City of Atlanta Council met Feb. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday February 19, 2019 at the Atlanta City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Billie Cheek at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Eimer, Young, Finchum, Cheek, and McVey were present.
Halley was absent.
Motion by Finchum second by Eimer to approve the minutes as presented.
Halley-A Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
George Menken asked about a FOIA request that was not fulfilled properly. This was explained by the clerk.
The City Attorney suggested that the City might want to look into hiring more help for the office due to FOIA requests possibly interfering with day to day operations.
Mayor Pro-Tem Cheek brought up an Ordinance authorizing borrowing funds for the Golf Course in the amount of $210,000.
Motion by McVey second by Finchum to approve the Ordinance as presented to borrow funds in the amount of $210,000 for the purchase of the Golf Course.
Halley-Absent Finchum-yes
Eimer-Abstain Cheek-yes
Young-No McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Motion by McVey second by Eimer to pay all bills as approved by their respected chairman or as far as money allows.
Halley-A Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Alderman Eimer asked about the need for additional help to handle FOIA requests. This will be checked into further.
Motion by Finchum second by Eimer to adjourn the meeting.
Halley-A Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm