Athens Community Unit School District 213 Board met May 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Reception of Visitors, Petitions, Communications
IV. Approval of Agenda (Consent Agenda)
A. Approval of Minutes of April 9, 2018 (Special Meeting)
B. Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2018 (Special Meeting)
C. Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2018 (Regular Meeting)
D. Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2018 (Executive Session)
E. Approval of Financial Reports
1. Balance Sheet/Treasurer’s Report
2. Investment Report
V. Approval of Monthly Bills
VI. Report of the Superintendent
A. Action/Possible Action Items
1. Personnel Recommendations
2. Approve Destruction of Verbatim Records of Executive Sessions
3. Resolution providing for the issue of approximately $12,980,000 general obligation school bonds of the District for the purpose of altering, repairing and equipping the High School, Junior High School, Cantrall Intermediate School and Cantrall Elementary School Buildings, building and equipping additions to the High School and Junior High School Buildings and improving school sites, refunding certain outstanding bonds of the District, providing for the levy of taxes sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds, and authorizing the sale of the bonds to Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, St. Louis, Missouri.
4. Appoint Auditor for FY18
5. Approve Construction Management Contract
B. Informational Items
1. Policy Manual Updates
2. Enrollment Report
3. Suspension Report
VII. Principals’ Reports
VIII. Announcements
IX. Executive Session: an executive session is requested to discuss matters pertaining to collective bargaining, personnel and for semi-annual review of executive session minutes.
X. Adjournment