
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Lincoln Park District Board of Commissioners met January 10.


Lincoln Park District Board of Commissioners met January 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order – At 6:00 pm Jayne Weaver called to order the Lincoln Park District Board of Commissioners’ monthly business meeting.

Roll Call – Commissioners attending were Jayne Weaver, Dave Perring, Don Peasley, Laura Duffer and Gary Nodine. Attending from the Park District were John Andrews, Vern Haseley, Abby Neece, and Angie Coombs. Jacki Pavlik was absent.

Minutes Of Meeting – Minutes of the December 13, 2017 were presented and both Angie and Jayne suggested an amendment be made. Angie stated that the itemized parts needing to be amended, in order to match the Agenda’s New Business section, were highlighted in the board packet copy. Jayne requested that her statement regarding the Ameren grant, within the Director’s report, be amended to clarify that although Ameren stated funds had been “set aside”, there was no actual guarantee given. Dave Perring made the motion to approve the minutes as submitted, with recommended amendments made. The motion was seconded by Laura Duffer and passed after a unanimous roll-call vote.

Accounts Payable – The operating expenses were submitted for approval in the following funds:

General - $ 6,976.92

Recreation - $ 2,906.52

Capital Imp. - $ 8,599.30

Laura Duffer made the motion to approve Accounts Payable, which was seconded by Gary Nodine. The motion passed after a unanimous, roll-call vote.

Recognition Of Visitors: Entec: Mike Meister, Jr. & Luke Wertz.

-Mike and Luke provided the Board with an update on the HVAC Project’s status, which was detailed in a handout. All of the Engineering reports and drawings had been completed. The bid solicitation had been published, but they had not yet received any responses. If there are no responses by then end of the bid submission period, they can directly invite local companies to place bids. Mike explained to the Board that the preliminary budget was off, and once the engineers finished their part, the cost ended up being higher than the initial proposal. However, Mike stated that Entec would honor their original quote. Part of the engineer’s process involved some investigation into the existing wiring and plumbing systems, for which they had prepared some suggestions for the Board.

-Luke presented the engineers’ recommendations to the Board. It was suggested that the pump upstairs be replaced as well as adding control valves to the fin tubes. Gary asked if the control valves were an essential part to operating the system regularly, but Luke stated that they help the unit operate more efficiently during the colder months. Adding a Carbon Dioxide control to the rooftop units was also suggested to improve efficiency, and Luke pointed out that Ameren’s grant program does offer a $7,500 incentive for this type of upgrade. Luke stated that the installation would go smoother if the Board approved reworking the piping in the mechanical room, which was not included in the original plan. Adding an air separator, which is not a current feature, would also improve the new unit’s function ability. Gary asked how, and Luke explained that the air separator circulates air within the unit itself to help prevent condensation and rust. The engineers also suggested extending coverage to include the front bathrooms, which Vern believes the previous heating units were removed during the remodel, as well as the entrance vestibule. The entrance vestibule is heated from an independent unit, which can remain as a “back up” unit should extreme cold warrant additional heating/cooling. The bathrooms are a bigger concern as the women’s has 2 exterior walls, which keeps the internal temperature rather cold during the winter.

-Jayne asked if there was a breakdown on prices for each of the recommendations. Luke stated that they were waiting to see what the Board would be interested in before presenting costs.

-Gary asked how many boilers are currently installed and how many will be installed during the project. Luke stated that, currently there are 3 boilers, one of which shall remain as a backup, but only 1 new unit will be installed. Dave asked if the remaining boiler will continue to be connected to the system, which Luke verified that it would be. Gary asked about the possibility of refurbishing the other, older 2 units during the project, but Vern stated that only 1 of the 2 still functions, and rather poorly at that. Gary asked if a backup unit was really needed, and Luke verified that it was usual practice. Luke also verified that the current boiler was expected to maintain heating needs until it would be repaired during the project.

-Dave requested a “guestimate” on how much adding heat to the restrooms would increase the project’s cost and if there was an alternative. Luke guessed that adding the bathroom would add around $6,000 to the original project cost.

-Laura said that everything sounded reasonable, but suggested that if any item was skipped, she would start with the vestibule. Laura asked Mike and Luke what they would suggest if it was their building. Mike stated that the engineers’ recommendations could be a separate and alternate bid to the original during the bid process. That way, the Board could see what each company would project the cost of each item to be added to the original bid.

-Jayne stated that a better decision could be made with the numbers to compare. Luke stated that they will go ahead with requesting the original bid, and then an amended bid with the recommendations included. Don asked if the Board could expect the numbers by the next meeting, to which both Mike and Luke stated that they would have them.

-Vern asked if the bid opening would be held at the Park District, and Mike stated that it would. Angie asked if they were requesting bids from any specific companies, so that she could keep an eye on the mail, should they be submitted that way. Mike listed a few potential companies, but was not sure if any or all would participate.

Cash Flow Report – The following balances were reported as of December 31, 2017.

Recreation - $ 4,112.03

General - $ 71,137.36

Capital - $ 1,804,398.55

Audit - $ 3,344.95

Liability - $ 35,697.71

2014 Debt Cert & Int. - $ 41,134.54

Jayne inquired about the Payroll tax discrepancy highlighted in the General Fund report. Angie stated that she forgot to ask Abbott’s about that, but that she would follow up on that for the next meeting.

Director’s Report – John Andrews:

- I contacted Attorney Blinn Bated, regarding the situation with Josh Baker. Since there was no written contract and the fact that Josh is self-employed, even if we decided to take him to court over the invoice, it would be cost prohibitive and very difficult to garnish wages should the Judge decide in our favor. Laura inquired about the issue with the signs, which John explained that Josh had sold advertising space on signs mounted on the fencing. We thought that sign income was as a sponsorship for the Heat, but we are unsure at this point. They are currently in storage, and Josh wants them back. Gary asked if the new LBA should approach Josh about procuring the signs for their use.

- We purchased a new Ferris mower last spring from Big R, which has turned out to be a lemon. We tried to stay in town for such a big purchase, but since the frame cracked, we traded it out for a Deere from a nearby distributor. Dave asked about the size of the new tractor, which Vern verified it was a 35” deck, zero turn unit.

*At this point, Mike and Luke from Entec returned to ask for clarification from the board before leaving. Luke inquired if the Board was leaning towards adding all of the recommended options listed by the engineers, and if Jayne was requesting an itemized price list. Don suggested providing a cost for everything, since that would be on the high end and then the price would lower if we opted out of anything. Gary suggested at least itemizing the most expensive ones.

-The new equipment arrived and was exchanged. We have 10 new treadmills, a leg curl machine and spin bikes. The exchange went very well as they were in and out within 2 hours. Jayne stated that she has heard nothing but positive feedback. Laura asked if they were leased or purchased. John stated that we purchased them and that they are certified preowned. -Colton Amberg is beginning his internship for the spring, which will last at least 90 hours.

-The new, digital Time Clocks are working well, and the staff has had no complaints.

-We need to buy a new sweeper (not the big floor scrubber), as our old one barely works. Dave asked if that was the most recent one purchased, which John verified that the big scrubber was newer than this brush vacuum.

-Christine Wibben, of the Tourism Bureau, contacted me and Abby about the possibility of LPD hosting the 2018 Balloon Fest on our grounds. Jayne asked if she could be included in the meeting, if one was scheduled. Don expressed his concern about it disrupting the regular clientele and the limited parking. Gary inquired if they wanted to use the grounds for free or to pay a fee. Don stated that there would not be enough room for parking, especially if they were hoping to include vendors as well as the balloon launches and glows on the property. Dave asked if she had mentioned plans to include carnival rides again. Jayne pointed out that the Logan County Air Port had charged a substantial fee each year. Don suggested that it would disrupt the last few weeks of the pool season and Jayne pointed out the traffic congestion for just the firework show. Don also pointed out that the cleanup afterwards would be a nightmare. In the end, the board decided that further discussion needed to take place with both the Mayor and the Tourism Bureau about the matter.

-The Foundation Donor Plaque is finished and ready to be hung, once we decide on the proper location. There are 3 categories for donors, which include Bronze (up to $5,000), Gold ($10,000 or more) with Silver for donations that fall between the two.

-Jacki had asked again about LPD paying the instructors for half of their registration fees for new classes. Laura queried if this topic had already been discussed, but in regards to each instructor being allowed an annual limit for reimbursements. Jayne stated yes, but nothing had officially been decided. She continued to say that most certifications are required to teach specific classes, but recertification is not always annual. However, setting an annual allotment, and reimbursing part of the registration and music fees does encourage instructors to continue going to classes, which expands our own class selection for patrons. Jayne suggested that the Board ask Jacki to attend February’s meeting to further discuss the topic, especially since the classes have been very well attended the past few months. Abby suggested that LPD purchase an iPod to avoid the instructor’s having to use their own personal devices. Laura suggested that a Spotify account be created, and each instructor can create their own playlists.

Operations Report – Vern Haseley:

-The water softeners in the Fit Zone are down, we called in for repair.

-I scheduled CCA for them to come out an install an antennae system to relay the Wi-Fi from the Front Office to the Shop. Dave asked if the equipment would be rented or purchased, which Vern stated that it was to be purchased.

-Steve Goodman moved some dirt around for us, free of charge, which would have cost us around $300. I appreciate their help and feel that we have a good relationship with them.

- All of the Exit signs have been replaced with units that use LED lights, so we shouldn’t have to replace the bulbs much at all.

-We installed motion sensor light switches in the front bathrooms.

-It has been mentioned that we need lights on the North East end of the parking lot. John and I have tossed around extending the parking lot towards the diamonds. There is only one tree that would have to be removed. Angie stated that she and John had discussed that the roads and parking lots probably need to be their own capital project. Also, Angie stated that the area of the 2018 tax levy and budget that had some “wiggle room” was the Paving, lighting and streets tax. We kept it well under the 5% Truth in Taxation limit, but that little bit more money will help to at least patch some areas until it can be fixed properly. Jayne suggested meeting with Vern and John to prepare a list of long term repairs. Laura asked about creating a preventative plan and Vern agreed that a 10 year plan needs to be made.

-Dave asked about the patrons’ feedback regarding the sauna. Jayne and John both stated that everyone loves it, and the complaints about the heat have ended once everyone has gotten used to the different type of heat radiated.

Fitness Director’s Report – Jayne Presented For Jacki Pavlik:

-Emily Schreiber, a Back Desk Supervisor, has been hired as a Personal Trainer.

-Jayne stated that she would ask Jacki to come and present the reimbursement guides.

-Jennifer will be taking charge of the LPD Booth at the Wellness Expo.

-The annual SuperBowl Shuffle will be February 4th.

-The 2 new instructors, Ashely Mauhar and Taylor Rohrer, who began in January, are both doing really well and teaching new classes.

-The new reminder app is up and running to inform members that sign up about cancelations.

-Jayne stated that the advertising on FaceBook is going great and business has seemed to pick up more since we began to really utilize social media. Laura agreed that people are able to see events via FaceBook that they had previously missed other types of advertisements.

Program Report – Abby Neece:

-We did get the new Volleyball equipment; new poles, net, antennae and pads. The company that we ordered from had a special that we took advantage of, where they added our logo/name on the pads, free of charge, since we purchased all the equipment. Also, I bought a cart to help store the equipment when it is not being used. So far, the league and our regular Wednesday-night players love it. The Co-Ed Volleyball league just started on January 9th.

-I have worked with John and Gary to get the Baseball & Softball program set up. We have a board, which will be meeting on the 29th. I have already spoken with Logan County teams to inquire about scheduling games this season.

-The Sweetheart Dance will be February 11th (1:00-3:00pm) and everyone is welcome to attend. Jayne volunteered to help with set up and/or decorating.

-John and I have been working getting something in place to avoid the t-shirt issue that we had last year. Kevin Curry had once mentioned his interest in selling his equipment and possibly an agreement to help with the printing. If this works out, it will save us money in the long run. According to John, the most difficult part, at the beginning, will be getting the transfers for each sponsor. John is working on a possible contract with a Springfield vendor for the shirts.

Correspondence: None.

Unfinished Business:

A. Capital Improvements:

I. Heating/Air Conditioning Units: See Recognition of Visitors.

II. Memorial Park/tree removal: Vern is still sourcing trees.

B. Aquatic Center:

I. John stated that he has requested bids to repaint the pool from Burbach Aquatics and Ron Hall.

II. Laura asked if the 2018 season prices were available to the public yet.

1. Angie and Abby verified that they were posted on the website.

2. Jayne and Laura both stated that it would be a good idea to promote purchasing Pool Pass Gift Certificates with the other holiday advertising.

3. Laura suggested redesigning the Gift Certificates with a holiday theme.

III. John stated that he may consider raising a few prices within the next few years.

IV. Laura pointed out that the improvements that have been made are visible to the public.

New Business:

A. Jayne informed John that a patron had just requested that the medicine ball in the weight room be replaced, as it is currently falling apart at the seams.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: Seeing no further business Dave Perring moved to adjourn the meeting. Don Peasley seconded the motion. The motion carried. Adjournment: 7:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: The next meeting date will be Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.




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