
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Rochester Board of Trustees met April 9.

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Village of Rochester Board of Trustees met April 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Village of Rochester Board of Trustees met April 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

1. Approval of minutes: Suerdieck

Regular Board Meeting – March 12, 2018

2. Approval of Bills: Suerdieck

Monthly Financial Statements and Bills

3. Announcements and Presentations:

Appoint Daniel Nika to the 2018 Sparks in the Park Committee Suerdieck

4. Public Forum: Welcome Citizens and Guests to the Rochester Village Board meeting. This is the time during the meeting that the Public is allowed to participate and address the Village Board. If you have difficulty hearing, please let the President know.

5. Committee Reports:

Planning and Zoning Committee Maras

Sparks Committee Munroe

Streets Committee Hill

Water/Sewer Committee Hendrickson

6. Old Business:

7. Public Works Superintendent’s Report: Folder/Summers

8. Rochester Police Chief Report: Bragg

9. Village Manager’s Report: Elderton

10. New Business:

• Discuss SMART Program and suggested stops in Rochester

• Ord 18-07 Waiving the park regulations to allow alcoholic beverages at the community park on June 30, 2018 for Sparks in the Park

• Motion Approve the Special Event Permit for “The Alibi” Beer Tent at “Sparks in the Park” on June 30, 2018 beginning at 4:00pm

Motion Approve the rental of the Beer Tent for June 30, 2018

• Ord 18-08 Authorizing the construction of a billboard within the village (on Coe Commons Property Pre-Plat).

• Ord 18-09 Approving and authorizing the execution of an amendment to the TIF redevelopment agreement with Larry Bielfeldt

• Ord 18-10 Approving the acquisition of certain permanent easements with a temporary construction easement from Rochester Community Unit School District 3A

• Res 18-04 Approving and authorizing the village to enter into an agreement for intersection improvements, right turn lanes, sidewalks and bike trail realignment along Illinois Route 29 at Main Street with the Illinois Department of Transportation

• Res 18-05 Approving an alcohol vendor agreement with the Alibi for “Sparks in the Park” on June 30, 2018

• Motion Pedestrian crosswalk with flashing lights from Wild Rose Lane to the Community Park crossing West Main Street

• Discussion and action on water source for the Village

11. Executive Session – Personnel (5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2)) (If Necessary)

12. Action on Executive Session Items – Motion to authorize salary increases for the municipal employees to be included in the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget (If Necessary)
