p.m.
Motion: Adcock Second: Howard Ayes: 7-0
4 Communications
4.1 Presentation by the Pawnee Community Education Foundation Jay Sheedy reviewed 2016/2017 Foundation Report.
4.2 Board President Comment
Statement herein attached.
For three years we have had a Pawnee Police officer in the School building.
5. Good News
President Ward attended the Literary Contest and said it was very impressive. Ashlyn Kern & Pippa White presented their winning selection. Weighted Blankets were donated to the Grade School. Morgan Langheim and Madison Baka were the junior high Students of the Month for October. Aaron Lederbrand is the high school Student of the Month for November. This is Marie Marvin's 50" year in education. Mrs. Chambers did a great job with the Veteran's Day Program.
6. PTO and Student Council updates
Aaron Lederbrand reported Student Council is preparing for the Winter Carnival which is scheduled for December 9. Also they are having cookie raffles at the basketball games.
7. Approval of Minutes
Approve regular board meeting minutes of October 18, 2017 Motion: Approve the board meeting minutes of 10118117.
Motion: Kern
Second: Adcock
Ayes: 7-0
7.2 Approval to destroy executive session recordings over 18 months old
Motion: Approve the destroying of the executive session audio recordings over 18 months old.
Motion: Wort
Second: Starr
Ayes: 7-0
7.3 Approval to continue to seal the minutes and seal all previous executive session minutes
Motion: Approve the continued sealing of the previous executive session minutes.
Motion: Kern
Second: Adcock
Ayes: 7-0
8. Approval of Financial Reports and Expenditures
8.1 Consideration and approval of financial reports and expenditures
Motion: Approve the financial reports and expenditures of $190,444.75.
Motion: Adcock
Second: Howard
Ayes: Adcock, Howard, Kern, Shelton, Starr, Ward, Wort
8.2 Presentation of annual tax levy and resolution Mr. Alexander presented the 2017 Proposed Tax Levy based on an estimated 82,786,223 EAV.
8.3 Establish tax levy/resolution hearing date and time
Motion: Set the Levy Hearing for Dec. 20, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Motion: Kern
Second: Adcock
Ayes: 7-0
9. Recognition of Visitors
Asked about written procedures and where that information can be accessed. Just wants kids safe.
10. Administrative Reports
Reports herein attached
11. Old Business
11.1 Consideration and approval of administrative contract extension
Motion: Approve 2 year contract extension of Principal Kratochvil to June 30, 2020.
Motion: Wort
Second: Adcock
Ayes: Adcock, Howard, Kern, Shelton, Starr, Ward, Wort
11.2 Consideration and approval of athletic cooperative in High School Soccer with Raymond
Motion: Approve the athletic cooperative with Raymond in HS co-ed Soccer.
Motion: Wort
Second: Kern
Ayes: 6-1
Nay: Ward
12. New Business Info
12.1 First reading of Administrative Policy and Procedure revisions
(Policies herein attached)
12.2 Discussion on athletic cooperative in JH cross country with Auburn Students will be surveyed.
12.3 Appoint 2 board members to review, update, or create safety protocols and procedures
President Ward appointed Adcock and Kern to review, update/create safety protocols and procedures. A preliminary report was requested for the December meeting.
12.4 Consideration and approval of Risk Management Program Plan
Motion: Update the Risk Management Program Plan salary schedule to include 5% of all teachers' salaries.
Motion: Kern
Second: Ward
Ayes: Kern, Shelton, Starr, Adcock, Howard, Ward, Wort
12.5 Consideration and approval of volunteer coaches
Motion: Approve volunteer coach Steve Kern for HS Girls' basketball.
Motion: Shelton Second: Howard Ayes: 6-1 abstain Kern
12.6 Consideration and approval of personnel employment Motion: Approve the employment of Joelle Major as one-on-one RN.
Motion: Ward
Second: Starr
Ayes: Adcock, Howard, Kern, Shelton, Starr, Ward, Wort
President Ward reconvened Executive Session at 8:35p.m.
Motion: Adcock Second: Howard Ayes: Adcock, Howard, Starr, Kern, Shelton, Ward, Wort
President Ward declared the meeting open at 10:11 p.m.
Motion: Seal the minutes of Executive Session.
Motion: Adcock
Second: Wort
Ayes: 7-0
13. Adjournment
Motion: Adjourn the meeting at
10:12 p.m.
Motion: Howard
Ayes: 7-0