Tri City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met April 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I. Pledge of Allegiance/Call to Order/Roll Call
A. Roll Call
Meeting started at 7:30 pm. Board members in attendance were: Mrs. Bedolli, Mr. Boggs, Mr. Heck, Mr. Rentschler, and Mrs. Romines. Absent Mrs. Black and Mr. Marvin.
II. Closed Session
A. Adjournment from Regular Session to Closed Session
B. Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Personnel [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)]
C. Security Procedures to Discuss Potential Danger to Public Property [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8)]
C. Student Discipline [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9)]
D. Adjournment from Closed Session to Regular Session
III. Approval of Agenda
A. Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Mr. Boggs and seconded by Mrs. Romines to approve the agenda as presented. All in favor. 5– 0.
IV. Communications
A. Presentation: JH Students on the Topic of: “How to Better Ourselves in Order to Better Our School”
Mrs. Rehwald and five Junior High students presented to the board an essay on the topic of how they can better themselves and the school. Highlights included staying positive, calm, focused, confidence, respect, and caring.
B. Presentation: Elementary Students on the Topic of: “Kindness Counts”
Mrs. Cummins introduced K – 2 students in their “Choose Kind” shirts. They each presented what kindness looks and feels like.
C. Presentation: HS Girls’ Basketball Uniform Presentation – Tony Nika and Adam Anderson
Mr. Nika and Mr. Anderson showed the board the new gray uniform that is the new look. It meets the IHSA guidelines of being 70% black. The uniforms will be paid for out of student activity account from money raised by basketball camps.
D. Good News: Learning Walk #2 Reflection– Brittany Bedolli and Jamie Romines
Mrs. Bedolli and Mrs. Romines expressed their appreciation for being able to see teaching and learning in action. They highlighted the following of students being engaged in: writing, art, technology, interventions, problem solving, speech, working together, and humor.
E. Good News: Salad Bars to School Grant Recipient
Mrs. Larson shared that the TC was the recipient for the grant that will purchase a salad bar designed especially for elementary student height.
F. Reminder: File Statement of Economic Interests before May 1, 2018
All board members have completed this task.
G. FOIA Request: None
H. Citizens: Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Agenda Topic
V. Approval of Consensus Agenda
A. Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
B. Approve Minutes of March 15, 2018
C. Approve Closed Session Minutes of March 15, 2018
A. Approve Minutes of Building Committee of March 19, 2018
D. Second Reading of Policy – Operational Procedures, Policy 4:40 – AP, Administrative Procedure –Preparing and Updating Disclosures
E. Second Reading of Policy – General Personnel, Policy 5:20-E, Exhibit- Resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment
F. Second Reading of Policy- School Board, Policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure
G. Second Reading of Policy – Operational Services, Policy 4:40, Incurring Debt
H. Second Reading of Policy – General Personnel, Policy 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited
I. Second Reading of Policy – General Personnel, Policy 5:170, Copyright
J. Second Reading of Policy – Instruction, Policy 6:50, School Wellness
Mr. Heck asked if there was anything that needed to be pulled from the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Mr. Rentschler and seconded by Mrs. Romines to approve the consensus agenda. All in favor. 5 -0.
VI. Financial Reports
A. Financial Position/Treasurer’s Report
B. Monthly Bills for Approval
C. Student Activity Fund
D. Imprest Fund
E. Interest Rates at Bank of Springfield
Mrs. Larson reviewed all financial reports. All student activity funds have either a zero or positive balance. Mrs. Larson reported that Mrs. Lewis asked Bank of Springfield to raise the annual percentage. They raised it from.15% to.50% which is really good considering they pay our insurance amounts to over $1,000 for TC to stay insured. Motion made by Mrs. Bedolli and seconded by Mrs. Romines. A roll call vote was taken. Mrs. Bedolli – Yes, Mr. Boggs, - Yes, Mr. Heck – Yes, Mr. Rentschler -Yes, and Mrs. Romines - Yes. 5- 0.
VII. Board Reports
A. Bus Report
No questions.
B. Facilities and Grounds Report
1. Report from March 19 Building Committee meeting with Architect – Mrs. Larson shared what was discussed in the meeting.
2. Capital Needs Assessment – Mrs. Larson shared that ISBE has requested another assessment to be complete by September 2018.
C. Athletic Report
Mrs. Larson highlighted that Aubrey Hunt and Ashlyn Sturdy were named to the SJ-R All Area team. Mrs. Larson reported that there are no longer any girls’ soccer players.
D. CACC Report - Mrs. Larson reported that the school calendar for 2018 – 19 was approved. SJR ranked CACC the Best Trade School and the Best Learning Center the third year in a row. A work truck was purchased. CACC won’t be able to put a solar farm in because they would need to update electricity to the building that would be cost prohibitive. A new HVAC program will be implemented for 2018 – 19.
E. SASED Report – Summer school dates are from June 11 – July 6. TC will have at least six students in attendance. Fourth Quarter billing was in the bills payable. SASED continues to look for special education teachers for vacancies in the coop.
F. Principals’ Reports
Mrs. Cummins reviewed PARCC incentives/rewards around the emoji theme, complimented all of the teachers for their flexibility, reviewed ILT success of observing other classrooms, Pre-K compliance visit was two days before Spring break, and the music curriculum for K – 5 has now been completed.
Mrs. Kindel reviewed PARCC testing schedule reducing the amount of time, PARCC rewards, field trips to wind farm, musical performance, and upcoming invitation to prom.
G. Superintendent’s Report
1. Teacher Shortage Ideas – Mrs. Larson attended a task force meeting with other superintendents to express concerns to a consulting firm that is working with ISBE to complete a report for fall of 2018. However, Mrs. Larson pointed out that this is too late. The superintendents in the room expressed that IL needs to declare this a crisis and needs to do something no later than June 1. In addition, UIS is offering a dual credit class for HS seniors on Wednesday nights in the fall to take Foundations of Education. This is an introductory course to teaching. The only drawback is that students that are in extracurriculars won’t be able to take this class. Mrs. Larson would like to see something like the Sangamon CEO program offering it before school. Mr. Rentschler expressed an idea of some kind of tax credit for teachers.
2. EBF Tier Funding Payment
Mrs. Larson passed around the letter from Senator Brady regarding the Tier Funding. TC received an additional $25,081.28. As Mrs. Larson has attended training, it is encouraged that each district tell their story. This additional amount will go towards aides’ salaries since the needs of the students were great enough that the aides’ hours needed to be expanded past 29.5 hours.
VIII. Old Business
A. Next Learning Walk Scheduled
Board members Mr. Boggs, Mr. Heck, and Mr. Marvin will conduct their learning walks in the fall of 2018.
B. PSIC Bidding Discussion
Mrs. Larson recommended that the district stay with PSIC since it is an insurance cooperative of more than 100 districts in the state for property/casualty including workman’s compensation. The district received over $7,000 back last year. It is beginning to pay off. The board concurred.
C. Reschedule Board Training
Board members were to review June dates of June 7, 11, and 13.
IX. New Business
A. Approve Auditing Services for 2018 – 19, 2019 – 20, 2020-2021 based on RFP
Firm: AFR 2018; AFR 2019; AFR 2020; Additional Hourly Rates
LMHN (Lively, Mathias, Hooper, & Noblet): $ 9,375.00; $ 9,650.00; $ 9,935.00; $75-150/hour
Mrs. Larson stated that Pehlman and Dold has completed the district’s AFR for over 10 years. It should be standard practice every five years to bid it out. Mrs. Larson is recommending LMHN out of Taylorville. Mrs. Larson conducted a reference check as well. They will present the AFR to the board. Motion made by Mr. Boggs and seconded by Mr. Rentschler. A roll call vote was taken. Mrs. Bedolli – Yes, Mr. Boggs, - Yes, Mr. Heck – Yes, Mr. Rentschler -Yes, and Mrs. Romines - Yes. 5- 0.
B. Review Draft of Student Activities Sponsor Handbook
Mrs. Larson stated that she will send this out to the principals and around a mixture of coaches/sponsors to review. A fundraising calendar was a suggestion from the board members. This is still a work in progress.
C. Approve the Amended Calendar for 2017 – 18 School Year
Mrs. Larson explained due to three snow days, this moves the original calendar to the end date for students to May 30 and staff May 31. Motion made by Mrs. Bedolli and seconded by Mrs. Romines. All in favor. 5-0.
D. Discussion and/or Approval of Bidding out Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance for October 1, 2018 Renewal Date
Mrs. Larson shared Bushue’s timeline and will meet with TCEA insurance reps for further information on deductibles. TCEA insurance reps do want to go out and bid again. Motion made by Mr. Boggs and seconded by Mr. Rentschler. A roll call vote was taken. Mrs. Bedolli – Yes, Mr. Boggs, - Yes, Mr. Heck – Yes, Mr. Rentschler - Yes, and Mrs. Romines - Yes. 5- 0.
E. Approve the Job Description for Junior High/High School Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Larson explained that due to Mrs. Heberling’s resignation, a job description needed to be created for the job posting. Motion made by Mr. Boggs and seconded by Mr. Rentschler. All in favor. 5-0.
F. Approve the Renewal of Original Bond with Lee O’Keefe Insurance Agency
Mrs. Larson explained this is an annual renewal. Motion made by Mr. Rentschler and seconded by Mr. Boggs. A roll call vote was taken. Mrs. Bedolli – Yes, Mr. Boggs, - Yes, Mr. Heck – Yes, Mr. Rentschler -Yes, and Mrs. Romines - Yes. 5- 0.
X. Personnel
A. Resolution to Honorable Release Non-Certified or Vested Coaches as Defined by the Current Collective Bargaining Agreement at the conclusion of the 2017 – 18 School Year
Resolution was reviewed. This is standard practice due to TCEA contract. Motion made by Mr. Rentschler and seconded by Mr. Boggs. A roll call vote was taken. Mrs. Bedolli – Yes, Mr. Boggs, - Yes, Mr. Heck – Yes, Mr. Rentschler -Yes, and Mrs. Romines - Yes. 5- 0.
B. Resignation of Ashley Burgard, Pre-K Teacher at the conclusion of the 2017 -18 School Year
The board of education recognized Mrs. Burgard’s resignation.
C. Resignation of Georgia Aarup, Cafeteria Worker on March 22, 2018
The board of education recognized Mrs. Aarup’s resignation.
D. Resignation of Sarah Heberling, 6 – 12 Counselor at the conclusion of the 2017 – 18 School Year
The board of education recognized Mrs. Heberling’s resignation.
E. Approve FMLA for Employee A
Motion made by Mr. Boggs and seconded by Mr. Rentschler. A roll call vote was taken. Mrs. Bedolli – Yes, Mr. Boggs, - Yes, Mr. Heck – Yes, Mr. Rentschler -Yes, and Mrs. Romines – Abstain (since missed closed session). 4- 0.
XI. Board President’s Prerogative
Mrs. Larson reminded the board that election of officers occurred in May.
XII. Adjournment
A. Adjournment of Regular Meeting
Motion made by Mr. Rentschler and seconded by Mr. Boggs to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 pm. All in favor. 5 – 0.