Riverton Village Board of Trustees met March 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The board meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. Those answering roll call: Mayor Tom Rader. Trustees: Russ Patrick, Dave Charles, Ginger Payne, Joe Bartley, Jim Mileham, and Michelle Landess. Also in attendance were: Deputy Chief Landgrebe, Office Manager Stacy Patterson, Treasurer Rita Baker, and Superintendent Lyons.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve February 19th meeting minutes and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Mileham. Trustees Patrick, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes. Trustee Charles abstained.
Old Business:
There was no old business on the agenda.
New Business:
There was no old business on the agenda.
Committee Reports:
Superintendent Lyons presented the board with his report. (See attached report.) He added that he needs to order $20,000 worth of auto read meters. The current meter count is: 724 auto electric and 812 auto water. He also stated that they had trouble with the high service pump that was causing cloudy water. They switched to the backup pump and the issue has resolved.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve the purchase of auto read meters at the cost of $20,000. Trustee Payne seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Deputy Chief Landgrebe presented the board with his report. (See attached report.)
Office Manager Patterson had nothing to report.
Treasurer Baker stated that she started training on Locus and has received all of the budget sheets.
Trustee Landess, chairman of the Administration Committee, stated that Sunlife Financial, the Life/Dental insurance for the employees, is needing renewed. She will take this to the insurance committee first and then bring it back to the board. She added that the Village Office’s computer system is failing. There is enough money budgeted this year to fix the servers. The cost would be $3,700.
Trustee Landess made a motion to approve the cost of $3,700 to fix the computer system at the Village Office. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Mileham, chairman of the Public Safety Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Patrick, chairman of the Public Utility Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Charles, chairman of the Parks Committee, stated that they received fence topping for the Field Of Dreams to put up this spring.
Trustee Payne, chairman of the Public Works Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Bartley, chairman of the Economic Development Committee, stated that they had a committee meeting tonight. They met with a property owner to discuss annexation. He will bring this to the board at a future meeting when he knows more information.
Mayor Rader stated that the Clearlake Township sent a thank you letter for the Village of Riverton’s contribution to the Family Wishes program. He reminded the board to do their Statement of Economic Interest forms and to bring a copy to the Village Clerk.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to go into closed session at 7:14. Trustee Patrick seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
The board went back into open session at 7:58 with a motion from Trustee Bartley. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Patrick made a motion to approve the resignation of Logan Dyson effective 03/16/18. Trustee Charles seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Patrick made a motion to approve the employment ad for a full time mechanic open from 03/06/18-03/23/18. Trustee Payne seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04. Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.