Village of Mechanisburg Board met July 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Pledge of Allegiance
Calling of the Roll
Mayor VanPelt Present; Trustee Metcalf Present
Trustee Boles Present; Trustee Mosley Absent
Trustee Burgener Present; Clerk Billbe Present
Trustee Conn Present; Treasurer Lewis Present
Trustee Hohimer Present
Recognition of Visitors:
Austen Etherton was in attendance to discuss with the board establishing it’s own account with the rock quarry used by the township. By establishing an account for the Village of
Mechanicsburg it will eliminate unnecessary steps for the township in paying for the rock on behalf of the village.
Austen informed the board that the salt shed that will be used by the township to store salt is now complete. The payment due for the village is approximately $3,450, which is split amongst
Mechaniscburg Township, Village of Mechanicsburg and Lanesville Township. An Intergovernmental Agreement will need to be prepared once the village has received exact details from the township.
Engineering Report: Phil Wheeler- Road repairs for 2 nd Cross are still out to bid. Initially the length given to Dunn and IRC were longer than it needed to be. The original bid received from Dunn was $21,600 but he is awaiting the revised bid from them. The sealcoat bid from IRC is $18,000.
Zoning Report: Dorothy Cole- No report.
Police Report: Stats reviewed and discussed.
Approval of Minutes: The board approved the June 4th regular Board Meeting Minutes.
1 st Motion: Trustee Conn 2 nd Motion: Trustee Burgener
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Burgener
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
Treasurer’s Report: The board approved to pay the monthly bills.
1 st Motion: Trustee Metcalf 2 nd Motion: Trustee Hohimer
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Burgener
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
1. Board approval of Ordinance VOM-2018-003 Annual Budget.
1 st Motion: Trustee Metcalf 2 nd Motion: Trustee Boles
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Burgener
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
2. Discussion/Approval of road repairs at 2 nd Cross Street in the amount of $41,000. This discussion has been tabled due to the need to develop a resolution when a super majority of board members are present.
3. Discussion/Approval of establishing an account for the Village of Mechanicsburg at the rock quarry utilized by the township for rock used in the village.
1 st Motion: Trustee Hohimer 2 nd Motion: Trustee Burgener
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Burgener
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
4. Discussion/Approval of Police Commission recommendation to hire full-time police officer with agreement to send officer to academy training in October.
1 st Motion: Trustee Hohimer 2 nd Motion: Trustee Burgener
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Burgener
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
5. Discussion/Approval of streets in need of repairs to be done by the township. The board recommended that the township complete the repairs within the Griffith’s Creek Subdivision and begin repairs in the Hillcrest Subdivision.
6. Discussion/Approval of landscaping at the entrance of Griffith’s Creek Subdivision. Mr. Charlie Tackett has given the board a picture of said landscaping and stated that there are trees that have been damaged and or in need of being replaced. The cost given by Mr. Tackett is $2,993.21 for replacement of the trees. The board tabled this discussion until the August board meeting to allow board members as well as the mayor to view the damaged trees in person.
1 st Motion: Trustee Hohimer 2 nd Motion: Trustee Burgener
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Burgener
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed