Village of Chatham Utility Oversight Subcommittee met April 23.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
A. Call to Order - Chairman Gerger called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Attendance was taken.
Roll Call - Those attending were: Trustee Mann, Mark Clayton, Paul Pachelhofer, Chairman Gerger, and Trustee Paul Scherschel. Also attending were Village Manager Pat McCarthy and the Deputy Clerk. Lee Bloome was not able to attend the meeting tonight.
Public Comments Agenda Topics - None
B. Old Business
Approve the Minutes from the April 9, 2018 Meeting - Trustee Mann motioned to approve the minutes from the April 9, 2018 meeting and this was seconded by Paul Scherschel. All others voiced approval. Minutes were approved as written.
C. New Business
Discussion on water rate increase - SSCW representative Lee Bloome was not able to attend tonight, however, Village Manager McCarthy was able to get a report from Mr. Bloome about the water rate increases, etc. and McCarthy went over this information at this time. He presented it to the Board and the public.
A.46 cent increase is being proposed for the Village residents when the next rate increase starts. From Lee Bloome's report Village Manager McCarthy read the reasons why the.46 cent increase is needed. They are as follows:
1. Membrane order - SSWC will be replacing 1/3 of the membranes in the near future (one of three) and the cost is estimated to be $73,375.00
2. A replacement is needed for the altitude valve - The other altitude valve did not work properly. SSWC will be paying $80,000 of the total cost and the Village of Chatham will pay its share.
3. Wesley Chapel Road water main replacement (for New Berlin) - Cost to fix this is $53,526.00. To fix the main the contractors had to bore under the creek to do the work. Discussion followed about how the Village of Chatham can recoup some of the costs for charges of the water.
4. Chloramine Conversion - The process has been started and the permit is at the EPA office now. A loan is in place for the cost of $26,000.00. The conversion is so that the Village of Chatham can use CWLP for a back-up if needed for water.
5. Raw Water Main - A piging station is needed so that more water can be piped to the water plant to ensure a good quantity of flow from the wells. A piging station hasn't been used in the 8 years the plant has been in business. Cost estimate is $260,000.00.
6. Backlog of unpaid bills owed to SSWC - The amount is owed to Woodard & Curran who processes and pays the bills due. Amount in backlog - $248,000.00. Lee Bloome will be asked to get copies of the bills that have not been paid yet.
Grand total of costs that loan will be taken out for is $740,901.00
Of the items listed above Items 2, 4, and 6 will be happening within the next 3 years. $10,000.00 is for other repair costs needed.
Trustee Gerger would like to get the figures for the Actual Cost of running the plant. This will help in the future to know what the Village of Chatham's share of expenses will be.
Lee Bloome will be attending the 2019 Budget meeting for the water plant on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 5:30 at the water plant.
Woodward-Curran's contract expires at the end of May, however, they will stay on to help train the new company for about 4 - 5 months.
Public Comments Village Business - None
D. Closing
Adjournment - Mark Clayton motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 PM and this was seconded by Paul Pachelhofer. All others voiced approval. Meeting was adjourned.