Menard County Emergency Telephone Systems Board met February 19.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
I. Call to order
II. Preliminary matters
A. Roll Call
B. Adoption of Consent Agenda Action Item#1
III. Secretary/Chairman
A. Minutes of regular meeting of January 18th 2016 Action Item #2
B. Financial Reports & Expenditures Action Item #3
IV. 9-1-1 Coordinator Report
1. GEO-COMM Maint. Agreement
2. Cushing Maint. Agreement
3. GTSI Maint. Agreement
V. PSAP Update
VI. Hearing of citizens
VII. New Business
VIII. Old Business
1. ProQA EMD Software
2. CAD Server
3. Eventide Recorder
4. CAD Mapping Software
5. Tower Site Eastern part of County
IX. Special Committees’ reports
XI. Any other ETSB/E 9-1-1 Business
X. Adjournment
Next Meeting March 19th 2018