Village of Chatham Utility Oversight Subcommittee met July 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the Subcommittee:
Chairman Gerger called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM on July 23, 2018.
1. Call to Order
Roll Call - Deputy Clerk took roll call.
Present: Trustee Ryan Mann
Paul Pachelhofer
Trustee Brett Gerger
Trustee Paul Scherschel
Village Manager Pat McCarthy
Lee Bloome, Chairman of SSWC Committee for Chatham
and Deputy Clerk Moran
Absent: Mark Clayton
Public Comments Agenda Topics - Becky Ethell stated she wonders why the level of chlorine is too high right now in the water supply. Village Manager McCarthy stated it will be high for awhile yet, until the chloramines are at a higher level.
2. Old Business
Approve the Minutes from the May 14, 2018 Meeting - Trustee Paul Scherschel commented about two changes that needed to be made to the May 14, 2018 minutes and the Deputy Clerk will make those changes to the minutes. Paul Pachelhofer motioned to approve the minutes based on changes made and this was seconded by Trustee Ryan Mann. All others voiced approval. Motion passes.
3. New Business
SSWC (Lee Bloome) Chairman Comments - Lee Bloome addressed the committee and the public with what has been accomplished so far with him being in communication with the SSWC (meetings, etc). Accomplishments so far are as follows:
1. The remaining ultra-filtration module has been installed recently. This 1/3 module is added. The results of this has been improved plant outputs and more water pressure to put the water through the pipes.
2. Chloramine has been added and Henson Robinson is completing the work.
3. A change was made to use Henson Robinson to declorinate the water.
4. When pigging stations are added on, it should improve the flow from the wells. An extension is still in place to get the pigging stations done, and the bids are being put out now for the companies to apply.
5. The three commissioners at the SSWC will be meeting together on Wednesday, September 25, 2018 to prioritize the work to be done, and the meeting should be posted on the Village of Chatham Municipal Hall door.
6. By the end of August there will be an operator superintendent in place.
7. There is currently a Woodard-Curran employee running the plant and that employee will be staying on after August 31, 2018. That employee is not licensed. Another employee will be hired on.
8. There will be a plant engineering evaluation done soon and is being scheduled. The evaluation occurs every four years and the EPA is aware of this occurring. The only negative aspect currently is that there is an unfunded mandate (e-manifest system) for waste products. There is only one run manifest now a day which costs $10.00 to dispose of waste.
Trustee Gerger asked Lee Bloome if the meeting for SSWC could be held in Chatham in the future and Mr. Bloome stated that would be a possibility, but no decision will be made until after August 31, 2018. Trustee Gerger also asked about getting the paperwork about Chatham's debt allocation and Mr. Bloome said this information is in the last audit of the SSWC.
Trustee Mann stated to Lee Bloome that the Utility Oversight Committee was formed for the purpose of having people available to help Lee out with his work to solve problems. Mr. Bloome said the future invoices for services and supplies will be coming to the Village of Chatham after the August 31 date. This will involve more work within the Chatham accounting department.
Public Comments Village Business - Jeff Greer commented that he wishes there was a website that posted ordinances, etc. for the public to see and read.
Mr. Bloome stated he would like to see it happen in the future.
4. Closing
Adjournment - Trustee Mann motioned to adjourn the meeting and this was seconded by Paul Pachelhofer. All others voiced approval. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.