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Ball Chatham Community Unit School District 5 Board met May 21.

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Ball Chatham Community Unit School District 5 Board met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board President Copp called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Board clerk noted that Board members Brewer, Copp, Durairaj, Maddox, Sieren, Worley, and Yurevich were present.

Administrators present: Randy Allen, Kyle Andrew, Dusty Burk, Tricia Burke, Mike Dobbs, Elizabeth Gregurich, Jim Lovelace, Dan Lund, Chad Martel, Charlotte Montgomery, Josh Mulvaney, Holly Rembusch, Steve Rembusch, Ashley Romadka,Tina Root, Betsy Schroeder, Kim Sepich, Eric Surges, Dr. Russ Tepen, Dale Wiedeman, and Supt. Dr. Doug Wood.

Media present: Joe Pritchett, Chatham Clarion; John Reynolds, State Journal-Register

Approval of Agenda Board President Copp called for a vote to approve the evening’s agenda.

Maddox moved to approve the agenda for the Board of Education’s regular meeting of May 21, 2018. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board Vice-president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Action Items from Closed Session Board President Copp asked for approval for the Closed Session Minutes of April 23 and May 7, 2018.

Worley moved to approve the closed session minutes of April 23 and May 7, 2018 as amended or approved in Closed Session. Upon said motion being seconded by Maddox, the Board president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Communications Citizens - Opportunity to address the Board of Education concerning any agenda item. BCEA President, Kari Kath, asked that the Board reconsider language in proposed Board Policy 5:250 as it applies to Licensed Medical Professionals; and then striking the “Illinois” designation. Board members agreed to pull the item off the consent agenda in order to review it further.

Consent Board President Copp asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Consent for further discussion. None were noted. Mr. Copp then called for a vote on the items listed under “Consent,” less Item 5.10 - Second Reading of HR Policies - 5:200, 5:220, 5:220AP, 5:250, 5:330.

Maddox moved to approve the Consent items as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board Vice-president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.” Consent Agenda items included:

● Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

● Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, April 17, 2018

● Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, April 23, 2018

● Minutes of Construction Committee Meeting, May 2, 2018

● School District Accounts Payable

● School Activity Account Reports

● Treasurer/Financial Report

● FOIA Requests

● Renewal of LUDA and IASB Memberships for 18/19

● Approval of District Title I Plan

● Paper Bid Results

Personnel Consent Board President Copp asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Personnel Consent for further discussion. Board Vice-President Sieren asked that Item 6.16 be pulled for further recognition. Mr. Copp then called for a vote on the other items listed under “Personnel Consent.”

Maddox moved to approve the Personnel Consent items, less Item 6.16, as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Worley, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.” Personnel Consent Agenda items included:

● Resignation of GHS Drivers Education and Head Wrestling Coach – Jeremy Mosier (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of GES Special Education Teacher – Brooke Hembrough (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of BES/CES Occupational Therapist – Kristi Warren (5/24/2018)

● Resignation of BES/GIS Occupational Therapy Assistant – Crystal Travous (4/30/2018)

● Resignation of GHS Administrative Assistant – Lisa Chase (5/11/2018)

● Resignation of GIS Library Aide – Melisa Schable (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of BES Library Aide – Melissa Hostetter (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of CES Paraprofessional – Brianne Weisenburn (5/18/2018)

● Resignation of BES Pre-K Parent Coordinator – Amy Wollenweber (5/25/2018)

● Retirement of GHS Cook and Cashier – Joyce Ham (5/31/2018)

● Resignation of Bus Driver – Andrew Whiting (3/29/2018)

● Resignation of GMS Custodian – Terry Branham (4/19/2018)

● Resignation of CES Custodian – Mark Pappas (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of BES Playground Supervisor – Lakasha Poole (5/24/2018)

● Employment of Special Education Coordinator – Carolyn Jones (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time GHS Art Teacher – Ariel Beverly (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time GHS English Teacher – Amanda Field (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time GMS Language Arts Teacher – Jennifer Ferguson (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time GMS Language Arts Teacher – Katelyn Lewis (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time CES Special Education Teacher – Ashley Hamrick (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time BES Third Grade Teacher – Sally Underwood (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time GES Special Education Teacher – Emily Penick (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Full-Time BES Paraprofessional – Jennifer Branch (18/19 SY)

● Employment of Part-Time BES Playground Supervisor- Gabriela Montes de Oca (18/19 SY)

● Employment of GMS Custodian – Susanna Turner (5/25/2018)

● Employment of Pre-K Parent Coordinator – Jessica Viola (18/19 SY)

● Employment of GHS Head Wrestling Coach – Jerod Bruner (18/19 SY)

● Employment of GHS Assistant Girls’ Volleyball Coach – Dawn Williams (18/19 SY)

● Employment of GMS Assistant Football Coach – Robert Dalby (18/19 SY)

● 18/19 Voluntary Transfers

● Resignation of BES Paraprofessional – Kacie Allen (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of CES Part-Time Cook – Rebekah Reese (5/24/2018)

● Resignation of CES Paraprofessional – Haley Neibergall (5/25/2018)

● Resignation of CES Playground Supervisor – Ida Denney (5/25/2018)

● Resignation GHS Boys Swim Coach – Nick Merrill (5/8/2018)

Item 6.16 - Employment of Glenwood High School Principal – Douglas Szcinski (18/19 SY) - Supt. Dr. Wood introduced Mr. Douglas Szcinski, who was in attendance this evening, as the new Glenwood High School Principal beginning July 1, 2018. Dr. Wood noted that Mr. Szcinski's prior experience as a High School Principal was at West Orange High School in Winter Garden, Florida. He served a student population of 4000. Mr. Szcinski garnered a great deal of praise for his leadership, progress in student achievement, increased graduation rate, and technology integration. In addition, Mr. Szcinski was the Keynote speaker at the Florida Microsoft Educational and OneNote Conference. Mr. Szcinski then thanked the Board and administrators for giving him this opportunity, and noted that he couldn’t wait to begin.

Sieren moved to approve the Employment of Mr. Douglas Szcinski as the Glenwood High School Principal. It is recommended that Mr. Szcinski be presented a one-year contract effective July 1, 2018 with a beginning base pay of $110,000. Upon said motion being seconded by Maddox, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Old Business Update on Scoreboards - Athletic Director, Dusty Burk, recommended to the Board that the District proceed with the new scoreboards. He also showed a video and scoreboard prototypes. He noted that the Daktronics bid was $392,756, and current advertising sponsorships are in at $345,400. The remaining cost is $47,356. Specifically, the remaining advertising sponsorships are as follows: 1 MVP spot at $9,500 (5-year commitment required); 1 Elite spot at $5,000 (5-year commitment required); 7 Digital spots at $1,200, which can be renewed annually. Mr. Burk further stated that by giving full approval, the District will meet Strategic Goal 7- Pursue all funding sources while controlling costs, and Strategic Goal 5- Short and long term fiscal planning will identify priorities. He also noted that the project is financially responsible, as it will continue to be a revenue generator, and will enhance the experiences of multiple student groups who will be able to produce media programs with the new boards. Finally, he said the new digital boards will contribute to our community’s expectation of excellence. Board members discussed in great detail issues associated with operating and maintenance expenses. They also received confirmation that audio throughout the football and soccer stadiums is included in the cost of the digital boards. Board members Maddox and Worley both expressed concern that not all the advertising money is in hand at this point. Mr. Burk assured them that he will continue to solicit for the remainder of the advertising money, but that approval is needed now in order for installation of the new boards to begin, and completed by the new school year. A link to the scoreboard presentation can be found here.

Yurevich moved to approve proceeding using Daktronics Inc. for the replacement of the scoreboards and sound systems at the high school football and soccer/track complexes based upon their previously approved bid. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board President called for a vote. Board members Brewer, Copp, Durairaj, Sieren, and Yurevich voted “yes.” Board members Maddox and Worley voted, “no.”

New Business:

Student Handbook Changes for 18/19 - Mr. Dale Wiedeman, Asst. Principal at GHS, spoke briefly on the changes being proposed at our schools. He noted there were no discipline changes this time, but verbiage was amended to better align with Illinois Model Student Handbook. Attached are the proposed changes

being recommended by these committees and administration. Board members noted that any “negative balance” verbiage that is included in the other schools’ handbooks should be included in the high school one. Also, any tech fee charges should be included in the handbooks as well. In addition, for ease of comparison from the previous years’ handbooks, it was suggested to the building administrators that they format their handbook changes in similar fashion to those made to board policies. A link to the proposed changes for each school can be found here.

Maddox moved to approve the student discipline handbook changes for the 18/19 school year as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Graduation Procedures for Board Members - Dr. Russ Tepen noted that graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2018 will be held at 8 p.m., Saturday, June 2 at the Bank of Springfield Center. All Board members are invited to attend and sit on stage. If any Board member would like to hand out a diploma for a special student, they need to let Dr. Tepen know in advance. This was an informational item only.

Upgrade the Security of the East Entrance at GHS - Director of Facilities and Grounds, Mike Dobbs, reviewed the bid documents for construction of a new east entrance at Glenwood High School. He recommended approval for Johnco Construction Company to proceed with the east security entrance upgrade at Glenwood High School. The project will begin on approximately June 1, 2018 with a substantial completion date of August 13, 2018. Supt. Dr. Wood noted that the new entrance will give an additional layer of security at the high school. It is being designed similarly to the one at Glenwood Middle School, where visitors will need to state their business, and present their ID to a school resource officer or uniformed police officer in order to be allowed into the building. A link to the construction bid tabulation sheet can be found here. A link to the project cost summary sheet can be found here.

Maddox moved to approve the district moving forward with the east entrance security upgrade project at Glenwood High School for the total cost of the project is $62,665 and awarding the bid to Johnco Construction Company with a base bid of $51,000. The total cost includes all architect fees, and a 10% contingency. Funding will be provided using O&M funds transferred from the construction bond proceeds. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Approval for Leasing Options for 3000 Chromebooks, Chromebook OS Management Licenses and Carrying Cases - Director of Technology, Josh Mulvaney, reported on leasing options for 3000 Chromebooks, OS licenses, and accessories that will allow the District to become fully 1:1 for all students in grades 5-12. Mr. Mulvaney will also request samples of Chromebook cases received through RFP to make better determination on the most suitable for the District’s needs. This purchase aligns with the District’s Continuous Improvement Plan: Technology Goal 2. Board members discussed the leasing option, and voiced support for finally being able to go 1:1. A link to the Chromebook bid tabulation sheet can be found here.

Yurevich moved to approve purchase of the equipment 3000 Chromebooks and Chromebook OS Management Licenses to TwoTrees, the lowest bidder at a price of $583,500. Also, to approve leasing of equipment to American Capital at payments less than 0%. Approve Technology Director permission to award case bid to vendor of amount not exceeding $28 per case. Upon said motion being seconded by Maddox, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Approval to Purchase 80 Refurbished Desktops - Next, Director Mulvaney updated the Board as to the low bid (CompuCyle - $20,880) for purchasing 80 refurbished desktop units to be used at the high school. The computers that are currently in place are beginning to reach the end of life and do not meet the recommended specifications for Windows 10. A link to the bid tabulation sheet can be found here.

Maddox moved to approve the bid from CompuCycle for the purchase 80 refurbished desktops for Glenwood High School in the amount of $20,880. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Approval to Purchase Two Hyper-Converged Infrastructures - Mr. Mulvaney continued with recommending that the Board approve the purchase to two hyper-converged infrastructures to Presidio, for $168,097.60. The new infrastructure solution would replace the existing two data centers/domains. The domains were purchased in 2011 to support the virtual desktop environment. The District no longer uses the virtual environment and using less and less network storage. The current solution’s maintenance/support agreement is costly. The new solution would consolidate many components into one solution allowing for a more efficient environment. A link to the bid tabulation sheet can be found here.

Maddox moved to approve the bid from Presidio for the purchase of two Hyper-converged Infrastructures in the amount of $168,097.60. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Approval to Purchase 30 Refurbished Desktops - Finally, Mr. Mulvaney asked the Board for permission to purchase 30 refurbished desktop computers for the high school’s audio/visual classes. These computers differ from the 80 refurbished ones that were just approved by the Board, in that these have more memory, a larger hard drive, and quicker processing speeds to handle the audio/visual projects. The computers that are currently in place are beginning to reach the end of life and do not meet the recommended specifications for Windows 10. A link to the bid tabulation sheet can be found here.

Maddox moved to approve the bid from PCM for the purchase 30 refurbished desktops for Glenwood High School in the amount of $11,337.80. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Board Meeting Dates for 18/19 School Year - Supt. Dr. Wood asked the Board to consider moving Board meeting dates to the fourth Thursday of the month, as many times now Board meetings run in conflict with holidays. The proposed meeting dates are as follows:

● June 21, 2018

● July 26, 2018 - Athletics and Activities

● August 23, 2018 - Communications

● September 27, 2018 - Safety and Security

● October 25, 2018 - Facilities/Grounds

● November 8, 2018 - Curriculum

● November 29, 2018 - Technology

● December 20, 2018

● January 24, 2019 - Transportation

● February 28, 2019 - Special Education

● March 7, 2019 - Human Resources

● March 21, 2019

● April 25, 2019 - Food Service

● May 23, 2019

● June 20, 2019 Maddox moved to approve the board meeting dates for 2018/19 changing the board meeting date to the 4th Thursday of the month. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board President called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Communications Upcoming Board of Education dates for the 2017/18 school year:

● May 25, 2018 - End of Year Staff Breakfast - 8 a.m.

● May 31, 2018 - Abe Lincoln Division Meeting - 6:30 p.m., IASB, Springfield, IL

● June 12, 2018 - Finance Committee Meeting - 4 p.m.

● June 21, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting - (3rd Thursday) 6:30 p.m. - note change

Citizens: Opportunity to address the Board of Education concerning any topic. Board Secretary Worley took a moment to recognize all the amazing visual and performing art events and students in the District.

Adjournment of Regular Meeting to Closed Session Board President Copp called for a motion to adjourn the Regular Session and to go back into Closed Session for purposes of discussing contract negotiations.

Yurevich moved to adjourn the regular session at 7:50 p.m. Upon said motion being seconded by Maddox, the president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”



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