
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Springfield Park District Board met May 9.

Webp meeting909

Springfield Park District Board met May 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Finance & HR

Chair: Tina Jannazzo

Members: Don Evans & C.J. Metcalf

Scope/Description: Oversight includes annual budget and appropriation ordinance, annual operation and capital budget, purchasing and insurance, tax rate/levy, statement of claims, approval of banking, financial, insurance and related larger vendors/suppliers.

Long Range Planning

Chair: Grant Hammer

Members: C.J. Metcalf & Robin Schmidt

Scope/Description: Oversight includes development and implementation of long range comprehensive master plan for redevelopment of existing parks and amenities, acquisition and development of newly acquired green space, plans for green space initiatives in Community and related matters relating to long range goals of District.

Grants & Marketing

Chair: Sierra Senor-Moore

Members: Robin Schmidt, Tina Jannazzo & C.J. Metcalf

Scope/Description: Oversight includes review and approval of grant applications (especially for matching resources – OSLAD) on an annual or as-needed basis, planning for development campaigns to benefit the parks and recreation needs of the community. This Committee will also oversee the District’s marketing/promotion plan.

Buildings & Concessions

Chair: Don Evans

Members: Robin Schmidt & Grant Hammer

Scope/Description: Oversight includes approval of professional service agreements with Architectural, Landscape, Engineering and related professionals, structures, sports fields, concession areas and related structures in parks, concession, rental and related agreements by third party groups and/or individuals including requests of alcohol sales and distribution approval and related matters.


Chair: C.J. Metcalf

Members: Tina Jannazzo, Grant Hammer & Don Evans

Scope/Description. Oversight includes review and approval of annual event & program plans, newly created program/event plans, promotion plans, revenue producing facilities and services (ie golf), fees and charges for services.


Chair: Robin Schmidt

Members: Tina Jannazzo & Grant Hammer

Scope/Description: Oversight includes outreach initiative to public organizations, clubs, organizations and related or potential user groups (third parties) through intergovernmental agreements, cooperation agreements (private for profit and not-for-profit) that benefit the parks and recreation needs of the Community.
