Village of Williamsville Village Board met April 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Town Hall/board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Yokley. Clerk: Karen Winger. Trustees: Dave Carter, John Brennan, Heather Hofferkamp, Patrick Gettleman, Skylar Tierney, Matt Bunger.
GUESTS: See attached list.
Mrs. Jennifer Smith and FFA students attended the board meeting. They thanked the Village for allowing them to plant their bean plot last year. They stated it produced approximately 1200 bushels, which resulted in $7,966.51. The money allowed them to fund their own money needed for the FFA convention, instead of the FFA Alumni’s funds. The money also allows them to send students to more contests which allows students to be more involved.
The Village Board congratulated Konrad Powell on placing 1st at State for his FFA Proficiencies.
COMMUNICATIONS: President Yokley complimented the Public Works Department on the all work they have done on Main Street. He also complimented them on all the clean up work they have completed around town.
Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on March 25, 2019. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
FINANCE: Trustee Tierney made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Tierney made a motion to pass Resolution # 2019-02, MFT Resolution for 2018. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
Trustee Tierney thanked the coaches and volunteers who helped with the baseball clean up. He stated there are over two hundred kids signed up for baseball this year.
PUBLIC SAFETY (John Brennan): Trustee Brennan discussed a quote from Braniff Communications Inc. for maintenance on our tornado sirens in the amount of $1,980.20. Griffin Tower no longer services the sirens. Trustee Carter seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried. Braniff Communications will inspect all five sirens.
Trustee Brennan stated the Police Department has received a $750 grant/donation from Country Financial. He stated the funds will be used to purchase three first-aid kits for the squad vehicles. Also, some of the funds will be used to maintain our AED’s and support the opioid prevention, Narcan. The Village appreciates the grant/donation that was received from Country Financial.
Randy Segatto mentioned he has been contacted by Pat Sheehan regarding Spaulding Police Department wanting to create an Administrative Hearing Team. Trustee Brennan will look into the details a little further.
WATER & SEWER, (Matt Bunger): Trustee Bunger stated CWLP has contacted Kevin Kuhn to request information regarding the Andrew Water Main Extension project.
Trustee Bunger stated a committee meeting for April 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the water main extension north of town.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp stated Speedway is supposed to break ground, when weather permits.
Trustee Hofferkamp stated her committee met with Whistle Stop regarding their TIF application to clarify some things. Now, the Village is just waiting on documentation from Whistle Stop.
Trustee Hofferkamp stated her committee will be looking at different ways to support our local businesses, possibly by tying the information into our newsletter. She stated we may let them put coupons in the newsletter, or coupons on Bullets Bulletin Board.
She will create a letter to send to the businesses notifying them.
Trustee Hofferkamp stated she has found a company who is willing to create a bid for our Community Center improvement project.
PARKS & RECREATION (Dave Carter): Trustee Carter thanked Kent Thompson and his employees for the clean-up. Trustee Carter stated he would like to have concrete poured under all the bleachers at the park and up to the fence line behind home plate. This is to benefit the handicapped, and for easier clean-up.
President Yokley stated there were approximately 250-300 people at the park for the Healthy Kids Run. He also stated that approximately 200 kids are signed up for baseball. He stated it was nice to see the park so utilized.
STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS & STORM SEWERS (Patrick Gettleman): Trustee Gettleman stated the topic of sump pump discharge has been discussed lately. Trustee Gettleman stated they will be reviewing the ordinance regarding that. He stated there may possibly be some changes that need to be made to it.
ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve the revised board meeting schedule. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 6:50 p.m.