
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Camargo Board of Trustees met February 12.

Village of Camargo Board of Trustees met Feb. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on February 12, 2018 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Pam Sigler, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer, Shirley Badman and Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn were both in attendance.


Nothing to report


Laura Miller made a motion to accept the minutes. Pam Sigler seconded the motion, and the motion passed with five votes (Hardway was absent).


Pam Sigler made a motion to pass the Treasurer’s Report. Jeanie Brieland seconded the motion. The motion passed with five votes (Hardway was absent).


Nothing to report


· 4H purchased a new fence for the park.

o Mr. Hoffman will begin scheduling practices and games at Camargo Park.

§ Boys and Girls leagues / T-ball – Little League / A League

o Rhett Burris was asked by 4H to use his auger to dig the holes for the posts for the fence.

o Bart will purchase and donate the PVC pipe posts.

o The fence will be blue with yellow around the top edges.

· Discussion of Remodel Downstairs

o Prior to remodeling, Bart will talk to Denise about the issues the Camargo Board is seeing with Head Start. We will look into using some partitions to divide the room into a better proportioned space.

o Building an office will be postponed at this time.

· SIMEC / Reg Ankrom

o Bart met Reg Ankrom at the Central IL Municipal meeting in Villa Grove in January. Reg advised Bart that he works with municipalities in receiving the Homefield energy deductions. Shirley advised Bart that the Village is already receiving those prices through Homefield.

· New Lawnmower

o Rick got three bids for the same Grasshopper mower (same specifications on all three mowers).

o The thought process is to purchase a new mower and save hours on the tractor. This would also save time; as Doug can use the tractor where only necessary at the same time as Rick is using the mower. The mower is also faster than the tractor.

§ Jenning’s Bid – $15,515.00

§ Birkey’s Bid – $15,295.75

§ Niemeyer’s Bid – $13,995.00

o Shirley will call Tom Niemeyer to see about Government Financing.

o Discussions involving the purchase of a new mower were tabled until the March meeting.


· Salted

· Plowed snow

· 2 water shut offs due to non-payment

o 1 paid and turned back on

o 1 not paid and still turned off

· 2 water leaks

o Both leaks on the customer side of the meter

o Rick and Doug assisted both homeowners with their leaks

· Removed dirt from water main break on Vine Street

· Fixed rust spots on 1 ton truck

· Still waiting on parts for the water pump


Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

· 911 Readdress

o 911 is fixing some address where there are gaps in the numbering system. The emergency personnel are new to the area and this would assist them in locating the proper addresses in case of emergency. Dena Kidwell, 911 Coordinator, contacted Village Clerk Salisa Dann to see if the Village would be interested in renumbering or if the Village was okay with her continuing to do so. She has already corrected a couple of addresses on Vine Street. The Board discussed it and everyone was okay with allowing Dena and the Sheriff’s Office to continue this project as their own.

· Verizon Tower

o Bart spoke with Site Manager Matt Grant. Mr. Grant was in charge of the zoning for the project. He couldn’t believe our tower wasn’t already up. He was going to contact the contractor and have him call Bart.

o The contractor, Ron Pauly, called Bart back and advised that we have been pushed back another year.

o The contract was signed August 2016 and states that it is not valid until physical construction begins.

o Camargo is currently not slated at all in the 2018 fiscal year.

o Bart is going to contact Ron Pauly back and see if we can’t get this project moved up. He is also going to email the entire Board his copy of the contract.

· Casey’s

o At this time, Casey’s is not interested in putting a gas station in Camargo. They advised Bart that it just isn’t feasible. Camargo’s population isn’t quite where they would like to see it – even though we are sitting at the intersection of two busy highways. Bart also informed him of the new fertilizer plant coming to Tuscola. Casey’s was well aware of such – just not enough traffic for now.

o Bart will continue to reach out to other investors for a gas station.

· Election is set for March 20. ERBA Headstart will NOT have school that day. They will clear out their area so the wheelchair ramp and the large room is available. Judi Pollock will come over on the afternoon / evening of March 19 to set up and get everything for voting the next day.

· Clean Up Days are tentatively scheduled for June 02 and June 03. Salisa will contact the Sheriff’s Office for extra patrol during those times.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:37 pm.
