Village of Williamsville Village Board met May 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I.Call the meeting to order
II.Pledge of Allegiance
III.Approval of minutes
Regular Board meeting- April 23, 2018
Executive Board Meeting- April 23, 2018
V.Guests: Journalism Team- Recognition
Scholastic Bowl Team Recognition
VI.Committee Reports
Approve Monthly Bills
2017 Budget Transfers
b.Public Safety
Approve- Speed Trailer
c.Water & Sewer
d.Economic Development
TIF Applications- Rt. 66 Museum
Garbage Ordinance
Employee Handbook
Business Updates
Community Center Renovations
Solar Farm- Annexation Ordinance (26.73 acres)
e.Parks & Recreation
New floor- park pavilion
ADA- New concession stand
f.Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Storm Sewers
Sidewalk Repairs
VII.Additional Business
Introduce Ordinance- Dog Waste