City of Springfield City Council met Feb. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Langfelder called the February 13, 2019 special meeting of the Springfield City Council to order at 5:15 PM. He invited everyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Langfelder asked for a moment of silence for the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue. Clerk Lesko took the roll call of members.
PRESENT: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor Alderwoman Turner, Alderman Fulgenzi, Alderman Proctor, Alderwoman DiCenso via phone, Alderman McMenamin, Alderman Theilen, Alderman Donelan, Alderman Hanauer and Mayor Langfelder
Clerk Lesko announced there was a quorum for a meeting.
Next, agenda item 2019-088 An ordinance authorizing the amount of $1,200,000.00 for road infrastructure improvements to JNB Springfield, LP and Rock Island Economic Growth Corporation utilizing Far East Tax Increment Finance Funds for the Poplar Street Redevelopment Project for the Office of Planning and Economic Development.
Alderwoman Turner made a motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Alderman Redpath seconded the motion.
Alderwoman Turner made a motion to amend the agenda item to replace all references to Poplar Place with Livingstone Homes formally known as Poplar Place in the ordinance. Alderman McMenamin seconded the motion. The motion passed on voice vote of 10-0.
Alderwoman Turner said that she was working on this for the last eight years, and they finally have a developer that will work on this project. This money will be used to fixing the roads and is done in conjunction with the entire development. Once the project is complete the roads will be fixed with these funds.
The motion to pass the amended agenda item passed on a vote of 10-0 voting yes: Alderman Redpath, Alderman Senor, Alderwoman Turner, Alderman Fulgenzi, Alderman Proctor, Alderwoman DiCenso, Alderman McMenamin, Alderman Theilen, Alderman Donelan, Alderman Hanauer and Mayor Langfelder
Next, Mayor Langfelder entertain a motion to suspend the rules and place on first reading agenda item 2019-091 an ordinance authorizing execution of supplemental 2 agreement number JT604- 014 and job number C-96-523-04 with the State of Illinois Department of Transportation for jurisdiction transfer of FAU610 and FAU AD74 MacArthur Boulevard for the Office of Public Works, Alderman Thelien made the motion to place on first reading Alderman Fulgenzi second the motion.
Alderman McMenamin said that the representative from the MacArthur Boulevard Association would like to speak on this agenda item, but cannot be here tonight. They are in favor of development. The reason for the transfer of the road is because the State doesn’t allow for curb cuts and the MBA thinks there will be development with the IDOT standard and would like to see the same rules up and down all of the MacArthur Boulevard.
The motion passed on a voice vote of 10-0
Next, Mayor Langfelder entertained a motion for adjournment. The motion was made by Alderman Redpath and seconded by Alderwomen Turner and DiCenso. The motion passed on a voice vote of 10-0. The February 13, 2019 Special City Council Meeting adjourned at 5:38 PM