City of Atlanta City Council met June 4.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday June 4, 2019 at the Atlanta City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor McVey at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Colaw, Thomas, Young, Dreyer and Cheek were present. Evans was absent.
Motion by Cheek second by Young to approve the minutes with revisions made.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A
Motion Carries.
Motion by Thomas second by Dreyer to pay all bills as approved by their respected chairman or as far as money allows.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A
Motion Carries.
Mary Hill commented that the recycling bin was full again. Area Disposal will be contacted.
Melanie Blankenship asked if the city was going to move to a budget process. She had asked this before.
Randy Brooks reported that the Golf Course was busy over the weekend. There are a couple of outings scheduled in June as well as a fund-raising event for the Library.
Chief Eimer reported that the police vehicle was in and was being outfitted.
Keith Gardner addressed the issue of a new sound system. This was being checked into and options were being looked at.
He also brought up that there a few street signs missing and need to be replaced. We will need to order new signs that meet the new standards.
Bob Kolhase was present to address a couple of areas. He went over work done for the commercial subdivision and updated the council on work done to date on the engineering side. The next few steps were outlined. Water mains, sewer and street work will have to be done soon. Permits were being secured for construction. Alderman Young asked several questions regarding drainage in the area.
Invoices for the commercial subdivision permitting and design were presented and explained.
He then brought up the water project and went over the updated well and treatment system. Final bills were presented for the well and system updates.
Upgrades were explained to the council so they would have a better idea of the work that had been done.
Motion by Colaw second by Cheek to pay the Water main and Well close out and IEPA Compliance cost in the amount of $157,048.35 and the invoices for the commercial subdivision in the amount of $32,990.14
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A
Motion Carries.
The Mayor reported on Nitrite and Arsenic levels which were well below EPA requirements.
The council discussed the Harvest Host program.
Motion by Colaw second by Cheek to participate in the Harvest Host program.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-Abstain Cheek-yes
Young-No Evans-A
Motion Carries.
The Council reviewed the 2019 Appropriation Ordinance. Young asked if the TIF needed to be part of the ordinance. He was concerned about increased taxes.
Motion by Thomas second by Cheek to approve the Appropriation Ordinance as presented.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-No Evans-A
Motion Carries.
The Mayor brought up a proposed zoning change request by Todd Little.
Chairman Colaw reported that the Planning Commission had approved the change.
Motion by Young second by Cheek to approve the change in Zoning.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A Motion Carries
The attorney reported that he hoped that a closing date should be secured in a couple of weeks on the Interstate property.
Alderwoman Thomas stated how important it is to bring visitors and tourism to Atlanta.
Alderman Young asked that no parking signs need to be larger so they could be seen. Also, he brought up work that needed to be done on some brick work around the lights.
The Mayor felt that the City employees had done a good job with the clean-up after the storm.
He also reported that the irrigator problem at the McKown property had been fixed.
Work is being done to provide swimming lessons at the pool.
The Mayor brought up the mower replacement situation. The City’s mower will be fixed for $1200 to $1500 and the loner being used could be purchased for a reasonable amount.
Motion by Cheek second by Dreyer to adjourn the meeting.
Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes
Thomas-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes Evans-A Motion Carries
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm