Riverton Village Board of Trustees met Feb. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The board meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. Those answering roll call: Mayor Tom Rader. Trustees: Russ Patrick, Ginger Payne, Joe Bartley, Jim Mileham, and Michelle Landess. Also in attendance were: Chief Lawley, Office Manager Stacy Patterson, Treasurer Rita Baker, Attorney John Myers, and Superintendent Lyons. Trustee Charles was absent.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve February 5th meeting minutes and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Mileham. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Old Business:
There was no old business on the agenda.
New Business:
Trustee Landess made a motion to approve Ordinance #18-001 Ordinance Approving Retaining Don Craven as Legal Counsel for Village of Riverton. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Committee Reports:
Superintendent Lyons presented the board with his report. (See attached report.)
Chief Lawley presented the board with his report. (See attached report.) He added that they attended a training on 02/15/18. They will also attend a training on 02/20 and 02/21. The Village Easter Egg Hunt is on 03/24/18.
Office Manager Patterson had nothing to report.
Treasurer Baker had nothing to report.
Trustee Landess, chairman of the Administration Committee, stated that her budget sheet will be given to Treasurer Baker tonight.
Trustee Mileham, chairman of the Public Safety Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Patrick, chairman of the Public Utility Committee, stated that he would like the board to discuss buying new trucks for the Village from All Tech Capital. The payments would be made quarterly and the cost would be as follows: for the Boring Truck- $8,980. This would come from all departments. The Service truck- $5,294. This would come from the water and sewer departments. The water truck- $ 13,131. This would come from the electric department. The total would be about $108,000 total each year for 5 years. The trucks that we currently have are about 20 years old. Per the board, this will be tabled for now and Trustee Patrick will bring something forward at the next meeting.
Trustee Charles, chairman of the Parks Committee, was not in attendance.
Trustee Payne, chairman of the Public Works Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Bartley, chairman of the Economic Development Committee, stated that they will be having a committee meeting on 3/5 at 5:30 at the Village Hall. He also added that Library’s trivia night is 3/3 at the KC Hall.
Mayor Rader stated that Riverton After Prom sent a letter asking if the Village would like to donate money towards After Prom. In the past, $100 has been donated.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve the donation of $100 to the Riverton After Prom. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Mayor Rader added that SMTD is looking into bringing bus service out to Riverton and surrounding areas. The funding is coming from a grant and if the towns are interested they will come out and make a presentation to the Villages.
Mayor Rader then presented Attorney Myers with a plaque dedicated to all of his years of service to the Village of Riverton. Attorney Myers thanked the Village.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to go into closed session at 7:28. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
The board went back into open session at 8:05 with a motion from Trustee Bartley. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Mileham made a motion to accept the resignation of Officer Mike Grigiski affective 02/16/18. Trustees Bartley seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes
Trustee Mileham made a motion to hire Erin Bramley as an Officer at $18.81/hour with a start date of 02/20/18. Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Mileham made a motion to hire John Burtle as part time Officer at $16.00/hour with a start date of 02/20/18. Trustee Bartley seconded. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes
Trustee Bartley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:06. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.