Riverton Village Board of Trustees met June 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Riverton held their regular board meeting on June 3rd, 2019 at the Riverton Village Hall, Riverton, IL.
The board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Those answering roll call: Mayor Tom Rader. Trustees: Russ Patrick, Dave Charles,Ginger Payne, Joe Bartley, Jim Mileham,Michelle Landess.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve May 20th meeting minutes and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Landess. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley,Mileham and Landess voted yes.
People to Address the Board
Old Business
No old business
New Business
Spoke about three dangerous buildings in the area. They were inspected and public health went out and inspected one of the three buildings and found the same issues. The three buildings were sent to Don Craven so he could contact the property owners to proceed with what needs to be done under our dangerous building ordinance. It was motioned by Trustee Bartley, and seconded by Trustee Payne. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley,Mileham and Landess voted yes.
Superintendent Lyons was not in attendance
Chief of Police reported officers Yeamen and summerson will be attending a class on investigation and prosecution of domestic violence. Officer Peterson will be attending a 4 day class on rapid deployment instructor.Curfews for 16 and under must be in by 11 Sunday thru Thursday , midnight on Friday and Saturday. If they are driving under 18 they must be in by 10 Sunday thru Thurday and 11 Friday and Saturday. Parks close at 10.
Upcoming events- Neighborhood watch meeting Tuesday June 4th at 6pm, Village garage sale June 7th and 8th, Village fishing derby june 14th &15th 8-12.
Office Manager Patterson had nothing to report.
Treasurer Baker had nothing to report.
Committee Reports
Trustee Landess, chairman of the Administrative Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Mileham chairman of the Public Safety Committee had nothing to report.
Trustee Patrick, chairman of the Public Utility Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Charles, chairman of the Parks Committee mentioned no parking in grass at the ball fields.
Trustee Payne, chairman of the Public Works Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Bartley, chairman of the Economic Development Committee, had nothing to report.
Mayor Rader would like to thank everyone for all the donations for the fishing derby. Representative Butler will be here August 10.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to go into closed session at 7:10. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley,Mileham and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to go back in open session at 9:16 Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley,Mileham and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at9:17. Trustee Patrick seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley,Mileham and Landess voted yes.