Village of Williamsville Board of Trustees met January 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The Town Hall/Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Tom Yokley. Present: Deputy Clerk: Pat Taft. Trustees: John Brennan, Dave Carter, Skylar Tierney, Heather Hofferkamp, Patrick Gettleman. Absent: Matt Bunger. Employees: Kent Thompson, Mel Butterfield, Bruce Smith.
Guests: Heidi Darow, Rebecca Dombrowski, Joe Dombrowski, Mark Phillips.
Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled board meeting on December 11, 2017 and Trustee Gettleman seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Gettleman said that a gentleman from Union Pacific Railroad had called him this morning with a friendly reminder for Public Works to please shut off the salt spreader when going over the railroad crossings. This info has also been shared with the Township.
Committee Reports:
Economic Development (Heather Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp said we are in a holding pattern with
Speedway. Property has been purchased and everything has gone through for where Speedway wants to build. They are sending a contract package which she will bring to the Board for final approval. She has not received anything else from other prospective businesses.
The Village of Williamsville job performance evaluation and the Police Department evaluation forms are presented for review. These are updated versions that the committees have approved. We have added information about adhering to all OSHA standards and applicable regulations; part of the evaluation is based upon being cognizant of professional conduct and verbalization while on duty; and, under teamwork we added maintains facilities. We are still working on formatting and will add the “version” on each form. There was also a change on the signature page, adding that the employee’s signature doesn’t necessarily mean that they agree with the evaluation but that they have been given an opportunity to discuss it. Trustee Carter moved to approve the Village of Williamsville evaluation form and Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried. Trustee Brennan moved to approve the Police Department performance review form as revised in committee and Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Lastly, LED updates for lights along the boulevard will be 36 fixtures for $12,600. President Yokley told the Board that we are applying for incentive money from Ameren and asked that the Board agree to expend up to $10,000 for the project pending Ameren approval. He’s asking for advance approval because these funds are disappearing fairly quickly and we don’t know the exact amount we will get. Trustee Hofferkamp moved to approve expenditures up to $10,000 for LED lights. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. President Yokley asked if Trustee Hofferkamp had heard anything about the uptown project and she has not.
Public Safety (John Brennan): Patrol Officer Alec Tucker had passed all of his physical fitness tests and is enrolled at the Police Academy in Decatur for the next 12 weeks.
Water & Sewer: No major water main breaks like everyone else is having so far. A lot of communities are having really difficult times with all the freezing and thawing.
Finance (Skylar Tierney): Trustee Tierney moved to approve the monthly bills as presented. Trustee Carter seconded. All ayes, motion carried. Trustee Tierney moved to approve the bid of $3600 for fire system in the Police Department. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried. Trustee Tierney moved to approve the bid of $4866 from Young’s Security for the fire equipment and alarm system for the Village Hall. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Parks & Recreation (Dave Carter): Regarding the purchase of a new lawn mower, we have received 2 bids and we are recommending the lowest mower bid and the service will be done in Elkhart. Kent Thompson explained that one bid was from Bobcat of Springfield and we are recommending the bid from Richardson Repair in Elkhart. We will pay for it on March 1. Trustee Carter moved to approve the purchase of the mower for $3,699 from Richardson’s Mower. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Carter said that our Water and Sewer Committee has done a good job with scheduling repairs for the water and sewer lines each year and our guys have done a good job with this maintenance. Also guys have been cleaning up the older trees at the park and he wants to thank them for that and all the work that they do. Also, thanks to the Garden Club and all the people in town who decorate their homes for Christmas. The Village looks really good. Trustee Carter also pointed out that there are several articles in the IML magazine regarding modernizing Illinois’ sales tax on retail sales (on-line sales in particular) and all the money that we are not getting. We are losing $54 million due to uncollected tax. The Legislature, both federal and state, needs to do a better job of collecting what we deserve. This impacts our ability to take care of our parks, etc. President Yokley said that we need to educate the people of this community that when you do buy on-line you need to make sure that sales tax is being repaid to the proper units of government. As on-line grows, it will continue to hurt communities and have an even bigger negative impact due to the cuts we have had resulting from the state charging fees.
Trustee Tierney said baseball lights on 3rd base side shut off during a night game last summer. Kent Thompson said we need to hire someone because our trucks can’t reach the lights. President Yokley said we will look into getting the same person who is going to do the LED lights. Trustee Carter and Kent Thompson will look into this.
Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Storm Sewers: Trustee Gettleman said that his Committee met with the Dombrowskis and Phillips, Randy Segatto (Village Attorney) and Mr. Sheehan on December 20. Kent Thompson will gather information about what we can do about the drainage on the north side of Main Street and then Randy will put together an agreement and bring it to the Board for approval. He thinks we are in a good place with this now. Rebecca Dombrowski asked if they would let them know when someone has an idea on what can be done on the north side of the street.
Additional Business: President Yokley asked that Trustee Hofferkamp and Trustee Brennan’s Committees get together and make sure there are no conflicts between the 2 evaluation forms and the Employee Handbook.
We are replacing some of the tables in the Community Center. Kent Thompson is working on a price and we will approach the Foundation for some assistance with the cost (approximately $1300).
Mark Phillips (guest) asked about whether stakes for the Veterans’ flag holders that were placed at the cemeteries can be purchased separately. They were purchased at Flag World in Springfield and President Yokley will check into it and get back with Mark about it.
The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 6:56 p.m.