City of Atlanta Council met Dec. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday December 4, 2018 at the Atlanta City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fred Finchum at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Eimer, Young, McVey, Cheek and Finchum were present. Halley was absent.
Motion by Cheek second by Finchum to approve the minutes as presented.
Halley-A Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Halley entered the meeting at 7:35pm
Motion by McVey second by Eimer to pay all bills as approved by their respected chairman or as far as money allows.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
George Menken commented on the reason for Executive Session was incorrect. Menken also commented on amount of money spent on the Golf Course for operations. He felt that the City had spent too much.
Alan Grigg submitting a petition pursuant to IL Election code to put a referendum on the April ballot, stating Should Atlanta purchase North Greens Golf Course with an answer of yes or no.
Officer Griffin reported that the Police Dept was investigating a sexual assault case. And there has been some juvenile activity regarding cutting Christmas lights and knocking on doors.
The City Attorney reported that the City could issue a special event permit pertaining to the library property due to the Library having Dram Shop Insurance.
The Council took up the 2018 Tax Levy. The recommended levy was down by $7,643.
Motion by McVey second by Cheek to accept the Tax Levy Ordinance as presented.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-no McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The Attorney reported on potential conflict of interest. Disclosures was gone over and requirements of the council pertaining to any member of the council that has more than 7 1/2 percent interest of the ownership of that Golf Course.
Motion by McVey second by Finchum to enter executive session to discuss the lease of the Golf Course property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 c 5
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-Abstain Cheek-yes
Young- yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The council re-entered regular session.
Alderwoman Finchum recommended that the Dept. Heads put together a Christmas party or dinner for their employees.
Alderman Eimer praised everyone involved in the Tree Lighting ceremony. Weather did not cooperate but otherwise successful event.
Motion by McVey second by Cheek to adjourn the meeting.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm