City of Atlanta Council met Aug. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday August 7, 2018 at the Atlanta City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fred Finchum at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Halley, Eimer, Young, Finchum, McVey and Cheek were present.
Motion by Cheek second by Finchum to approve the minutes as presented.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Motion by Halley second by McVey to pay all bills as approved by their respected chairman or as far as money allows.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Mary Hill was present and asked if tornado siren went off. She also asked if everyone was aware of the Economic Development Joint Review Board meeting that was held on August 2nd.
Eric Hill brought up the reduction of the Golf Cart fee.
Randy Brooks reported that Golf Course is getting ready for the Firemen’s outing this weekend. And have 2 outings scheduled for August 25th.
Chief Eimer was present to go over Police activity. Working on City ordinance violations. Chief has hired a new part-time police officer to work nights and weekends.
The attorney stated that ordinance violations usually do not go to attorney unless the homeowners do not comply. Homeowners are given quite a few notices before action is taken.
He also clarified the information in the contract with the City and Jacob & Klein Associates with regard to giving notice of ending that contract within the specified time frame.
The Mayor brought up the work being done at the trailer park. The clean-up continues, and good progress is being made.
The Mayor brought the Golf Cart Permit fee and ordinance. Chief Eimer has investigated other villages and cities with regard to price.
Alderman Young asked about clarification on Rt.66.
Alderman McVey asked for clarification from Chief Eimer that it is illegal to drive Golf Carts on a state highway. Chief Eimer stated that it is indeed, illegal to drive a Golf Cart on a state highway.
Alderman Eimer states he thinks making some exceptions for veterans or disabled citizen is a good idea.
Motion by Eimer second by Young to leave the fee at $100 and reduce it by $25 for veterans.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The Mayor handed out some informational packets regarding school safety. There is only resource officer for all schools. This was turned over to the Police Chiefs in those 3 towns and they will work together for a solution.
The Mayor brought up the Operating Permit for Well #10. It has passed all tests and the permit application has been submitted.
The Mayor brought up the Purple Heart Day Ceremony was tonight in Lincoln.
The Mayor went back to the subject of the Joint Solid Waste Agency and at the last meeting it was decided that there would be no renewal notices sent out to communities.
The recycle services our community uses now will no longer be available after December 1st. The Mayor will do some research on how to progress with recycling in our community.
Alderman Young brought up the way the minutes were written from June 26th, he stated the minutes needed to be read more carefully before approving.
Alderman Eimer brought up the local churches are putting together a local fund-raising event for school supplies. Also stated that there were approximately 90 kids at the VBS this year.
Alderman Halley stated that the reason she voted no on the Golf Cart motion was because she feels it still needs some work.
Alderman Halley also asked if it was possible to get a clear definition of when the storm sirens are to go off. Chief Eimer stated he would ask the Rescue Chief to come and explain it to the council.
Motion by Cheek second by Eimer to adjourn the meeting.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm